1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Circle's Werewolf Spell
- Mermaid Spell
- H20 Mermaid Spell
- Vampire Spell work fast
- Full Immortal Demon Spell
- Dragon transformation
- Azabeela Wish fairy
- A working vampire curse
- Water Breathing Spell
- Summon a Pokèmon
#261 - Circle's Werewolf Spell
This spell is owned by the circle, and the circle is a small coven that I haven't made just yet but I will try to put it in the system so you guys can join.
Sit in a circle outside with the future pack. The alpha should sit to the direct right of the beta. Everybody should have a candle before them. The alpha should have the purple candle, the beta the royal blue candle, and everybody else a yellow candle. Everybody should place their crystal between them and the candle, then hold the knife to the left of the candle. Place the picture to the right of the candle. Everyone lights their candles. The alpha should chant:
"The moon guides us,
So let it be.
Let us be the moons children.
We shall be mighty wolves,
Our powerful paws, blunt claws and sharp fangs
Will strike down our prey.
And I shall lead our pack,
As the Alpha Wolf."
The beta then follows with this chant:
"We shall transform under the night,
Into great wolves,
(The size of regular wolves/As tall as a human at the shoulder)
And wild, and free.
The shift will be quick and painless,
And we can bring it on whenever we wish,
Or end it when we wish to walk in human skin.
We will have full control.
We will not kill except by our own will,
And we will run free.
We shall have our wolf senses,
strength and speed, and agility,
In both of our forms.
And we will also have colour vision in both.
Freedom will be ours!
And I will aid our alpha,
As the Beta Wolf."
The rest of the circle continues, starting with the person to the left of the beta and continuing around the circle. They all say this chant, one by one:
"I run free, I run wild,
The moon my guiding light.
We rise above man,
One with the land.
Earth, air, water and fire,
Our world, we know you well.
Drive us forward, let us be,
Beautiful wolves!
Mote it be."
Then the alpha, then the beta, then everyone else in the same order as before says this chant and then burns the picture.
"I shall resemble this wolf,
The one in this image.
My pelt will bristle with its colours.
I shall change at will, forward and back,
And rise high as the moon.
This is my will,
Mote it be!"
Once the picture is burned, each person lifts the gemstone or crystal and imagines running through forests as the wolf in the picture. When they have a clear picture, they put the crystal down and carve their name in the candle, and a pentagram below it.
When everyone is done, bow to the center of the circle. Take the knife and crystal as you leave, and leave the candles to burn down.
To initiate a new person, have them say the chant (not alpha or beta chant) over a yellow candle, then say the picture chant, burn the picture, hold the crystal, imagine the wolf form, do the carving, bow to the moon, and leave the candle to burn. Then the alpha says over the candle:
"Moon, welcome (name) to our pack.
Let them change as we change.
Let them shift as we shift.
Drive them forward, make them a werewolf."
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#262 - Mermaid Spell
On a full moon night fill an bath tub with salt water lay the necklace in the water and sit in the tub with the necklace laying beside you.
Chant :
"King triton, oh lord of the sea hear my plea make me. What I want to be make me a mermaid with all good power so let it be. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 09, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#263 - H20 Mermaid Spell
"Mermaids of the ocean deep, I summon you so I can be, a mermaid that is free and to swim in the blue sea. Make me what I wish to be 1 hour after I believe and believe. Send your magic and make me a mermaid swimming in the blue sea so mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#264 - Vampire Spell work fast
Say this spell 3x
Teeth as sharp as a knife
Skin pale as the moonlight
Stronger than ever
Make me a vampire
I wish for glowing red eyes
I wish for a thirst for blood
From animal or human
Please make me this
I shall feel hot in the sun
I will stop aging at (age)
I shall be immortal
I wish to be this supernatural
After (time you want spell to work)
So mote it be
#265 - Full Immortal Demon Spell
''I want to being fully possesed by a demon to become a 100% immortal Full demon in trade for my soul''
Belief in the occult, Satan and demons.
Say the following Once:
Demon, Demon I call thee!
Possess and take full control of me,
Make me immortal, a Demon i wish to be.
In trade for my soul, it has no use to me!
So make me a immortal Demon! and I thank thee,
Grant this wish! So let it be.
#266 - Dragon transformation
Please understand that you will have to become a human again an hour after you change for the first time or you'll be a dragon forever. It gets an hour longer every time you transform. Also, the way you turn back is you write your name on the ground and then roar.
#267 - Azabeela Wish fairy
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#268 - A working vampire curse
A Working Vampire Curse: Needs: dim private room. alone time. needle. 6 drops of your own blood. A Bed. Day/Nighttime. Say this 3-5 times: Oh Goddess of the undead, Mother to the immortal. Grant me thy wisdom, Grant me thy help. I wish to be a undead, A Vampire. Irreversible! Then you'll need to prick your left hand (Index Finger), and place 3 drops of your blood on the place where you did the invocation. And drink 3 drops of your own blood. then you'll need to go to bed for 30 minutes. that's it and after 30 minutes you'll be an Immortal Undead Vampire!
Last edited on May 25, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#269 - Water Breathing Spell
Put the water in the up then drink it.
Then hold your breath for 10-20 seconds.
After that chant this 3x:
"Gods and Goddesses of the water,
I wish for the power to breathe under water,
I wish to be like a fish.
I wish to hold my breath under the water for 30 minutes,
I shall have this power forever.
Grant this to me after 1 day,
Grant this to me so.
So I can breathe under the h2o
So mote it be."
If it doesn't work change 1 day to 5 days!
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#270 - Summon a Pokèmon
Say 3x:
"By the power of pokmon day and night I summon a (insert pokmon) for me!"
P.S: They will eat anything you give them.
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.