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2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2959 Health Spells
2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2959 Health Spells
  1. Magic Floor Wash
  2. Healing Spell
  3. Pain Reliever
  4. Binding illness
  5. porcelain doll spell
  6. a spell to stop constipation
  7. Defense Against Mind Control Exercise Manual
  8. A Witches Revenges
  9. summon the dead god
  10. Empowering Spell

#141 - Magic Floor Wash

This is just a way to wash your floor in a magical way.
You may need:

  • Sage essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
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    You may need:

  • Sage essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
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    Add 9 drops of sage and 9 drops of lavender essential oils and wash your floors as usual.

    Both the herbs and their oils have the power to banish negativity and promote the energ healing of your house, bringing good luck and peace of mind to the residents.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #142 - Healing Spell

    Use this spell when you are in a time of great need. It is a plea, it is admitting that you are vulnerable and request assistance. It does not take dishonesty lightly.
    You may need:

  • Your will/focus, your voice, a place to be alone and your honest need of help.
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    You may need:

  • Your will/focus, your voice, a place to be alone and your honest need of help.
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    Be open, be honest and be vulnerable. Focus and identify all the reasons you are asking for help with healing. Go somewhere you can be alone and focus on all of your feelings you have associated with your situation/pain and get to that mental/emotional place, where you are genuinely pleading for help. If this is your only option, then it will bless you.

    -If you are concerned as to what may hear your plea then I suggest that you include a specification of who your audience is.

    For Example: "May the Forces of Good only hear my spell and lend their help."

    Then continue with the spell,

    "Please help me now when I'm close to my goals,

    Please heal my wounds and my damaged soul,

    Help me now when I'm in this time of need,

    Bless me with confidence,

    help me to believe!"

    -This spell is written to help you help yourself, as well as to ask for mystical assistance.

    -A spell is written with the intentions of its maker, which affect it's results and creates its own karma. I recommend that you change up the ritual or wording to make it unique to you and your situation. Keep in mind that Magic tends to work in mysterious ways and you may find yourself having to re-write a spell because it wasn't specific enough, etc. That is why a strong intention is beneficial because if you are too loose with your intentions then you could have unwanted results.

    ~Blessed Be~ Have courage to admit weakness and may your inner fire be strengthened.

    Added to on Jun 22, 2022
    Last edited on Jun 27, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #143 - Pain Reliever

    A spell to relieve pain. This is not my spell, I found it in a book.
    You may need:

  • Hands
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Hands
  • Concentration
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    You can perform this on yourself, or someone else if you have enough practice. First, hover your palm over the afflicted spot. Slightly move your hand back and visualize the pain coming out of the wound as a red thread. Keep moving your hand back slowly and continue visualizing the red thread coming out until you feel that you've drawn it enough. Jerk your hand back and visualize the red thread completely popping out, then flick it up and away with your hand.

    I recommend this spell as I used it on my sore throat and the pain lessened a lot. I like to also use this spell when my cats scratch me- as well as any minor cuts and wounds. When you've practiced the spell enough, try it on someone else!

    Added to on Jun 22, 2022
    Last edited on Jun 24, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #144 - Binding illness

    This is a technique used to get rid of negative energy in your body, in order to aid your recovery. (DISCLAIMER: This is no immediate cure, and magic should not be prioritized above medical help. It is a means to “aid” in one’s recovery but it doesn’t just miraculously heal you. Magic takes time and effort.)
    You may need:

  • - A mirror (this is the only real requirement, the rest is optional)
  • - Anything ranging from crystals, herbs, incense and anything charged with positive energy or anything that gives you positive vibes.
  • - (Idea) Perhaps a song that lifts your spirits and gets you in a good mood.
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    You may need:

  • - A mirror (this is the only real requirement, the rest is optional)
  • - Anything ranging from crystals, herbs, incense and anything charged with positive energy or anything that gives you positive vibes.
  • - (Idea) Perhaps a song that lifts your spirits and gets you in a good mood.
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    Since ancient times “Mirrors” have been used in many magical ways, to communicate, to practice divination, to reveal things unable to be seen by the naked eye. But in this case we will be focusing on a less known use of the mirror, it was once believed that mirrors could trap and hold negative energies and even trap bad entities.

    Place the mirror in front of you or stand in front of the mirror in case its not a movable one.

