2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Cure for Nausea
- Easy Pain Relief
- To Heal the Face
- How to Cast a Spell
- Run Faster
- Body Transformation
- Healing Restoration Spell
- Hatred Towards Thy Ex Curse
- Speed and Strength
- Wings Spell
#1311 - Cure for Nausea
Hope you enjoy! C:
#1312 - Easy Pain Relief
Put yourself into a good mood. Now close your eyes. Breathe in until you feel an aura around you. Focus on the pain- imagine green rays of coming from your heart to the pain. Now see a black ball of the pain, the green rays eating the ball. Breathe deeply in, then out. Open your eyes, still being calm. The pain should have have gone.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1313 - To Heal the Face
Sit quietly, legs crossed. Hold the photo in your hands of yourself of what you looked before the problem at present. Focus on the photo with utmost concentration, after a while say this spell:
"The change unwanted caused to me,
Must get back the way I want to see".
Say this 3 times. Then move your hands on your face and say "heal" 3 times.
Last edited on May 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1314 - How to Cast a Spell
Sit down and cast a cicle go around the outside of the circle imagining a white silk coming out the end of the wand. After that put your god and godess items on the altar and say "The circle is cast we are between worlds were Spirit and body happyness and sadness meet with all "
Then say "Elment of fire, I invite you to my circle'. Take the elemental representation round the white thread. Do this with all the elements (water air fire earth spirit) but when you come to the element of spirit hold your hands up into the air with the wand pointed up to the sky moon or roof. Then state the purpose of the spell and say the spell.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1315 - Run Faster
Put the paper doll in the middle of the element symbol
"The four elements help me please,
hurt no one when helping me,
help me please help me,
Air carry me when I run,
Water give me stamina,
Earth give me energy,
Fire give me strength."
Tear up the paper doll
"Thank you elements,
Thank you for doing this deed."
Tip: The elements will not do it all. Because they are just helping so you have to do work too.
Last edited on Aug 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1316 - Body Transformation
You draw what you want your body to look like in pen or pencil (draw the best you can but it doesn't have to be a Picasso). Crumble it in your hand, and tie the crystal to the paper with the string. Go to the mirror and touch it with your non-dominant hand and holding the paper and crystal in your dominant hand chant.
"Body, Body, Body of mine, I will you to change, change into the image of my dreams, by the power of the full moon I will you to change! Change into the image of my dreams! So mote it be!" say x3 (for best effects). Now imagine your body changing into the body you want.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1317 - Healing Restoration Spell
2). Rub the bruised area gently.
3). While rubbing chant: ''Heal me'' a number of times. Say it slow (12 to 15x).
4). Try not to move that bruised area too much.
~Blessed Be
#1318 - Hatred Towards Thy Ex Curse
Since this spells easy here is what you need to do, stare or think of your ex (an ex) someone that really makes you mad, now write down what you wish to happen to him. Focus your hate on the paper in a dark quiet room, try to shed a tear or two let it land on the paper. Light your candle, slowly burn the paper and say
"You hurt me in the past, but this burning paper is my revenge, after it is fulfilled I will be free from you, I will no longer feel the pain you gave me, the hate you caused, and the heart your shattered, this is my gift to you, so mote it be."
After, make or do something that relaxes you, get your mind off the hate. Let yourself restore your energy, and slowly let comfort take over your heart. The curse will take some time, even a lot of concentration the first night, if you feel if it's stronger to keep doing it for a few days then go ahead. Just know there are some side effects, fatigue loss, depression, crying softly, and feeling completely lost. Relaxing will make the symptoms go away, even make you feel refreshed the next day.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1319 - Speed and Strength
You can do this anywhere. This is also for diet for when you run fast. So now all you need is say "Give me speed, give me strength, give me everything I need".
The to reverse say: "Give me strength, give me speed, give me everything I need."
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1320 - Wings Spell
Take a paper and write all characteristics of the wings you want, please include length and colour. You also can draw.
Light up the candles and say what you have written. In the end, say ''Mote it be!'' and that time, you write ''Mote It Be!'' as big as you can. Please make sure that you have call goddess.
The part of goddess chant can be like this :
''Goddess of Wings, goddess of (...). I call thee. Let me have wings as I want, honour I give to you. (Tell what you want and explain like it is written)
Turn off the candle and hide it.
Take a bath or shower, please include chanted lotion or potion to the water if you use bath, or put the lotion on your back if you use shower.
When you chant the potion or lotion, call the goddess. How to call the goddess? It has been written before.
Chant the first chant (what you have written) and kiss it and put it somewhere on bed, make sure its hidden, can be below the pillow!
Do this everyday and you will succeed.
*** Side Effects ***
Back bones are flexible
Wants to sleep
Problem? Message matmail1231@gmail.com for answers. This time, I'll surely answer all emails. Use good subject of email and tell me what part you can't do. Last thing, you need to be alone.