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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. The Vampire Diaries Heretic Spell ~2017~ (Vampire and witch)
  2. Become a vampire
  3. Wolf Transformation
  4. Summon a dragon
  5. Vampire
  6. Fairy
  7. Wolf shift
  8. Dragon Holy Water
  9. Calling on Earth Elementals
  10. Lamia Ritual A

#221 - The Vampire Diaries Heretic Spell ~2017~ (Vampire and witch)

Youll be both a witch and vampire like from the tv show the vampire diaries. This is my first spell so im not 100% sure if it works. Please Message me if it does work and the side effects plz. and Good Luck:)
You may need:

  • Picture of the heretics
  • Night time
  • A (Bracelet,ring or necklace)
  • Outside
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    You may need:

  • Picture of the heretics
  • Night time
  • A (Bracelet,ring or necklace)
  • Outside
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    First put on the piece of jewerly you chose and afterwards say outloud 10x:
    ''spirits of the un-dead and ancestors i ask you this very night to please turn me into both vampire and a witch. i wish to be a heretic like the ones in the tv show the vampire diaries. I shall have retractable fangs My eyes shall be red with veins under my eyes when im hungry for blood. I shall be able to turn my emotions on and off whenever i wish to. I shall have super speed,strength,agility and senses. I shall have immortality and full control over my blood rush. i shall have mind control as well as deam manipulation and be able to heal humans with my blood. My weakness will be the sunlight. The sunlight shall not burn if im wearing this (jewerly u chose) on. this is who i was meant to be both a vampire and a witch.This is my will so mote it be!!!''

    This spell should work in an hour to a few days.
    Good Luck:)

    Added to on Aug 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #222 - Become a vampire

    This spell will turn you into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Needle
  • Drops of blood
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Needle
  • Drops of blood
  • Voice
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    Prick your finger with a needle and put 3 drops of blood on a plastic dish.

    Say. High hopes blood soaked my love to be an Immortal. Open the portal to Immortality this is my will so mote it be.

    Side effects:

    Small wound

    Added to on Aug 21, 2017
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #223 - Wolf Transformation

    I haven't tested this spell, it is the first one I have made and planning to test it when I have the time. Email me if worked, or have any questions.
    You may need:

  • •Night or Day
  • •Full or New moon (Optional)
  • •Belief
  • •Voice
  • •Concentration
  • •Focused, Meditated, Mind Cleared of other thoughts
  • •5 Candles (Optional)
  • •Mind
  • •Bracelet/Necklace/Ring, said Bracelet but if use of a necklace or a ring you can replace it.
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    You may need:

  • •Night or Day
  • •Full or New moon (Optional)
  • •Belief
  • •Voice
  • •Concentration
  • •Focused, Meditated, Mind Cleared of other thoughts
  • •5 Candles (Optional)
  • •Mind
  • •Bracelet/Necklace/Ring, said Bracelet but if use of a necklace or a ring you can replace it.
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    You can say this repeatedly if felt in need to or want. Sit in a comfortable position, if you want then you don't have to memorize the spell. Now, anyways-

    The Spell-

    “Whimper of wolves
    Howls in the night
    Make me a wolf at midnights light
    With this bracelet I wear on my right
    Allow me to transform even in others sight
    May I feel the want or thought, shall I become and transform into a wolf. May I think of my transformation, shall I be in wolf form. May my (__) fur be bold, may my teeth be sharp, may my eyes be (__). Shall I run fast, hunt, whimper, growl and howl. Shall my tail be long, may I be strong. Ancient powers of unknown, please hear me out, my powers shall be (_____).”

    On the parts that say (__) you get to choose your appearance. On the last of the spell wear it says (_____) you can put more than one power. If you want the power to fly, you may add “May I have wings by my want, even without in my wolf form, my bracelet shall give me the power of flight.”, and even then, you can replace Bracelet with whatever you chose. If you want to be immortal, you can add it to powers or add “Powers of my beliefs and wishes, please, I can live forever, being immortal, I stop aging at (__)” and Of Course!, you can choose what age you stop aging at. You don't have to though. Feel free to remove whatever you don't want to be there in your form, transform words into ones you understand but make sure they make sense!

    You can also meditate if you feel the need, just as before, after, or both.

