1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Fairy Wings
- Real Mermaid
- Become a Drainer
- Mermaid Spell
- Control Over Your Wolf Side
- Complicated Fairy
- Consulting with Gnomes
- Wolf Man
- Immortality for Vampires
- Lycan
#731 - Fairy Wings
Get a glass full of water, stir in the food coloring of your choice. Pour out the water onto the ground while moving your hands in circular movements. Then chant:
"Fairy of the high sky please grow me wings the color -----."
Last edited on Aug 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#732 - Real Mermaid
Try saying this on a full moon or new moon or first quarter and carry aquamarine and moonstone with at all times until the spell is complete and have my tail and powers. Best would be saying the spell every full moon or what ever moon you chose to do the spell on.
"By the power of three times three make me what I wish to be, A MERMAID. With the power of hydrokinesis . Witches one, witches all, witches from North to South, East and West hear my wish. When I transform into a mermaid I will have a tail the color of teal. A long with this I shall have a bra that matches my tail. Gods and Goddess please hear my prayer. I will turn into a mermaid when I say "Flicker" three times and I will turn back into a human when I say " water" three times. When I am in the water, I will swim three times as fast. Also , I'll be able to hold my breath for at least a half hour in order to explore the depths of the water. Please Gods, Goddess,and Witches let this be me . so Mote This Be!"
Last edited on Apr 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#733 - Become a Drainer
This spell is not mine But I have edited it slightly and added a few tips since I see many people getting confused or even often doing it wrong, or not being aware of the proper side effects or the rules, and so on.
There is a few steps to do this. Now, don't leave now because I said you will have to be doing more work. This work helps you.
Step one: Study. After you study, you can perform the spell. To study, scroll down. Some general information before doing the spell.
General information on drainers
Supernaturals in general tend to get headaches a lot. This is often due to other supernaturals' energy, or energy in general.
You do not know what type of drainer you will end up as. You may use blood as a energy source, saliva (kissing), sexual intercourse, sound, heat, life-force, health, electricity, etc. You never know.
Not all drainers will end up as part or full enhancer using this spell, but some do. You may have signs of enhanced sight, smell, taste, hearing, sensing, or strength, speed, etc.
You may feel different. This is because your DNA is changing - you are carrying extra energy, absorbing extra energy, sensing energy, your abilities are settling in, etc.
This is TEMPORARY. It is physically impossible to permanently become a drainer, or anything, by a spell. The only other ways are rare and dangerous, often leading to death. (and no, you can't get turned by being bitten.)
This doesn't work for everyone. Also, this spell tends to work only ONCE per person.
Don't be childish. Don't use this spell because you think your cool, or because you think you will be superior and can kill others. Because most likely, you won't be able to kill anyone without physically murdering someone the normal way. --
The spell
Okay, you need this to be at night, the doors and any windows closed, the smaller the room is, the better. And you need to be ALONE. The full moon tends to be better due to the gravitational pull.
Sit down and get a large, thick candle. It can be any color, but personally, I recommend purple or white. Turn all the lights off, as well.
Now, focus on your energy, and imagine the outcome of you becoming a drainer. Don't imagine what kind of drainer you WANT to be, nor should you have an unrealistic version of a vampire (like, no reflection, fangs type of myth crap)
Chant the following ten times or more. You do not need to count. You can stop chanting until you feel necessary. And, light the candle. This spell works BEST With a candle, many who do not use a candle, it doesn't work for them.
"Blood red, pale skin,
Moonlight draw me in,
Quench my thirst, coarsing veins,
Let my body feel no pain."
Don't just suddenly expect that you know everything about vampires. Vampires do NOT burn in the sunlight, have no relation to garlic whatsoever, do not bite necks for blood, not all even 'feed' from blood, they can survive without blood, they are NOT IMMORTAL, neither are they dead.
Some will feed off of more concentrated forms of energy, this can be blood, saliva (kissing), sexual intercourse, etc. others will feed off of less concentrated forms of energy. This can be energy that is glucose-based, meaning the energy that makes you hyper, or energy to move, or energy that surrounds a supernatural's body that depends on one's abilities, it may be energy that involves the emotions - auras, or other energy such as heat, sound, electricity, souls/spirits, etc.
Signs of drainers
Here are some common characteristics of drainers. This may not apply to ALL types. You may have a strong disire, craving, obession, or stimulation to energy sources; this may be blood, sexual energies, sound, heat, soul, electricity, etc.
If you drain energies such as glucose-based energy, ability-based energy, auras, heat, life-force, health, etc. You may notice people often feel sick or tired around you often, especially done so when you touch them, often for a longer period of time.
Sunlight may hurt your eyes, but you can live without. this doesnt go with everyone. One, if you are part or full enhancer, this is why. Because your eyes are enhances and do not adjust well to the sunrays. two, you may have light colored eyes, like blue, grey or green eyes are more sensitive to the sunlight than others.
