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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. Hermes Magic Ring Enchantment
  2. Astral Projection Control
  3. Falling Spell
  4. Courage Enchantment
  5. Change Eye Color
  6. Magical Creature
  7. Spell to return your identity back.
  8. Changing Identity
  9. Eye Colour Spell
  10. Well Being Spell

#2441 - Hermes Magic Ring Enchantment

This empowers a ring, making it magical.
You may need:

  • Stones
  • Ring
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Green candle
  • Lighter
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    You may need:

  • Stones
  • Ring
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Green candle
  • Lighter
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    Build a cairn, a small pyramid of stones. This summons hermes/mercury. Write a brief explanation of what functions you want the ring to serve. Place the paper on the top of the stones and the ring on top of the paper. Dedicate a green candle to mercury and request his blessings and assistance. Once the candle has burned down pay attention to the conversations around you when you’ve overheard a stranger or child utter something affirmative like "go ahead" or "the times right" you will know the ring has been activated.

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    Last edited on Sep 28, 2015
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    #2442 - Astral Projection Control

    Learn to Control being in Astral Form
    You may need:

  • Being Psychic or
  • Regular Person
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    You may need:

  • Being Psychic or
  • Regular Person
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    Visual Exercise : (Astral Projection)

    Section One : Interstellar Travel

    Step 1:
    I want you to get comfortable and relax.

    Step 2:
    Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of your physical body and see your visual body transforming into the light being.

    Step 3:
    Then prepare your visual body for interstellar travel.

    Step 4:
    Then hold out your right hand and project a porthole just in front of your visual body like you did in the section on light energy portholes.

    Step 5:
    Next focus your mind on travelling to the destination at the top.

    Step 6:
    Then see your visual body walking into the porthole.

    Step 7:
    Then see the porthole opening at the destination and see your visual body walking out of the porthole.

    Step 8:
    Then hold out your hand again and draw the porthole back into your hand like you did in the section on light energy portholes.

    Step 9:
    Then look around and take notes on what you see on the surface of that planet while you are there.

    Section Two : Planetary Detection Rapid

    Step 1:
    Now I want you to construct a illusional energy rapid around the centre of your visual body.

    Step 2:
    Then telepathically instruct the detection ring to expand out and seek out any planets or moons in that solar system or star system.

    Step 3:
    As the interstellar detection rapid expands telepathically instruct the energy rapid to make an energy wave if it hits an planetary object as it expands out.

    Step 4:
    Now if the energy rapid activates a wave teleport your visual body out to the point were the energy wave happened in that solar system or star system and see if there is a planet or moon in that area. If there is a planet or moon make a note of it for mapping when you return to earth.

    Step 5:
    When you have finished mapping that solar system or star system draw the energy ring back into your hands in the usual way.

    Step 6:
    Then teleport your visual body back to earth in front of your physical body and see your visual body returning to normal. Then open your eyes and write down all of your findings.

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    Last edited on Sep 27, 2015
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    #2443 - Falling Spell

    Will cause a person to fall.
    You may need:

  • Finger/Wand
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    You may need:

  • Finger/Wand
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    As you concentrate on a person you desire to fall, point at them with your finger/wand and say the following:

    "You will fall, as you can see. You will fall, instead of me".

    Wait a little bit until the person trips.

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    Last edited on Sep 12, 2015
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    #2444 - Courage Enchantment

    This spell worked for me... when I wore the necklace... it brought me courage. You need to be scared when you use it.
    You may need:

  • Any Necklace or Jewelry you can wear
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    You may need:

  • Any Necklace or Jewelry you can wear
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    First... cast a circle and then purify it. Second you must transfer energy into the object in question and then begin manipulating it to give courage. Chant while doing so: The meek are weak give me strength courage boundless courage to do things I wouldn't normally do no matter what it is. Note: Please do not use this to give you courage to commit suicide... I have enough problems NOT knowing I have blood on my hands.

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    #2445 - Change Eye Color

    Want change your eye color? Here's the trick.
    You may need:

  • 1 Orange Candle
  • 1 Pink Candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Orange Candle
  • 1 Pink Candle
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    Make sure it is night. Light the candles and concentrate for some time. (You must hae complete focus on the spell only). Picture the color of your eyes for 5 minutes. Then picture the color that you want. Then chant:

    ''Become of me''.

