1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- A Fairy for Your Garden
- Werewolf
- Dragon Awakening
- Turn into dog
- Conjuring the Mermaid Within You
- How to become a Vampire
- Dragon Calming Spell
- Fairy Spell
- Inu spell
- Albino Alicorn
#1071 - A Fairy for Your Garden
Write these words on a smooth rock:
"Fairies flitting to and fro
Bless this garden
Help it grow".
Place the rock in your garden. Put a few crumbs of cookies or cake in your garden. And put the doll size cup of root beer (fairy ale) beside the rock as an offering. Light the candle as it type used on birthday cakes. Drip a bit of melted wax on the rock to stick the candle on with.
Repeat the words on your mouth and toss a bit of gold glitter in the air. (a bit embarrassing but you are doing it in your garden alone so don't worry.) Sit with the candle until it goes out. If you are very still and very quiet, you may glimpse a fairy peeking at you between some leaves or behind a flower!
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1072 - Werewolf
Go into your basement or if there is a bombshelter near you go there now and bring a lighter a pen, a peace of paper, and a glass bottle. When you are in a basement or a bombshelter right down on the peace of paper:
Werewolf's come to this basement or bombshelter tomorrow night.
Now burn it then put it in the bottle while lit then close the cap then wait the next night then a werewolf will be there then when you see it go up to it let it attack you then you'll wake up dizzy and sick then after 1 or 2 weeks the transformation will be complete.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1073 - Dragon Awakening
First,to bless the water, go up to any tree that you think is special to you or the target of the spell,and run the water down the bark. .Be sure to catch it before it falls.
Then,you say the following words while throwing the water at the person,a few drops at a time: "Soul bound by invisible ropes,now break free from all that is mortal. Dragon trapped in iron bounds,break your chains to all that is alive."
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1074 - Turn into dog
Goddess of nature make me a dog and bide my fortune forever
side effects:
scratch a lot
Grow a lot of hair on body
Hair turns color
Skin turns pinkish
(also allows y to befriend ad talk to ds.)
Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1075 - Conjuring the Mermaid Within You
First,you lay the towels down.Through the spell, just think "i wish to be a mermaid/merman" Next, lay your shells down on the towels in a pattern you desire. Put the products for your body on the towel. Now if you are left handed,put it on the left,same for right handed.
Next you need to get the jar and put the herbs and water in it. Place the jar in the middle of the pattern. Put 1 drop of each product on the shells you feel are most special, then one of each in the jar.
Chant "Make me a mermaid to swim with the fish, let this me my one and only wish, to breathe under water, swim and have instinct, twice I will not have to think" Then, take a bath and pour the stuff in the jar in then when you are done,use the same towels from the spell to dry off with and lay all the shells on a windowsill.
Last edited on Apr 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1076 - How to become a Vampire
#1077 - Dragon Calming Spell
''Dragon dragon
I mean no harm
In peace and goodwill
I cast this charm''
The effects wear of in 10 to 15 mins depending on the size of the dragon
I have used this spell and it works for me. Contact me if it doesn't work.
#1078 - Fairy Spell
At 8:00a.m or p.m if you are to late to do it in the morning.go in the room and chant this
Goddes of air and wind
Please listen to my call
I wish to have it all
Wing and a wand you must
Don't forget the fairy dust
Grant me this within an hour
I wish to have this brilliant power!
They say visualize the color and kind of wings you want
Hope it works for you :D
#1079 - Inu spell
#1080 - Albino Alicorn
Light candles and say, "Lend me the wings of flight. Give me the horn to use magic. Light up the world" and burn the cinnamon in the candles.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.