Your eye color change color. this isn't with everyone, and often, this wont change fully. However, we often see people who just think they see their eye change color, or mistaken the color changing due to lights like flashlights, or flasing lights off of a camera. Often, people mistake their pupils getting bigger to their eyes changing to black. This is often not the case.
You may get sick often, or feel sick often. Sometimes this may be headaches, nausea, dizzyness, lightheaded ness, etc. Often, this is due to not recieving a form of energy for a certain amount of time. the stronger the drainer, the longer they can last without a energy source. However, they can live without energy, they will NOT die from it.
After recieving your source of energy - blood, sex, kissing, heat, sound, etc. You may feel energized, or your abilities may be boosted. However, if youre abilities are boosted by blood, this doesn't mean you are a drainer, since certain type of supernatural blood boost any supernatural's abilities.
You may have noticed that electrical appliances may not work well with you, especially if you are in the room with two or more supernaturals, especially if the room is small. this does not mean you are a vampire, this is with every supernatural.
You may be sensitive to many things, such as sound, scents, taste, etc. This also doesn't mean you are a drainer, since it just may mean you may be part or full enhancer, or are simply just sensitive to it.
You may black out a lot. this doesn't mean you are a drainer, yet many have this sign. It may also mean you have a medical condition that you should check out if you black out often. If people say that you were "possessed", etc, this may mean you are part channeler. this doesn't mean you are a drainer, but often drainers have this sign as well.
Myths, facts and exaggerations.
Real vampires don't need blood, they only need some part of blood, or just energy. - fact and myth Real vampires, or drainers, do not need blood. They can survive off of it, however, some may feel sick without it. This can be headaches, nausea, dizzyness, lightheadedness, etc. However, they do not just need some form of energy. Different vampires 'feed' off of different energy sources.
Real vampires can fly - myth
Sunlight kills real vampires - extreme exaggeration - Drainers can walk in the sunlight and be perfectly fine, however, those who are part enhancer may be sensitive to the sunlight worse than normal. However, blue, green and grey eyes are more sensitive to sunlight anyway.
Real vampires kill people or animals for food or for blood. - myth Unless they literally are a murderer,then no. That is like saying humans kill people for food. Yes, that happens, but its NOT COMMON, and NOT ALL HUMANS do it. So, this is also beyond stupid in my opinion.
Real vampires have fangs - myth The truth is, blood vampires tend to have sharper teeth in the 'fangs' area but they don't suddenly grow out of no where. These are normal teeth, and in theory, they are not as sharp due to past generations who may have used their teeth to take blood a lot because drainers tend to like biting. But we have tools, and no how to NOT get infection.
Vampires don't get sick, or cant get an infection when they drink blood. - Myth This is dumb as well. I think we are forgetting what a vampire/drainer really is. A vampire is a supernatural, meaning, they are HUMANS with supernatural abilities. Some tend to fit in 'groups' that title themselves or their 'kinds'. They are still human, they can still get sick.
Vampires are part or full demon. - False.
Real vampires are undead. false like I said, vampires are still human. And they also arne't spiritual beings. They are as alive as you and me.
Real vampires sleep in coffins/caskets, or dont need sleep at all. - again, vampires are humans. They need sleep to survive, just like everyone does. And they don't sleep in coffins unless they choose to, but just like most humans don't sleep in coffins, most vampires don't either.
Vampires are immortal/ can only die from a steak to the heart. anyone can die from getting stabbed in the heart. But no, vampires are not immortal. Some say that they, as well as a few or all other supernaturals age slower, but this has not been shown possible.
Real vampires only need blood and dont or cant eat real food - myth vampires are human, and need food to survive.
Vampires turn into bats. - myth Vampires do not turn into bats whatsoever.
Vampires can turn other people simply by biting them, especially on the neck. - FALSE . I get this a lot, and this is NOT true. There is ways that people can get turned, however its either RARE, DANGEROUS OR TEMPORARY.
Vampires dont have a reflection - false they are human too, so they have a reflection like everyone else.
All vampires have enhanced speed and strength or senses. - myth . not all drainers will have any enhanced abilities, however some may. --
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#734 - Mermaid Spell
''Mermaids mermaids don't fail me now to give me a tail and power(s). Please let me become this, a mermaid. A mermaid with a (tail colour) tail to swim as fast as the dolphins can. A mermaid who has the power(s) of (choose power or powers) which I can use in mermaid or human form. I would like to get my tail and power(s) in the (morning or afternoon, you choose) at (time you will get tail and power(s). This is what I wish to be. So mote it be''
No mean messages if this doesn't work.
#735 - Control Over Your Wolf Side
Here are two sayings you can say:
"The sun, the moon, the truth"
"Alpha, omega, beta"
Last edited on Jul 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#736 - Complicated Fairy
First what you need to do is to grab a clean cup or bowl. Then you need to add, in this order, a teaspoon of sugar ( as exact as possible ), 1/4 cup of water ( use the warm water ) and stir until sugar has dissolved. Here is where you need to get the cinnamon. Sprinkle in 1/2 tsp. while thinking about what your wings will look like. Try to sprinkle slowly so you can imagine every detail. Mix until dissolved.