    Put something to represent yourself on the mirror, this can be as simple as a small drop of saliva. This will be used as the connection or rather the catalyst in this technique.

    (Surround the mirror in whatever objects you like if you have any, if you’re into the ancestral path, try putting some belongings (if cleansed) around you to help)

    Now hold your hands as if you were holding a ball, and imagine all the negative energies in your body as a black mass and black swirls in your aura, if you have that visualized, you’re ready to take the next step.

    Next, visualize all the black and bad energies draining from your body and aura, forming into a ball between your hands.

    Now for the last step, imagine a light in the mirror, one that will purify and neutralize the bad energies and turn them pure again, then slowly push the ball of black energy toward the mirror as you imagine it being drawn in and absorbed into it.

    You may feel a little bit tired at this point, but you should also feel more comfortable and free. Now if you wanna make sure your mirror stays free of negative energy charges. Imagine the mirror being enveloped in a divine light, burning all impurities.

    I really hope this will be of some use to people!

    Blessed be~

    Added to on Jun 15, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #145 - porcelain doll spell

    this spell is made to bless a porcelain doll or curse it.
    You may need:

  • porcelain doll
  • crystal (any kind)
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    You may need:

  • porcelain doll
  • crystal (any kind)
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    get the porcelain doll. say this 3x for blessing

    "i ask of you to Bless this doll,(godess name here)

    may it bring positivity and happiness

    so mote it be."

    for cursing say 3x

    (insert god name here),i ask of you to curse this doll

    may it bring unhappiness and starvation.

    so mote it be"

    Added to on Jun 12, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #146 - a spell to stop constipation

    so basically this makes you shit
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    ok so basically say this 3x

    oh great feces lord Sterculius

    please take my pain away

    let poop for a nother day


    Added to on May 26, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #147 - Defense Against Mind Control Exercise Manual

    this is about entering the deep trance hypnotic state, but you still be able to move all your body and not obeying the hypnotist, yet usually normal people who are in a very relaxed state hypnotic under suggestion couldn't move body(by the subject itself), couldn't think anything, couldn't memory call, but this manual make we able to Control Yourself
    You may need:

  • gadget, phone, laptop, PC
  • Hypno spiral
  • Headphone/headset
  • button to instantly off the video
  • relax chair or bed
  • 1-day free time(Not working, Not driving, Not in a meeting, not in school)
  • room for only you
  • Ready Mind(Not in an emotional situation)
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    You may need:

  • gadget, phone, laptop, PC
  • Hypno spiral
  • Headphone/headset
  • button to instantly off the video
  • relax chair or bed
  • 1-day free time(Not working, Not driving, Not in a meeting, not in school)
  • room for only you
  • Ready Mind(Not in an emotional situation)
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    Warnings: Do not try to do this if you have to drive, work, meeting, or a school in 24 hours after doing this spell, and always have a fast button or access to close the video or shut down the computer or pause the video(spacebar) by your hands, when you feel in point you cannot go further just stop and try again another time

    (this will also open the non-witches mind eye, even though not so intense, but defense against bad Hypno/mind control, may this exercise manual could help all people who are under any types mind control, "MK-Ultra", "Murray Experiment", "brainwashing technique" "mass mind control" and maybe more resistant only a little bit to a sedative?

    The First Step(easy):

    1. Your mind firstly Must without fear or anger, this is important only do when you are ready
    2. Lock the door, remember only alone in the room, also cleansing the room from the bad spirit must be done before
    3. Open the Hypno spiral only video (maybe with "brainwave" "Binaural Beats") and stare at it for a long time, I'm sure 90% of people under 5 minutes seeing will only focus on the center, you should try to empty your mind now, not to forcing using muscle to think
    4. now you see the wrong things: usual people are dependent on eye muscle when thinking or memorizing, so when they see the Hypno spiral for long times the eye muscle, forehead muscle & scalp muscle is just relaxing and hard to move, you all should not using eye muscle when thinking or memorizing, remember dependencies is not good
    5. this first step is easy and not dangerous, only after that, you should meditate and become again aware of anything, and also wait for 30 before doing any work or anything that use focus and attention

    The Second Step (intermediate):

