1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Mermaid One Day
- Water Spell
- Vampire
- Bat Transformation
- How To Become a Immortal Vampire
- Fairy Wings
- Summon Undead Dragon
- How To Summon A Fairy
- Dragon Spell
- Alusul Vampire
#1211 - Mermaid One Day
Symbol must be necklace or bracelet. What you need to do is get into the water and your symbol with you not on you then say:
"Gods and goddesses of the sea
Listen now and here to my plea
I wish to be a mermaid
A truely magical being"
And then put the wet symbol on and say:
"Let this symbol transform me
Into a mermaid a magical being" t
When you get out of the water take off your symbol. Your symbol should only be worn when you get into water. Wait a day before getting back into water. If you did it right you should get your tail when you back into the water with your symbol on.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1212 - Water Spell
''Water,water,water, shine for me,
in my control you shall be,
the mystery you create be for me,
Water,water,water, shine for me!''
-Good Luck! contact me if it doesn't work!
#1213 - Vampire
Draw a pentacle. You will use this later.
"Oh gods and goddesses of vampires!
I wish to become a vampire within a week.
One who needs blood to survive.
One who has powers like speed,
Strength and mind control and so on.
One whose 5 senses have become
Better than a mere mortals.
I wish to become a vampire".
Grab your pentacle and place your hand on it and say:
"I will place my hand here
On this pentacle and chant my name 3 times
So you know who I am.
(Name) x3
I will chant vampire 3 times
So you know what I want to become.
Vampire x3.
I have said my name
Ask to be given these extra characteristics of a vampire.
I point to the first point of this pentacle
Which represents my eyes.
I ask for(color of eyes).
i point to the second point of the pentacle
Which represents my fangs.
I ask for(length of fangs).
I point to the third,fourth, and fifth point of the pentacle
Which represents my powers.
I ask for(powers you want better enhanced)"
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1214 - Bat Transformation
2. Color your bat how it's species looks.
3. Write down it's height next to it.
4. underline the height.
5.Fold hamburger style so you can't see the drawing,ONLY ONE FOLD.
6.Write it's info with a pencil/pen on either side
7. Fold hamburger style again so you can't see the words.
8. Write this and say it as you write it,aloud ''Bats,bats,bats,I wish to be a bat. I want to be a (type of bat) My fur color shall be (Color) and my eyes will be shining (color) ''God grant me my wish to be,I wish to be a bat. SO MOTE IT BE
9.fold paper hamburger again.
10. draw a pentagram on one side.
11.fold hamburger again.
12. Everynight for three nights before you sleep,chant ''God, please let me be the bat that I wish to be.'' Then chant: Bats, bats,bats I wish to be a bat. I want to be a (type of bat). My fur shall be (color), and my eyes will be shining (color). God, grant me my wish to be, I wish to be a bat. SO MOTE IT BE.
NOTE: Once you have chanted the three nights, you have sealed the deal and you cant start over.
You Can be any type of bat that you want.
Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1215 - How To Become a Immortal Vampire
Light each candle, then use the candle you first lit and light the others. Chant:
"Make me white as snow,
Dark as night.
Have the might within myself,
Come forth
Through thy pain".
Then burn picture with candles. Then chant:
"Eyes red, blood black,
Never again to go back.
So mote it be".
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1216 - Fairy Wings
Put all the candles in a circle the sit in a circle then slowly go a round in a circle. Spin once while standing up then after that sit and meditate. T then chant how ever many times you need to make your wings the the size and day you want them to grow:
"Please give me my wings
When (#) days are over.
My wings will be (color)
My eyes will be (color)
My hair will be (color).
All of these candles shall be me
When (#) days are over".
Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1217 - Summon Undead Dragon
Light the candles in front of you and say: "dracon n hal senso". If doesnt work you're just normal not magical.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1218 - How To Summon A Fairy
1st youll need to form a triangle with the ingredients the flower on the down left side the element on the down right and the candle on top of the ingrediants then chant:
"Little fairy shine so brightLittle fairy of the day and night
By the power of Fire,Water,Wind,Earth and Spirit
Iwish to summon you to this world
This is my will so mote it be. "
Do the spell at 12:00am cause its the middle of the night n the beggining of a new day
Warning:Evil fairies will be mean if you give them stuff with sugar and if they dont like you might have bad luck, they eat stuff with sour n they wont be all green n nature looking they will be dressed black and purple.
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1219 - Dragon Spell
#1220 - Alusul Vampire
Say these words at night:
"I see you now under the moonlight
I wish to be a vampire like one of you.
I wish to join the undead and be immortal.
Azulia proclamian:
This is my wish so mote it be"
Last edited on Jan 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.