Now I will explain why being outside, having a candle, having flower petals, and having that extra water is for. The candle is if you want to be a fire-element fairy. You will have control over the attributes of fire such as: creating fire, controlling heat and controlling the fire itself.
The extra water is if you want to be a water-element fairy. You will have control over the attributes of water such as: controlling water, creating moisture ( this is like making the water in the air more dense or less dense. There is also a sub-element to water. If you add ice cubes you will be able to cool the temperature of water and control ice. ).
Being outside is if you want to be a air-element fairy. You will have control over the attributes of air such as: controlling the wind. ( This element makes your wings a little stronger than others, causing you to fly slightly more efficiently than others ).
The flower petals are if you want to be an earth-element fairy. You will have control over the attributes of earth such as: making plants grow. ( There is a sub-element to this. If you put the flower petals in a small container or vase and add some soil, you will be able to control earth. Not the planet but soil and dirt ).
After you have finished the sugar/water/cinnamon mix and have chosen your element, place your symbol in the water mix and cover your symbol with your right hand. Then take your candle/water/petals and put your left hand over it/ in it. For water and petals put your left hand in it. For fire put your hand close, but not so close that your hand catches fire. If you choose to be an air fairy just raise your hand to the sky.
Once that has been done say this spell once if you wish to become a fire fairy, twice for water fairy, three times for earth fairy, and four times for air fairy:
"Fairies in forests from far, and wide,
I beg of you to please abide.
I wish to be a fairy, flying in the sky.
A tiny fairy,
With my beautiful wings and fairy dust.
Flying high"
After saying that the appropriate amount of times, grab the water mixture with both hands and drink it all. If mixed correctly there should be no extra sugar or cinnamon. Take your symbol and put it on. Do not take it off until the appropriate time has passed. 1 month for fire, 2 months for water, 3 months for earth, and 4 months for air.
After that time say these words: "Fae I Am." Once said your wings shall appear on your back. No special outfit. To return to human form say: "Human I Am."
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#737 - Consulting with Gnomes
In a very loud voice, shout:
"Hear me now
what I say!
Hear me call
the Fae
The Garden Gnome
Keeper of the Book
Listen to what
I ask of you...
Till this deed
is done
Then away from me
you may run
I need this deed done
very quick
(recite request)
And then this offering
you may keep
Do this deed while
while I sleep.
Then the offering
you may claim
Have it done
by tomorrow's sun"
Leave the offering & return the next day: if it is gone your consultation has been heard...if not, try again.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#738 - Wolf Man
Go outside at night time. It must be clear and the moon MUST be visible. Nothing can cover it. It does NOT have to be a full moon but if it is, it's more powerful. Overall, any moonphase will work. You might want to be alone.
Get your candle and set it into the bowl or the candle. Light it up and sit in front of the candle.Begin to Meditate. After you are relaxed, stand up and chant this spell
"In the ocean sea, On the ocean Buyan, In the open plain, Shines the moon upon an aspen stump, Into the green wood, Into the spreading vale. Around the stump goes a shaggy wolf; Under it's teeth are all the horned cattle; But into the wood the wolf goes not, Into the vale the wolf does not roam. Moon, Moon! Golden Horns! Melt the bullet, blunt the knife, not the crudgel, Strike fear into man, beast and reptile, So that they may not seize the grey wolf, Nor tear from him his warm hide."
After you have said it 3 times, say "This is m by the power of 3, so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#739 - Immortality for Vampires
This part must be done at noon. Place the rock in front of you and chant, "Eroded away and reborn again, a never ending cye if life. Immortal, always there, always new. Let this rock be an example of What I must become"
Place piece of jewlery on the rock and chant, "Materials of the earth,aged, old. And forevermore made into an item of my liking. Never to age. Never to lose its youth or beatuty. I forever place my mortality in this item by the will ofthgod and my own desire. I shall be forever more immortal."
Spill your blood over the jewlery and chant, "Spirits, elements, gods,godesses, and my own willing soul. I place my mortality in this item. It shal only be removed when the item is broken or stolen. Let my blood bind the power within my soul. My mortal self. I shall become immortal. This is the will ofball, so mote this be."
At midnight (the night after you cast the spell) take the jewlery out side, wear it, and lok to the moon. Chant. " moon, oh powerful moon, give me this one wish. I plea to you. I wish to be immortal. My wish is bound in blood and stone. Please with the will of all,make this be." Keep the jewlery somewhere safe. If it is stolen or broken, the spell will wear off and you will negin to age again
Last edited on Jul 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#740 - Lycan
On a full moon say:
" Love of the earth,
Love of the trees,
I am a Lycanthrope
I will do as I please,
Blood red moon,
Dark of night,
I need no light,
My fur is _____
And my eyes are ___"
Chant that 3x
Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.