2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- No More Bad Habits
- Chakra Healing Bag
- Happiness Spell
- Gain the Dark Arts
- Coma Curse
- Spirit Medicine Ritual
- Orb Vampire
- Pain's Curse
- Strengthening
- Healing
#1571 - No More Bad Habits
Make a triangle with the crystals and sit in the middle. Place the amethyst on your lap and say the following words:
"Habits be gone
Habits have fright
As I ban you with all my might
Never come back to me
Never let me see you In my sight"
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1572 - Chakra Healing Bag
1. Marjoram - Root Chakra - comfort, security Sacral Chakra - connections Heart Chakra - healing, love, relationships Third Eye - healing, psychic abilities Crown Chakra - consciousness
Other issues addressed by Marjoram - The after life, attraction, calm, comfort, community, concentration/focus, connections, family, grief, happiness, healing, hexes (to protect from), innocence, loneliness (to ease), love, black magic, defensive magic, marriage, memory (to support/ access), money, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships, release, security, sleep, sorrow (to ease), stress (to relieve), unity, warmth, well-being, witchcraft
2. Sage - Root Chakra - comfort, grounding, stability Heart Chakra - balance, healing, love release truth Third Eye - clairvoyance, visions, wisdom Crown Chakra - consciousness, knowledge, spirituality
Other issues addressed by Sage - balance, business, clairvoyance, comfort, concentration/ focus, consecration/ bless, consciousness, divination, energy, fear, fertility, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmony, healing, insight, introspection, knowledge, life, longevity, love, magic, memory, the mind (clear), money, negativity, obstacles, peace, power, prophecy, prosperity, protection (psychic), psychic ability, purification (general/ ritual), quests, release, reversal, secrets, the senses (strengthen), spirits, spirituality, stability, stimulations, strength, stress, truth, visions, warmth, wealth, well-being (mental), wisdom, wishes
3. Chamomile - Root Chakra - grounding, emotional stability Sacral Chakra - creativity Solar Plexus - Energy, sensitivity Heart Chakra - balance, healing Throat Chakra - communication, creativity Third Eye - healing, insight
Other issues addressed by Chamomile - anger, anxiety, attraction, balance, beauty, blessings, calm (emotions), communication, creativity, determination, dream work, energy, gentleness, grounding, growth, harmony, healing, hexes (break), insight, introspection, intuition, justice, love (attract), luck, manifestation, money, moods, nightmares, patience, peace (inner), problems, prosperity, purification, security (emotional), sensitivity, sleep, stress, success, support, visions, wealth, wishes
4. Valerian - Root Chakra - fulfill needs Sacral Chakra - creativity Throat Chakra - creativity
Other issues addressed by Valerian - anger, anxiety, blessings, calm, challenges, communication, creativity, endings, happiness, harmony, healing, learning, longevity, love, the mind (peace), money, needs (emotional), peace, pleasure, problems, protection, purification, reconciliation (after quarrels), romance, self-work, sensitivity, sleep, spirits, stress, truth
5. Angelica - Root Chakra - security, stability Heart Chakra - balance, healing Throat Chakra - Inspiration Third Eye - healing, insight, visions Crown Chakra - Spirituality
Other issues addressed by Angelica - acceptance, attraction, balance, banish, beauty, beginnings, bind, calm, community, consecrate/ bless, defense, divination, dream work, energy (spiritual), friendship, growth, harmony, healing, hexes (break, protect from), insight, inspiration, introspection, longevity, magic (angel), messages/ omens (from angels, dreams), negativity, peace, power (female), problems, protection (divine), purification, security, self-work, the senses (listening), sorrow, spirits (holy), spirituality, stability, stimulation, strength, stress, support, visions, witch craft (protect from)
6. Jasmine - Root Chakra - emotional stability, Sacral Chakra - sexuality Heart Chakra - affection, beauty, healing, relationships Throat Chakra - communication, inspiration Third Eye - healing, intuition, wisdom
Other issues addressed by Jasmine - anxiety, astral realm, attachments, attraction, balance (emotional), beauty, bind, calm, clarity, communication, consecrate/ bless, defense, dream work, grace, happiness, harmony, healing, imagination, inspiration, justice, light, pregnancy/ childbirth, problems, prosperity, protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships (romantic), romance, self-work, sensuality, sexuality, sleep, spirits, spirituality, stimulation, stress, support, visions, wealth, well-being
7. Bergamot - Sacral Chakra - Emotions Solar Plexus - confidence, courage Heart Chakra - balance
Other issues addressed by Bergamot - anxiety, assertiveness, authority, awareness, balance, calm, concentration/ focus, confidence, control, courage, discipline, dream work, emotions, encouragement, energy, goodness, grief, happiness, harmony, hexes (break), love (open to), stress, success, support, wealth, youth
8. Mugwort - Sacral Chakra - emotions Solar Plexus - authority Heart Chakra - empathy, healing Throat Chakra - release Third Eye - clairvoyance, healing, psychic abilities
Other issues addressed by Mugwort - animals (protect from), astral realm, authority, awareness, banish, beginnings, blessings, clairvoyance, community, consecrate/ bless, danger, defense, divination, dream work, empathy, energy (psychic), fertility, guidance, happiness, love, magic, messages/ omens (dreams), power (general, magical), protection (psychic), psychic ability, purification, release, reversal, skills, sleep, spirits (general, see), strength, travel, visions, weather (lightning), witch craft
9. Hibiscus - Sacral Chakra - freedom, passion, sexuality Solar Plexus - sensitivity Third Eye - clairvoyance