    Be Safe and Have Fun here on Spells of Magic!

    Sincerely yours and for eternities to come~
    ~Lunar Elia~

    Added to on Aug 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #224 - Summon a dragon

    This spell SHOULD summon
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant ''mother of dragons please help me , send a dragon straight to me, let it help me, so mote it be'' , this may take up to a month

    Added to on Aug 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #225 - Vampire

    This spell was found in a website called Wattpad. It will turn you into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Water in a cup
  • A charm or any jewelry
  • 1 black candle (optional)
  • 1 white candle (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Water in a cup
  • A charm or any jewelry
  • 1 black candle (optional)
  • 1 white candle (optional)
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    So get a cup of water. Put the piece of jewelry in it. And then light your candles. But only one or you will become crazy. Then put your charm in the water. Then say...

    "Vampire please let me be one of you. Give me sharp fangs. And pale skin. I will have brick hard skin. When I burn in sunlight I will die. I will suck human or animal blood as I please."

    Added to on Aug 02, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #226 - Fairy

    This spell will grant you wings.
    You may need:

  • 7 rose petals (or any flower but Rose is more powerful)
  • Outfit to transform into (wear on seventh day)
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    You may need:

  • 7 rose petals (or any flower but Rose is more powerful)
  • Outfit to transform into (wear on seventh day)
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    Put petals under pillow. Every morning take 1 out. And on the seventh day, wear the outfit you want to transform in and say...

    "Fairies please make me have wings and a cute outfit. Make me small rather than tall. Please let me be what I want."

    Added to on Aug 01, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #227 - Wolf shift

    This spell turns you into a pure wolf and back to your human self with a few perks for your human self.
    You may need:

  • • necklace
  • •will
  • •belief
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    You may need:

  • • necklace
  • •will
  • •belief
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    This spell is extremely hard to do must need a 8 or more magic ability (website to learn that is simple mystic miracles) first of you must have put a drop of blood on the necklace after that rub it around the necklace and let the blood harden then go to a quiet place outdoors (best area would be a forest or field) and focus on your wolf form just think of what your wolf form will look like after that put on the necklace and think of you transforming, now here is the hard part after that you become a wolf but you can't control you actions but you need to think of you turning back into a human, the reason this is hard is because it will be hard to focus if your not in one spot but it is still possible and after four to six hours as a wolf you can control your self as well as speak to other wolfs. Good luck but if you can't make your self transform back sorry your a wolf permanently.

    Tell me the results have not done it yet but my friend has just want to see if results are different.

    Added to on Jul 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #228 - Dragon Holy Water

    How to collect and bless water for your magickal work with the Water Dragon Sairyan
    You may need:

  • Fresh spring or rain water
  • 1 Blue Candle
  • 1 Pentacle Tile
  • Wand
  • 1 Lapis Lazuli Stone
  • Your Intentions
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    You may need:

  • Fresh spring or rain water
  • 1 Blue Candle
  • 1 Pentacle Tile
  • Wand
  • 1 Lapis Lazuli Stone
  • Your Intentions
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    Naelyan's Holy Water Naelyan is the Dragon of water. Holy Water Recipe by myself. Begin by collecting in a glass jar some fresh spring water or rain water. Go to your altar and cleanse and charge the Lapis Lazuli stone and then place it inside your glass jar. Now place your jar on top of the pentacle. Using your wand point it at the jar and draw the invoking pentagram for water. Next, light your blue candle and put both of your hands around the jar, not touching it of course just close enough to feel the waters vibrations. This blessing is all about energy work. Now get into a meditative state, with hands around the jar say the following incantation. ''Naelyan! Great Dragon of the waters! I, ___________

    Added to on Jul 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #229 - Calling on Earth Elementals

    As with all spells you can do with this what best suits you. This is a spell to summon Earth Elementals.
    You may need:

  • (Again, you can be flexible about this.)
  • -A green candle
  • -Plants and Earthly elements, like rocks, grass, etc
  • -An Earthly or Earth symbol sheet
  • -Rocks, quarts, crystals, and/or gemstones
  • -Make an alter with this
  • -Maybe additional symbols or photos representing Earth Elementals for your alter
  • -Belief and respect for nature
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    You may need:

