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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1532 Fantasy Spells
1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. Become a Flower Fairy
  2. My mermaid spell
  3. Dragon Breath Exercise
  4. Vampire Enix Spell
  5. Draconic Wand
  6. Werewolf
  7. Become A Vampire
  8. How to become a Vampire
  9. Mermaid
  10. Letter to the Fae

#1341 - Become a Flower Fairy

This spell will make you like a flower fairy.
You may need:

  • Flower
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    You may need:

  • Flower
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    Hold a flower in your hand and close your eyes, imagining that you are a fairy. Say, "Oh, fairies. Make me one of you. I will get my wings in three days when I wake up". Open your eyes and let the flower fall.

    Added to on Jul 03, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 28, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1342 - My mermaid spell

    Your going too need alot of things to do this.(It's more powerful since I made it)
    You may need:

  • -My potion(See below)
  • -bath(Warm)
  • -Paper and pen
  • -Know medatation
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    You may need:

  • -My potion(See below)
  • -bath(Warm)
  • -Paper and pen
  • -Know medatation
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    1.How to make my potion.
    1st get a bowl.Then some seashells(small or large)
    get some purfume(Smells like the ocean.)and last a blue scented candle.
    Then some salt and water.
    2nd get some water and pour into bowl half-way.Then Put alot of salt and dump it in.Ok so now get the candle and place in the middle.(DO NOT LIGHT)You will see later.Get some kind of spoon and mix around gently.While spraying alot of purfume onto it.Lastly you will see that its a blue ish tint and put a sprinkle of sand in it and seashells.
    2.The spell
    Go and write down this on paper.
    Oh please,Great gentle mermaids and merman of the deep.Lisen close.I wish to what you are.A (Mermaid or merman).I beg you.I do.I belive. I would love to have the coler/Colers of( Tail coler ex.Neon green and black.Etc.) And wish that this ( neclace , braclet,Etc) Will be on me forever!And my power will be (Fire,Wind etc.)Also my loyal companion of the deep will be(Water animal)
    Please.I will not hurt but only love.
    Then put somewere near the tub will it will not get wet but readable.So keep your legs togather and it.Then get out and dry off.Medatate alone.When you are think only abount being one of them.Wake up then grab the potion and rub it all over your legs.
    3.Im not sure what the sideaffecs are.You will turn next full moon

    Added to on Jul 02, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1343 - Dragon Breath Exercise

    Exercise your mind with this powerful visualization.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    After meditation, exhale completely and comfortably. During your semi-slow inhale, envision tiny orbs of energy gathering toward your mouth (or nose). Feel yourself drawing them into your own energy. Once you have filled your lungs, exhale at leasure, but visualize a pillar of smoke (or whatever you like) bellowing from your mouth: this pillar takes form as a serpent-like dragon, as thick and long as you can manage in a reasonable exhale. This can be used for many things, be sure to ground the energy once you are done.

    Added to on Jul 02, 2012
    Last edited on May 24, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1344 - Vampire Enix Spell

    This spell will may make you become a Enix Vampire.
    You may need:

  • Blue candle
  • Nose blood
  • Cup with pentagram with the star
  • pure water
  • pic of you
  • moon
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    You may need:

  • Blue candle
  • Nose blood
  • Cup with pentagram with the star
  • pure water
  • pic of you
  • moon
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    Enix is a planet that i've created,
    it's an future Tv-show that i will play in
    with the role of Zac, so this spell makes you
    become a Enix vampire, that Enix actuallu exist.

    So first of all get into your house you must be alone,
    forget about everything you had learn at school and from
    your family, it's all bullshits anyway..
    so now your mind is clean of bullyshits so now get in front
    at a mirror with a table, in the table get a wicca-star cup,
    and light the blue candle, not light blue, blue or more darker blue,
    the more depp blue you'll use the more you will start to ger deeper
    your voice your vampire vision of life, and ect..
    so now leave the candle and get the other staff,
    get your blood from your nose no matter how much, but
    remember the more you add in Enix-world means also more,
    so more blood you had and more will be your hunger of blood,
    so put the blood you want in a plastic bag, like when you by those
    fishes, ok ? so you did add the blood on the plastic bag,
    so now get your picture you must make it only for this so,
    go in the photoshoot machine or print it from your computer,
    and now cut your pic of you just like your symbol will be,
    like a moon or anything ulse, this symbol must be new made,
    not something you used for something ulse, ok ?
    so now you did cut the symbol of your pic first to cut get a blue
    permanent marker and on the pic draw your sybol and after
    cut the draw just like you are cutting the symbol,
    so after you finished cutting put all the pieaces of
    pic inside your closed hand, so make 8 breaths and after
    frow the pieces in the plastic bag where blood is,
    so now close the bag and with the same permanent marker,
    and draw the same symbol on your hand, on left, where your veins
    are, so now blow the candle and burn the bag or simple
    get rid of it. Make sure it's destroyed and no one can read it,
    you must be do this spell when midnight starts with a moon in the
    sky. So if you do this spell you will be an half Enixian and Half
    Enixian-Vampires eat not pure blood oh and with the pure water
    wash your nose. They only eat pure blood when they feel to,
    so it's up to you, they eat alot of animal-meat blood and they
    make it a milkshake, sometimes they add some milk in the morning,
    and your lucky becouse you will become a immortal !
    You will change yourself soon you'll become a big dreamer,
    talented in singing and dancing, strong personality,
    and your dreams will change, you will have super-powers,
    and you will start to live the most of your days closed in
    your room living in a fantasy world and all about imagination.