Other issues addressed by Hibiscus - clairvoyance, concentration/ focus, consecrate/ bless, determination, divination, energy (sexual), freedom (sexual), harmony, love (attract), lust, obstacles, passion, peace, power, psychic ability, sensitivity, sensuality, sexuality, unity, warmth
10. Basil - Sacral Chakra - fertility Solar Plexus - confidence, courage Heart Chakra - balance, healing, love, relationships Throat Chakra - release Third Eye - clairvoyance, clarity, psychic abilities
Other issues addressed by Basil - the after life, assertiveness, attraction, balance, banish, business, calm (inner), cheerfulness, clairvoyance, clarity, concentration/ focus, confidence, courage, defense, discipline, divination, energy, family, fertility, fidelity, friendship, goodness, grief, happiness, healing (relationships), hexes (break), the home (peaceful), honesty, influence, love (reconcile), luck (attract), magic (angel, defensive), memory, messages, omens, the mind (clear), money, negativity, peace, power, problems, prosperity, protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships, release, the senses (smell), sexuality, sorrow, stimulation (mental), strength, stress, success, sympathy, trust, wealth, wishes, witchcraft
11. Lilac - Heart Chakra - love Throat Chakra - creativity, inspiration Third Eye - clairvoyance
Other issues addressed by Lilac - adaptability, attraction, balance, banish, beauty, business, clairvoyance, community, concentration/ focus, creativity, divination, dream work, emotions, friendship, happiness, harmony, hexes (break), the home, inspiration, life, light, longevity, love, luck, magic (defensive), memory (past life), the mind (clear), peace, problems, prophecy, protection, purification, rebirth/ renewal, security, spirits (attract, contact), spirituality, well-being
12. Lavender - Root Chakra - grounding, stability Sacral Chakra - connections, creativity, emotions, sexuality Solar Plexus - courage, sensitivity Heart Chakra - beauty, relationships Throat Chakra - creativity, inspiration Third Eye - clarity, intuition, psychic abilities
Other issues addressed by Lavender - anger, anxiety, attraction, awareness, balance (emotional), beauty, calm (emotions, inner), challenges, clarity, communication, concentration/ focus, connections, consecrate/ bless, courage, creativity, divination, dream work, emotions, fidelity, friendship, gentleness, goals, grief, grounding, harmony, healing (general, emotional), heartbreak, inspiration, intuition, loneliness, longevity, love (attract), luck, lust, magic (elf), manifestation, marriage, negativity, peace (attract, inner ), problems (general, emotional), protection, psychic ability, purification (general, ritual), rebirth/renewal, relationships (peaceful), release, romance, sensitivity, sexuality, sleep, stability, strength, stress, support, well-being, wish
#1573 - Happiness Spell
Light the candle
Write all the things or people bothering you on the paper then fold in up.
Use the flame to burn the paper. As it burns say this prayer to the Goddess.
Great Goddess and Mother I ask of you to watch over for me, for I am your child. I ask you to bring me happiness and joy and to banish negative energies from my life. I no longer wish to feel sadness and grief, but peace. So mote it be.
Blow out the candle
Close the circle
Bury the ashes of the paper and imagine all the negative energies being buried with it.
#1574 - Gain the Dark Arts
Stand in the middle, while holding the roses, in the pentagon. Put your foot out in front of you. Slide it behind you in a circular motion then twirl around with your foot. Put the roses around you in a circle and chant this. This is the phonetic spelling.
"Oo way, ah ni vat. Cres ah ni oo t. Foo r ni, ray hout in cam. La ro ha ma va. Ten ee nat, de rose a caval. Niet roon, he go nuet. Bar el my ont. My car nie, mal olm ni het!"
This is where the object or picture of your loved one comes into play. When you do the spell, evil will try to corrupt you. The object is a symbol of love, and that will keep your soul and heart safe.
Last edited on May 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1575 - Coma Curse
Firstly get your small bottle and fill it with fruit punch. Cut/rip up the moonflowers and morning glories into small pieces then put it in the bottle.Think of the person going into a coma and say
"Make this potion give a coma
To whoever drinks it
They will be in a coma for a while
Or maybe forever
Make this potion give a coma
Make this potion give a coma
So mote it be"
Now all you have to do is make people drink it.
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1576 - Spirit Medicine Ritual
''Oh animals of the spirit world, let me prosper greatly, send thou medicine into my stone, and in return I bestow you a gift.''
Call upon each guide one by one.
''Oh (name), let me prosper greatly with your (animal) medicine.''
#1577 - Orb Vampire
Wait til it's midnight and chant 3x
"Orb queen come to me
Feel my pain
Give me power with love and orbness
Make me an orb vampire
This is what I wish to be
So mote it be"
This should take one day to take full effect and 2-3 days for the powers 4 at the most.
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1578 - Pain's Curse
''Pain is my name, Cursing is my game,
A curse is now used, held deep, inside it is fused,
Deeper it will burn, On the outside you have a single open wound.
Pain is my name, Cursing is my game,
So mote it be''
Happy Casting. :)
#1579 - Strengthening
First put your hand on the thing you want to strengthen and, then say aloud
"By the Power of the Spartan 300
And their King,
By the Power of the Atlanteans
And their Magic Ring,
By the Power of all that
Poets have Spoken,
I Cast this Spell
So that you will not be Broken!"
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1580 - Healing
Place your hand on the place that hurts. Then say aloud
"Light and Darkness chase each other,
Twilight forms and all Men are Brothers,
I Cast this Spell to make things Right,
To take away the Pain, and take away the Fright."
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.