2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Immortality for Vampires
- Revenge
- Cure For General Sickness
- Headache Cure Brew
- For Stomach Pain
- For Burns
- Comfrey and Calendula Poultice
- One with Dragons
- Peace Serum
- Charming Star Beauty
#1431 - Immortality for Vampires
This part must be done at noon. Place the rock in front of you and chant, "Eroded away and reborn again, a never ending cye if life. Immortal, always there, always new. Let this rock be an example of What I must become"
Place piece of jewlery on the rock and chant, "Materials of the earth,aged, old. And forevermore made into an item of my liking. Never to age. Never to lose its youth or beatuty. I forever place my mortality in this item by the will ofthgod and my own desire. I shall be forever more immortal."
Spill your blood over the jewlery and chant, "Spirits, elements, gods,godesses, and my own willing soul. I place my mortality in this item. It shal only be removed when the item is broken or stolen. Let my blood bind the power within my soul. My mortal self. I shall become immortal. This is the will ofball, so mote this be."
At midnight (the night after you cast the spell) take the jewlery out side, wear it, and lok to the moon. Chant. " moon, oh powerful moon, give me this one wish. I plea to you. I wish to be immortal. My wish is bound in blood and stone. Please with the will of all,make this be." Keep the jewlery somewhere safe. If it is stolen or broken, the spell will wear off and you will negin to age again
Last edited on Jul 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1432 - Revenge
Light up the candle, place the picture next to the candle. With the big spoon, place the cut up small candle and put it on top of the lighted candle to melt. While the candle is melting say this 3x :"(name) you will remember me".
When the candle is melted in the spoon, turn clockwise while holding it on top of the bowl and say "(name) with all the pains you've caused me, you will feel all the pain I have, you will remember me. May the first air that you breathe in the day brings you a lesson and you will fall".
Then pour the melted candle in the bowl of water. You should see a figure to tell you about the person. Gently place the figure in a piece of paper with the person's name on it and fold it and hide it somewhere quiet.
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1433 - Cure For General Sickness
Measure The red string from the top of the individual's head to the tip of their toes. Use this string to measure the circle of their head and tie a knot. Now measure the circle of their chest and tie a knot. Now measure the length of their left arm and tie a knot. While doing so, repeat either the Lord's Prayer three times or Psalm 30:2 three times and then Burn the string
#1434 - Headache Cure Brew
add honey if needed
mix it well
and drink for instant relief
#1435 - For Stomach Pain
2. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and mix it into the cup of hot water for fifteen minutes.
3. Strain and drink.
#1436 - For Burns
2. Dip a cloth into the mixture and apply to the burn.
3. When dry, reapply a few times.
#1437 - Comfrey and Calendula Poultice
1. Place the leaves, flower/oil and water in a blender and mix them up. You choose how much of each ingredient.
2. Wrap the mixture in the cloth to make a small package and hold it against the wound for half an hour. The water will seep out but don't strain the mixture.
3. Repeat four times a day with refreshed ingredients.
Once again, don't let the leaves get in the wound.
#1438 - One with Dragons
Sit cross-legged and put the candles zig zag circling you
Ligth them up and say :
"Dragons, oh dragons! Hear me and come to me! I'm (your name), want to be combined with (your element) dragon! Let me combined with the (element) dragon! An honour I will give to you, a thanks will given too! Let me have! For it's my will, so mote it be!"
Visualise you're become one while chanting!
Turn off the candle and hide it
*** Side Effects ***
Friendlier with dragons
Feeling half dragon
Eye colour changing (two all same or just two all different)
Scaly skin
Breathe (element)
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1439 - Peace Serum
Mix all ingredients except food coloring. Heat for 45 seconds and stir. As food coloring and mix well.
Weight/Dosage Chant:
0-50 Lbs- 1/4 tsp serum
50-70 Lbs- 1/2 tsp serum
70-80 Lbs- 3 milliliters
80-90 Lbs- 3/4 tsp
90+ Lbs- 1 tsp
Note: It is not harmful in anyway to overdose, you will just be on a 5 hour sugar high. On a normal dosage, you will be hyper for 1 hour then just calm and peaceful for 4-5 hours.
Thanks and make sure to mail me with results, questions, comments, etc!
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1440 - Charming Star Beauty
Sit cross-legged outside alone
Light the candles up, put the candles circling you
Sat this :
"Star of starry skies, beauty is what I want to take! Let me have the beauty and beautiful bodies. Star of Charm will make me beautiful, circling my body! For it's my will, so mote it be!"
And then visualise you're more beautiful until the candles turned off!
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.