    Added to on Jul 02, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1345 - Draconic Wand

    This is how I made my wand. This is wand is durable, and makes a great gift for someone who practices draconic spells and fire magick.
    You may need:

  • A branch no shorter than 12''
  • Fire
  • Ashes
  • A gem
  • Blood
  • Knife
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    You may need:

  • A branch no shorter than 12''
  • Fire
  • Ashes
  • A gem
  • Blood
  • Knife
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    Make a fire and then take your branch and roll it in the ash. Then say "Draconis enchenal magihl gemon enhan" (pronounced drae con is, N chen nal, ma Jill, gem on, N Han). Then wave the wand through the fire 3 times.

    Make a socket (with the knife) in the wood, and put your gem in (best in the handle) and coat the blood on the tip on the wand. Now say, "Enchenal draconis blodvel magihl" And you hold your new wand.

    Added to on Jul 01, 2012
    Last edited on May 24, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1346 - Werewolf

    In order to make this spell to work you need to believe that it will work to turn you into a werewolf.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    This is how you can become a werewolf: Go into your bedroom or bathroom and lock the door. Sit down in a comfortable position and chant: "Let me have fur of a wolf. Transform me whenever I want. Let me have control of my wolf form, and be the creature I desire. So mote it be".

    Side effects after spell:

    • •arms hurting
    • •legs hurting
    • •blurry vision
    • •blacking out

    Side effects after blacking out:

    • •vision more clear
    • •sense of smell
    • •balance is more better
    • •bladder controle is more better
    • •you can see farther

    Added to on Jun 30, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1347 - Become A Vampire

    Become a vampire with this spell.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • Something red to drink
  • 1 lighter
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • Something red to drink
  • 1 lighter
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    Take a lighter and light the candles. It must be around dusk or dawn to cast this spell. Drink the red drink and say: "Vampires red and vampires everywhere: I wish to become one of you make me one and make me all vampire".

    Side effects include

    • nausea
    • dizziness
    • fangs
    • fever
    • and headaches

    Added to on Jun 29, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1348 - How to become a Vampire

    Guide on how to become a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Blood
  • Badge
  • Element of Darkness
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    You may need:

  • Blood
  • Badge
  • Element of Darkness
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    Oh no you say. It is just another one of those stupid spells of how to become a vampire. You are wrong. This actually works, no spell involved. And please can no one be rude, because if you are here to be rude than you are a bad, bad person.

    1. Prick yourself with a badge (no need to put it on a candle or something)
    2. Let the blood run for a bit, then mop it up.
    3. Think all the dark thoughts in your mind you have
    4. Go to bed

    Over the next 3 days you should start to change, but actually feeling some difference can come in a while. First of all your canines become sharper (don't be expecting screwdrivers for teeth). Then you will start to feel things like a rough throat, thirst that can not be quenched, and sudden speed.

    When I say you need ''Element of Darkness'' I mean that you have to have a piece of dark soul. You can't be someone who runs around in fairy dresses wishing to be a mermaid. You have to think dark thoughts...

    Added to on Jun 29, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1349 - Mermaid

    Wanna be a mermaid? Use this spell.
    You may need:

  • Charm
  • Pool/Water
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    You may need:

  • Charm
  • Pool/Water
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    Hold your charm tight, And, get into pool. Chant:

    "Water dear, water dear
    I am normal, I am human
    I want to be your child, a fish.
    Make me a tail
    Make me invisible gills.
    A mermaid when wet
    A human when dry"

    Added to on Jun 28, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 22, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1350 - Letter to the Fae

    This is a spell to send a message to the fae around your home. It can be used in any way, to invite the fae or to just tell them something. It can be used for any kind of fae.
    You may need:

  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 pen or pencil
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    You may need:

  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 pen or pencil
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    Take the pen/pencil and paper and wirte a letter to whatever kind of fae you want to write to. Put whatever you want to say in your letter. Fold it up or make it into a scroll, then put it in a place where it's not likely to blow away, where it's unlikely for anyone else to find it (preferably hidden from view) and a place where your kind of fae will go.

    After a while, the letter should dissappear and then you will know that the fae got your letter. It's wise to leave some offerings to the fae as well, especially if you're inviting them.

    Added to on Jun 27, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 21, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters