2481 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Develop Aerokinesis
- Psycho Kinesis Pill to develope fully 100% In an hour or more
- Forming into Vampire 1
- Vampire No More
- Abdominal Change
- Workout
- Pre-Workout spell
- Breathe underwater
- Eye Color Changing
- Reformed Recipe to Grow your wings
#2321 - Develop Aerokinesis
Put the salt sprinkled in a circle aroung the mixing bowl.
And chant this spell to magick-bless it:
"This salt of my fault,
shall be set to de-fault.
So bless it be."
Now rub your finger aroun and aroung in the blessed salt. then pour some into the mixing bowl, and eat the other part of the rest of salt left.
Now were gonna magick-spell cast on the sugar to put an affect on it
"This sugar I guess,
shall be lugar,
So be blessed."
And mix the recipe items up with your finger or mind...in the bowl.
Then slowly drink it. After done drinking it, light the candle and chant "So mote it be" 10 times.
#2322 - Psycho Kinesis Pill to develope fully 100% In an hour or more
spread the ice cubes in a circle in a freezer.
sprinkle 2 tea spoon of sugar in ice cubes.
take tea spoon of salt and cheese.
Eat them.
mix up the alcohol in the rest of the sugar and put it in the glass.
stir the the recipe aroung in the cup.
add the ice cubes, then drink all of it, and goto sleep. (for extra power of magick)
-By ExxFruit34
#2323 - Forming into Vampire 1
Start to see sparks of FLYING ENERGY coming from your open mind.
With the tooth pick, vizulize it embracing you, inside YOUR mouth.
Vizulize it as a set-pair of fangs.
On the paper, set the glass bottle on.
Look inside the glass bottle.
Now take the nive and place it on your arm.
Then chant this IN the glass bottle so that it will be loud enough,
spirits may here your wish:
''Spirits I call,
Rigth from a hall,
Make my wish come
true, is a please,
It's a delight,
I need!''
Then you may feel REAL paranormal activity, AROUND YOU!
May cause tooth-akes
Become Dizzy; Faint
Pale Skin; Cold Skin
Please let me know this spell has caused NO GOOD right away if it does, and I'll post a fix-it spell.
#2324 - Vampire No More
Light the candle and put the picture of u and fangs in the candle to burn for a while. Draw cross on head and draw pentacle on head. "x" out the pentacle. Now take the pentacle off the best you can. Leave the cross on 100% then simply chant:
"Realese me from vamprism, please go be,
I don't wanna be a vampire, tranform me
with this candle fire. Please take place
from day nor night, make the fangs go away
from this light. convert me to a human now,
on earth and life's surface, in another way,
i wish i knew how. so mote it be"
#2325 - Abdominal Change
Take the stone and dip it three times in the warm water, run it UP and DOWN your mid section as many times as you want. while in the duration of rubbing the stone chant:
"The solidarity of this rock will take hold of my stomach and transform it, into my own image."
If you want to do the opposite of this spell, take a ball of any dough, dip it in cool water. Rub it DOWN and UP your middle and chant:
"This dough will take hold of me and put my stomach under siege, and will transform it into my own image."
Caution: The more you rub, the more the spell effect will be. So for a major change rub fast, for a minor rub slowly. Oh, and also, the magic can take a few days to start seeing results.
#2326 - Workout
Simply pour the glass of water on any part of the body you used during your workout and chant:"This water binds me with the elements to become more powerful than before." Chant three times and do it within 30 minutes after your workout.
#2327 - Pre-Workout spell
#2328 - Breathe underwater
Spell to breathe on land: I am done being a fish thank you for granting my wish fish is not my favorite dish so mote it be
WARNING! When in lakes or oceans be careful with the other animals you meet some of them may hurt, threaten, atack or eat you
WARNING! If you want to keep the invisible gills too much the reverse spell wont work
#2329 - Eye Color Changing
Close your eyes and put your hands to your eyes. With your eyes closed and hands against your eyes, imagine your now eye color flowing into your hands, slowly being replaced by a bright white light. Now wipe your hands and imagine a pool of water with the color you want your eyes to be. Dip your hands in the pool and put your hands up to your eyes. Slowly replace the light with that color.
The candle is used to concentrate.
The more you concentrate the longer it will stay.
#2330 - Reformed Recipe to Grow your wings
While taking a hot shower, close your eyes and visualizing unfurling your wings. Then Open your eyes after placing each hand over the tape and visualizing you flying anywhere you please. Light the candles and say, ''Oh Fire, Earth, Air, Water/And Spirit, I call to you in my crescent. I hold a wish I cherish higher than the moon. I wish to fly above ye Earth; I wish to soar in your Air; I wish to spread my wings and fly above Fire; and I wish to flutter above ye water. I wish more than Spirit flight.''
Now lift the wing feather (*See below) and hold it over your heart, stating: Make my wishes true. I Hold a father to my heart because it came from the bird that I envy. WIth wings of ( ) it soars make me like this bird: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, allow wings strong enough to carry me and yet stay hidden when I close them to my back. Human and Bird in one bound to my spirit. I offer to you, whom ever make make my wish true and that I will be forever loyal to you for giving me wings of your hawks and birds to fly with them and remain human at the same time. Like an angel. Thank you.''
Now sprinkle salt in the circle, giving thanks and reasons for flying with your own wings. It should come to the end if you run out of salt, or in the hurry (I did that so Mom would not yell at me for witchcraft, even though I'm the adult) Then dowse each candle with rain water and flush them out saying, ''Earth I release you from my ( ) in hopes you will spell me high into the hair like the bird. Air I release you from my ( ) In hopes you will catch me and hold me close to you. Fire I release you from my ( )in hopes you will use your heat to bring me aid in my goal and not pain. Water I release you from my ( ) in hopes you will cleanse my soul to make it light enough to fly. Spirit I release you from () in hopes you will make your being physical so I can fly in mind and body with wings of (color). You should have some rain water that you saved from the rain fall. What you do now is to mix the rain water with some salt mixed with shower water and boil it with the down feathers (if real) or if paper, cut off some downy part of the feather and boil it until it is weird soupy thing. (Just don't chow down on it but smear it on between your shoulder blades). Then wait 29.5 hours before washing it off in the shower. Place the rest in the small bottle on the necklance (fairy dust necklaces make good substitute) and string the feather on the necklace. Take the potion bottle necklace off when your wings grow but not the feather. My people used to wear feathers all of the time even in Western clothes (even if they were kicked out of Georgia and Tennessee and went to Oklahoma) If you find it weird, remember that Nathienel Boone once wore feathers in his clothes.
* Now for the feather part, certain feathers in the US are illegal to own unless you're Native American (AKA Pawnee, Cherokee, Apache, etc.) Other than that, have fun dying eagle feathers for the spell and having special color feathers from the turkey or goose wings. I know some people wet their pants about using feathers from birds, but some birds are protected by law for apparent reason.