    1. Play the Hypno spiral video with the sleep suggestion +other induction or only a human with induction is okay
    2. this time there is "sound recording" & "brainwave" upon hearing the suggestion, do not resist it with eye muscle, forehead muscle & scalp muscle, keep your mind empty, not by saying empty empty empty (because under deep trance we hardly use muscle and words), but it just Nothing in your mind (you will feel that everything unite inside the forehead like a point in the third eye, inside the head, there is a sensation in your third eye and crown), suggestion can only be implanted to a person who Fills his mind until full then they lose aware about other things,
    3. 'To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go' from "Tao Te Ching" also there are so many cultures around the world who believe "Emptyness", "Sunyata", "Emptiness is a form, form is an emptyness", "Turiya", "Void"
    4. understand the principle before we can fill our new command to our mind, first we must empty the mind space, the information is always become renewed, updated, revisioned. If you always fill then the Hypnotist Suggestion will come into your mind, you maybe can resist it, but with what? muscle? words? it cannot, again: in a very deep trance it's very hard to think &memorize for a newbie who uses muscle for that.
    5. Now in case there is 3 hypnotist and 3 voice and 3 suggestion, it's harder to resist if you use force, but an empty mind just ignore the effect, yes you aware of the suggestion, but you realize that hearing that doesn't mean your mind doing that, also the imaginative induction which is using not real connection with the sentences, example: 'feel your body&mind become vibrated by my words and give up control, the more you relax, the more your body&mind controlled by my words' this is not real, you just imagining fake things, the hypnotist only using mouth sound, nothing more, then why you just believe or having fear with it?
    6. so understand that before the suggestion go into action, it has to go across you first, but in sleeping there is no yourself control, but in deep trance you hardly remember, so you are hardly to distinguish the real and not real things, that's why the "hypnosis induction" always make the subject imagine Example: 'feel the light move to your head, and become bigger and bigger, the more bigger the light the more soothe your feeling, becoming more and more relax'
    7. Your feeling does not determine your thinking, it just a different plane, most people fail in solving a simple math problem is because they need feeling in their head to think, even after death, souls able to think or tell their descendant problem solving, but they don't have gross body feeling
    8. if you are unable to do this just pause the video or stop watching or shut down the Pc.

    The third step (Hard)

    1. the Hypno video like this include "flashing images", "subliminal message flashed", "Binaural beats", "NLP", "altered states of mind" stacked videos with low opacity in each layer become video (if you understand video edit), Hypno spiral, "chromatic aberration" also have suggestion like Desperate to be controlled, you will forget anything, unable to think anything, programmed in the pineal gland, you are not human, you are not real, slave, etc, also trigger example 'when I say the word 'photo' you will be somehow posing for a photo'
    2. again this time you should exercise against 5 sensory suggestions:see, hear, touch, taste, smell because this could also come with "sniffing the bottle in your video" or fell the taste imaginary
    3. in this level could bring "mental illness" if somebody or bad spirit annoy you while doing this, that's why it's important to cleanse the room first, and lock the door, my record doing this is only 35 minutes, because this makes my mind dizzy, because there is suggestion "the more you resist, more stronger .. the effect is, when you sleep at night you would dreaming about this session again and again" (voice speed 1.25) for whole days or tomorrow if I'm not in control this will haunt me, but its end in 3 days, because I meditate to always empty my mind, erase the unwanted suggestion.
    4. so the order is Comfortable > Relaxed > Letting Go >Emptying > (nothing), in The second step, maybe you could succeed with short time 3 days or less, but what about the long term? or just for 3 days later? when you got information in your mind, it will not control you even though the suggestion is heard or sensed. "feel my words go inside your head, flow, flow & flow, so washing your mind away, my will is stronger than you, then you got weaker, weaker, weaker...". Why should our willpower get weaker? this is somehow because of acceptance or trust to the hypnotist that you give in the first time then you just follow it. remember mind is not attached to the time, if you do this right for only 3 seconds or less, you can be just free from controlled trances, if you need a very long time to free then your exercise is somehow wrong
    5. the mechanism is the same as when you sleeping, time in the real world and dream world is flowing differently, even in "waking state" there are people who think in 1.1x speed - 1.3x speed (the eye, lips, mouth, face, limbs, body movement is same, but only its mind in different speed), that's why you see the many scientists, journalist talk so fast in a talk show, the mind is, of course, a higher frequency than the body, higher frequency faster it reacts, remember frequency is how many cycles per time, this exercise mastery include mastery of time in the mind plane