    Repeat this whole process 2 times and you will see changes in the day.

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    #2446 - Magical Creature

    Want to be a faery, or some other magical creature? Use this spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine the create you want to be in your mind as you chant: "Power of the creatures rise. Make my form the one I realize. Twist my form and make me feel- like I am a magical creature, real!".

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    #2447 - Spell to return your identity back.

    You have changed your identity and now you want to get it back.
    You may need:

  • Not needed.
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    You may need:

  • Not needed.
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    You only have to say the spell and you will have yourself back to normal again.
    ''I call upon this hour
    to get me a magical shower,
    give the identity back to me,
    so that the world can see
    who may I realy be''

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    #2448 - Changing Identity

    Don't want to be recognized from the people surrounding you? Use this spell to change your identity.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    All you have to do to change your identity is to imagine your own look that you want to show the people. Only the members of your family will see you the way you really are. You say these words:

    "I call upon the ancient powers in this hour to give us new look. Hide us/me all from falling into the wrong hands. I must not fail".

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    Last edited on Aug 24, 2015
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    #2449 - Eye Colour Spell

    if you want to change your eye color your wellcome to use this spell
    You may need:

  • white candles
  • matches/a lighter
  • all white clothes
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    You may need:

  • white candles
  • matches/a lighter
  • all white clothes
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    In a dark place, or at night, set two parallel rows of candles, width the space of your outstretched arm, for about 20 to 30 feet, about a foot between candles. they must be white candles, fresh and never used before. after the approximately 20 feet, make a circle of candles, with circumference the same as the width of your arms outstretched. the circle must be southern most.
    Light all the candles except a few between the ''path'' between rows. hold with you a white candle, lit, same as the others. you must also be wearing all white clothes. light the candles, and after doing so, kneel before the path, to the south, and ask for a blessing from the gods for your spell. Walk with the lit candle slowly until you get to the circle, stepping over the unlit ones, turn, now facing the north, and light the candles that were unlit. (ideally 3 there) blow out the candle in your hands, and look at the smoke it makes, feeling your old eye color float away with it. you can sit or stand at this point, in whatever direction feels comfortable.

    Close your eyes, and feel with your spirit all the candles of the circle, and the path. focus the light in your eyes, and shift it to the color you want your eyes. when you feel the color staying, and a feeling of completeness, open your eyes. blow out the 3 candles to your north, and exit the circle. Use the candle that you walked with to relight the 3 candles, and blow it out once more. walk down the path feeling the power around you, until you get out of the path. kneel once more to the south, and thank the gods for their attendance, and one by one, in the order you lit them, extinguish the candles

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    #2450 - Well Being Spell

    When you have been sick, but are beginning to feel better, this is a good spell to cast.
    You may need:

  • 1 white or pink image candle
  • powdered rose petals
  • push-pin thumbtack
  • Star Oil (see bellow in the bottom of the spell instructions the method of preperation of this oil)
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    You may need:

  • 1 white or pink image candle
  • powdered rose petals
  • push-pin thumbtack
  • Star Oil (see bellow in the bottom of the spell instructions the method of preperation of this oil)
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    When you have been sick, but are beginning to feel better, this is a good spell to cast.
    It is energizing and will leave you feeling healthier than when you began. For periodic maintenance, you may want to use the spell twice a year.
    Carve your name, or that of the person for whom you are casting the spell, onto the candle. Anoint the candle with the oil and sprinkle with powdered rose petals. Raise energy and focus on general well being as you charge the candle. Burn under the waxing moon, chanting:

    Earth, Air, Fire, Water
    Peace, Health, Joy, Laughter.

    Peak the energy and let it fly out to the universe. Let the candle burn completely.

    (If you use runes you may also carve Sigel, Flame, and Caduceus in the wax before anointing the candle with oil.)


    take 1/4 ounce almond oil
    mix it with 10 drops of lemon oil
    7 drops jasmine oil
    7 drops rosemary oil!
    17 drops chamomile oil
    and 5 drops sandalwood oil! here you go - wualah=)

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    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters