2966 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Basic Healing
- Vanity Insanity
- Death Wish (Revenge)
- Diet Potion
- Fairy Charm
- Heal Pain Fast
- Permissioned for Spirits or Ghost
- Summoning Tips
- Vampiric Energy Drain
- Resurrection Spell
#1561 - Basic Healing
Note: this does work but start with a wand as it is easier.
Good Luck!
#1562 - Vanity Insanity
Set piece of paper in front of you, then say this one time.
"Vanity, that is your crutch.
You care about beauty a little too much.
So your beauty shall wither.
Hair shall leave it's place.
Blemishes will find their way,
Upon your pretty face.
Your figure shall stray.
If only, If only,
Vanity wasn't your crutch.
Then the obsession you'd now have,
Over looks and appearance,
Would never mattered, so no have,
Your vanity insanity."
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1563 - Death Wish (Revenge)
Look at the hair then grab it and set it near the flame of the one candle (light only one at first) then say 7 times:
"You hurt me
Now I hurt you,
I make you cry
Then make you die
So mote it be".
Then light the second candle and put both candles near enough to make the flame bigger then drop the hair into the flame. If you no longer want them to be cursed look at them and say:
"Im sorry
I cure you
Now go away"
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1564 - Diet Potion
First you will need to fill a bowl with water. And then take a drop blood in the water.Continue with filling the bowl with a spoon of salt and at the end put just a little baking-soda and then say: "I drink my own blood, to help me lose weight".
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1565 - Fairy Charm
Fairy folk of marsh and heath,
Fairy folk of wood and hill,
Fairy folk above,beneath,
Fairies movng,fairies still,
I take a bow,
So help me now.
#1566 - Heal Pain Fast
On the piece of paper write your name age date of birth and what hurts and then say this spell right after,
" I'm hurt
Blood and scrapes are what I see
I want to be healed
So mote it be "
Then gently with something like a tissue a cloth ur hand or something u want to put on ur cut press down really fast then say the spell one more time. Then rip up your paper throw it outside and say spell one last time
Last edited on Jun 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1567 - Permissioned for Spirits or Ghost
Ok sit down and criss cross close ur eyes and say this "If their are any good ghosts or spirtes you may come in this thing or ......not anyone though if you posses into a person i am reading the bible and condemning you back to hell and back to satin where you belong and no SECOND CHANCES tell the spirtit or ghost what to go into be specific.
#1568 - Summoning Tips
1) NEVER attempt to force an entity to do your bidding, unless you have a death wish.
2) It isn't possible to become a demon through a spell, despite what anyone on this site says.
3) If an entity doesn't appear the first time you try to summon it, assume it doesn't want to be messed with and wait 2+ months before attempting to summon him/her again.
4) Don't say stupid things, for example, ''I command you,'' ''I am now your master,'' etc. Always be respectful and courteous, f.e., ''My lord,'' ''My lady,'' ''Dearest ______'' If you are summoning the spirit of someone you knew personally when the were alive, it's fine to use nick names as long as they aren't offensive.
5) Do your homework! You can't just summon a random demon. Look up and memorize some demons and consider the best way to get their attention. (Certain demons might prefer jewels, food, precious metals, etc.)
7) Don't use your own blood if you're doing a blood ritual. Animal blood works just as well.
8) Make sure the area you are going to use to summon an entity is free of religious articles.
9) There is no such thing as summoning a so-called 'Dark Angel.' This is a generic name for a demon.
10) It isn't possible to have a spirit guide, teacher, soulmate, etc that is a demon.
That's about it. Mail me if you have any questions.
#1569 - Vampiric Energy Drain
I made this spell on my own, so I am not 100% sure it will work, though I am pretty sure it will.
#1570 - Resurrection Spell
(You may want to try and cast a protection spell before hand, incase something backfires)
Once the Pentagram is drawn, light the candle by the Headstone of the grave, and quietly chant this:
'For thou who sleeps in stone and clay, heed this call, rise up and obey, treck on through the Mortal door, assemble flesh and walk once more.'
There should be a strong gale of wind to blow out the candle, if this happens and the candle goes out, then the spell has worked, if not, then you may want to try again another night, trying twice on the same night may not bring back the loved one, but their spirit, and if this happens, you will either be protected by the spirit or haunted by it.
The spell should bring back your loved one, maybe not in their significant form, but perhaps as something or someone else.
I'm unsure of side effects, but if there are any, please let me know, also, if the spell is done under a New Moon (For those wondering) It'll bring back a evil spirit of the person you were trying to resurrect.
Last edited on Dec 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.