  • (Again, you can be flexible about this.)
  • -A green candle
  • -Plants and Earthly elements, like rocks, grass, etc
  • -An Earthly or Earth symbol sheet
  • -Rocks, quarts, crystals, and/or gemstones
  • -Make an alter with this
  • -Maybe additional symbols or photos representing Earth Elementals for your alter
  • -Belief and respect for nature
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    (You can be flexible with this too) Light your candle, chant ''Elementals I believe, Elementals I want to see'' however many times feels right for you and have belief and respect for nature. If you were to do this with other types of Elementals you'd do the same except with a colored candle that represents that type of Elemental and elements that's of that type of Element as well as an alter of that Elemental 💖

    Added to on Jul 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #230 - Lamia Ritual A

    This is not a vampire spell. It is to become a semi-aquatic lamia (person with a snake tail). Best performed during a full moon after moonrise, a new moon, or an eclipse. You can use this in conjunction with the repeated chant.
    You may need:

  • Snake totem
  • Two teal candles (to represent the water and duality)
  • White candle
  • Blue candle (more water symbolism, connection to higher powers, calming and meditative)
  • Black candle
  • Incense or spray to create a good mood (optional)
  • Gemstones (optional, scatter them around the space)
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    You may need:

  • Snake totem
  • Two teal candles (to represent the water and duality)
  • White candle
  • Blue candle (more water symbolism, connection to higher powers, calming and meditative)
  • Black candle
  • Incense or spray to create a good mood (optional)
  • Gemstones (optional, scatter them around the space)
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    Make a pentagram. The top point is the blue candle, then the black and white candles at the outer two points, then the bottom two are the teal candles. Light them all, then light any incense you may have. Place the snake totem in the center and say:

    "Goddess of serpents and moon on the rise,
    Watch me over with your all-seeing eyes
    As the circle is blazed alight
    Scale my legs with holy light.
    As the blue ocean rolls
    Pierce me through and make me whole
    Breathe in the aqueous air
    Serpent's magick and slitted glare
    Swiftest speed of sun and moon
    Stars together, falling soon
    At my will and moonbent glee
    Lamia I shall forever be."

    Now pick up the snake totem and imagine your legs fusing together and being covered in the scales of a snake in the colours you wish. Also choose the colour of your eyes in your lamia form. Focus hard on the feeling of your legs fusing and melding into a tail, how it would feel. Force that sensation. When you,re done focusing, blow out or snuff all the candles.

    Side effects:

    • Sensations of legs fusing into a tail
    • Legs sticking together
    • Desire to exercise and be in nature
    • Phantom tail
    • Pains and rashes on legs
    • Cat eyes
    • Eyes changing colour
    • Running faster
    • More agile
    • More fluid movements
    • Better swimming ability
    • Water affinity
    • Desire to meditate more, deeper meditations
    • Connection to snake energy
    • Deep 'need' for your tail and to use it
    • Holding breath longer

    Effects: As a lamia, you will be able to manifest the tail you imagined at will. With it will come eyes like a cat in the colour you wanted. When your tail isn't out, your eyes will be normal. You will have several superhuman abilities: strength, speed, agility, flexibility, flowmotion, underwater breathing, pain resistance, intelligence, and senses. Breathing underwater will feel like breathing incredibly fresh air, and your eyes and ears will never be filled with water, as if there is an invisible field around them. You can hear things underwater as well as you can on land. It will be far easier to learn forms of water manipulation, and to a lesser extent easier to learn shapeshifting, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, or telekinesis. You will also have a hypnotic voice and be a great dancer and manipulator.

    Lamias can synergize with: Avian (wings probably can't lift you while your tail is out but you can try), Shapeshifter (all form shapeshifters can even use incompatible-with-lamia forms due to their form mastery, but they will be harder to use), Fae (it will be a bit hard but not impossible), Vampire (i don't see why that wouldn't work), and kemono/other mostly humanoid forms (although tails might not work).

    Lamias CANNOT synergize with: Mermaids (tails conflict), Sirens, Scylla (same reasons as mermaid), anything super small (too much mass in the tail to convert to something tiny like a cat), certain shifters (some shifters have sharply determined paths that they can't stray from).

    Anything else you'll probably have to try for yourself. I may be wrong about some of these, so you can try them yourself.

    Added to on Jul 23, 2017
    Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters