2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Herb Healing Spell
- Reduction of Pain
- Healing
- Real Working Revenge
- Almighty Destruction
- Reversal
- Strengthen your Relationship Spell
- To Improve Your Hearing
- Toxic Swap Spell
- War Water Hex
#1481 - Herb Healing Spell
''Charge though candle fast,
For succeeding in the spells I shall cast.
And may this oil increase its power,
As the flame burn by the hour.
Let it be done,
That it harm none.''
Now place your herbflowers infront of candle and chant:
''Oh,Magical herb of root and flower,
Give this candle healing power.''
Now imagine the herb's power as a pink light flowing into the candle, and making the candle stronger.
Now think of the person you are healing and chant:
''Oh healing candle of power,
Rise your flame like a flower.
Hear my voice spirit of earth hear the sound,
Heal the name I spoke out loud.
Heal them of sickness,
Make them strong and replace weakness.''
''Oh spirit of fire,power of the light,
Bring forth all your might.
Heal the soul heal the spirit,
As you shine by the minute.''
''Oh spirit of wind power of air,
Make this strong make this fair.
Help me cast the spell at hand,
Help me heal upon the land.''
''Oh, spirit of water, power of rain,
Help the wind that it shall remove pain.
Wash thou clean,
Wipe thou clean.''
(Visualise: the sickness is like a black spot on that person try to visualise the spot pitch black now imagine a white light above the circle. The light is sucking in the darkness and the hole is getting smaller . The person is feeling better. now the white light is almost done but there is still one tiny spot , imagine taking it of and burning it )
Call out
''Now heal thy _____ , heal him/her well.''
(Call name out 3 times)
Now seal:
''Now I close the seal
From now health he/she shall feel
By the power of three
So mote it be!''
Let Candles burn out while medetating on that person healing.
#1482 - Reduction of Pain
Cup the targeted pain with your power hand and chant 3x: "asinta mulaf hesta eros mitle denz sho bala"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1483 - Healing
Put the candles on the floor. Sit crossed legged and meditate (between the candles). Then thnk the good times you had together then say, "Gods of love,gods of peace heal (name) from sickness that is within him. Hear my plea oh gods hear me! Give him/her another chance to live. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1484 - Real Working Revenge
First take the white candle and set it on the altar, then light it with the lighter. Kneel before the alter and recite this chant 3x
"With the hate in my heart and soul for thy enemy (enemies full name) I call upon the gods of hate and karma to punish (enemies full name) for all the wrong he/she has caused"
Imagine a ball of hate and imagine thy enemy and strike him/her with the energy ball.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1485 - Almighty Destruction
NOTE: this is a DARK magic spell. And can't destroy larger things like sky scrapers or buildings. Depending on your focus and anger you can crash a car with it.this has to be done in the evening or night.heckingson is pronounced hair-king-sin. Draw an eye on your palm then draw three thunder bolts on it, point your palm to your target while closing your eyes and focucing your anger at the destruction of the target
Then chant 3x
"I invoke the power of heckingson jumbo
So thy may do my bidding
I invoke the power of three
To enhance thy power
Three times said
Three times done"
Open your eyes and the object shall be destroyed
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1486 - Reversal
1) Have the person/people or thing you casted a spell on in fron of you or if it's you, then just take a seat.
2) Look at the person or object you casted the spell on and look at them/him/her/it or if its you just look in the mirror
3) Visualize you/them/him/her/it being the way they/it/he/she/you were before the spell was casted.
4) Chant this 3 times:
"Spirits of the elements, fire and water, earth and air, and spirits of the magic circle, I call upon thee to grant a wish for me, I ask you to reverse this ( name of spell ) spell in the name of ( your first name ) of the ( your last name ) family line. Make it as thy had never casted this ( name of spell ) spell! This is my wish so mote it be!"
Thank you for reading this spell and if you have any questions, comment on my instagram: @vy_pham10 ( no capitalized )
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1487 - Strengthen your Relationship Spell
Light up the candle while writing the names.
Next concentrate on what happen in the relationship between the 2 of you. (like the hugging or kissing)
Then think what you want to happen like more passionate kissing or more more hugs from them or even saying romantic thing more often.
Now take the paper and while burning it say out loud
''With the love between us as the way it is, I wish for the romance to blossom like a rose in the day, let the love grow as I may so let it become true as it may so mote it be''
Now just blow the candle out and thats it.
You may wait for a while before results happen.
Message me if it works.
Thank you!
#1488 - To Improve Your Hearing
Put your hands on your ears and chant: "La, la, la. I can hear ya" as many times as you think is nessesary. Now consentrate on little far sounds like birds and try to count or locate them.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1489 - Toxic Swap Spell
#1490 - War Water Hex
Knock on wood three times and say, ''Open the gate to the Darkness''
Add in all the other ingredients.
Stir three times counter clockwise, saying ''sit and stew until I`m through, and what you deserve comes on to you.''
Place in the freezer, knock on wood three times again, this time telling the gate to close.
A WARNING: Be extremely careful disposing of this spell when its done. Wear rubber gloves and either throw it into flowing water or bury it in a bag with salt and smokey quartz at a crossroads.
Message me your results!