    Fourth step(agent)

    1. this kind of hypnotic video is mixed with Magic Symbols, Ritual, Exoterics, Mantra, Chant, Magic animal, Tarot, etc, for my experimenting with myself, watching this will lead to a long-lasting effect maybe 2 weeks (because I meditate), maybe more longer for not meditating people ( the effect only occur in some trigger, maybe when you see or hear something, it could be in my record 3 times in one day average )
    2. if you always meditate so long everyday its ok to exercise to empty your mind from these things, I repeat empty your mind is not using words empty empty like that but it rather nothing or not thinking anything, and also not forcing to remember using muscle, the key here is not using feeling, muscle, or ideas that you have to remember
    3. the ability to un-suggested in hypnosis things in parallel with someone spiritual abilities, because it needs self-control

    Added to on Feb 01, 2022
    Last edited on Feb 12, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #148 - A Witches Revenges

    The title says it all
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • BLACK Ink Pen
  • Black Pepper
  • Wand/Finger
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • BLACK Ink Pen
  • Black Pepper
  • Wand/Finger
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    Write down the persons name (full name) on the paper in black ink.

    After you wrote down the name, put black pepper on top of the name on the paper.

    Fold the paper and wave your wand or finger and say: "You have done me wrong now feel this pain, everything you have done to me, you will now get back again. With my magic I cast this spell, so all will go well, this is my will so mote it be."

    Now burn or rip the paper and throw it away

    Added to on Jan 25, 2022
    Last edited on Feb 15, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #149 - summon the dead god

    text taken from the book of Urila, used to summon the dead and forgotten god, a very dark and powerful spell. ONLY FOR ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS.
    You may need:

  • voice
  • an altar space where you wont be disturbed
  • a candle
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    You may need:

  • voice
  • an altar space where you wont be disturbed
  • a candle
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    The Dead
    must be called in the Four Directions, and in the Four Spaces for, not knowing where It
    is, the Priest must needs take especial care that he call everywhere, for the Spirit may be
    in flight.
    And a Dead God may be also summoned, and the formulae is that which follows. It must
    be spoken clearly aloud, and not a word changed, else the Spirit of the God may devour
    thee, as there is no Food and no Drink where they are.
    And it must be called in a secret place, without windows, or with windows only in one
    place, and that should be in the Northern Wall of the place, and the only light shall be of
    one lamp, set on the altar, and the lamp need not be new, nor the altar, for it is a Rite of
    Age and of the Ancient Ones, and they care not for newness.
    And the altar should be of a large rock set in the earth, and a sacrifice acceptable unto the
    nature of the God should be made. And at the time of the Calling, the waters of ABSU
    will roil, and KUTULU will stir, but unless it be His time, he will not Rise.
    And this is the Conjuration of the Dead God:
    May NAMMTAR open my eyes that I may see . . . . . . . . .
    May NAMMTAR open my ears that I may hear . . . . . . . . .
    May NAMMTAR open my nose that I may sense His approach.
    May NAMMTAR open my mouth that my voice will be heard to the far reaches of the
    May NAMMTAR strengthen my right hand that I shall be strong, to keep the Dead
    under my power, under my very power.
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Words of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    I summon and call Thee forth, from Thy Abode in Darkness!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
    I summon Thine eyes to behold the Brightness of my Wand, which is full of the Fire of
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Works of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    By the Four Square Pillars of Earth that support the Sky,
    May they stand fast against Them that desire to harm me!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
    I summon Thee and Thine ears to hear the Word that is never spoken, except by Thy
    Father, the Eldest of All Who Know Age
    The Word that Binds and Commands is my Word!
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Works of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    I summon Thee, and call Thee forth, from Thy Abode in Darkness!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the Bowels of the Earth!
    And this shall be recited only once, and if the God do not appear, do not persist, but
    finish the Rite quietly, for it means that It hath been summoned elsewhere, or is engaged
    in some Work which it is better not to disturb.

    Added to on Jan 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #150 - Empowering Spell

    Use this spell to grant yourself more power, but be sure to properly ground yourself before.
    You may need:

  • A Clear Mind
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    You may need:

  • A Clear Mind
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    Simply chant "infinita virtus in me influit. confirma me. conforta me. ditans me."

    Added to on Jan 14, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters