2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Heal most ailments
- Revenge
- Sleep Spell
- Concentration Spell
- Be Warm
- Immortality
- Vampire
- See Your Future Life
- Proper Healing Technique
#1631 - Heal most ailments
#1632 - Revenge
Draw a circle with blood. Sit in the circle and place the red candles on you're four sides then place the black candles on the corners place the tall candle in the middle. Place the picture in front of the candle
Cut off your own body segment and say "Take my hate into fire to burn a soul take my hate let them suffer take my hate. Now let them die" then cut off (add body segment here) and let it fall on the picture.
Burn the body segment and the picture with the tall candle then blow out each candle one by one thinking of what they done to you.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1633 - Sleep Spell
Gods of power
Gods of might
Take my pain
Take my fright
I just want to sleep tonight
Let it be, Let it be
Blow the candle and go to your bed to sleep :)
Thats all, You will get tired and you will get a good sleep :)
#1634 - Concentration Spell
Gods, please put my focus on *event here*. You have the power to stop me from doing something to focus on *event here*. Please, help me focus and become concentrated on *event here*.
Nod your head and stand up in your leaf circle. Walk away, focused on your event.
#1635 - Be Warm
So lets start with this tested spell ! Firstly , if your Third-Eye is open, close eyes and relax. Put your hand together and fill it with black energy (The Black energy is NOT negative energy , its color of our Univere/um. But still if you fill it with negative Black energy it will have own problems in future. If your Third-Eye is not opened , you will need a any strong Chakra of yours, the way is the same!
After that take your hands , and put it on the part you wanna to be Warm/Heated "Oh Goddesses of Emina , help me , not warm , but cold,I want your power to heat me , please do it so!" (2x)
And thesse powerfull lines also:"Oh you the biggest ______ , hear my plea, heat me , with your soul ,with your big and strong hands ,take me , heat me !"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1636 - Immortality
Say one time
"Demons and witches hear me
I want to live forever
I will have powers of a vampire
But will not live off blood
Iwill be immortal and live forever
This is my will so mote it be!"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1638 - Vampire
Blood Red, Pale Skin, Moonlight Draw Me In, Quench My Thirst, Corasing Veins, Let My Body Feel No Pain.
After that you should feel a little dizzy, Then you'll feel energetic.
Now here is the side affects.
1.Small Fangs.
2.Blood Cravings.
3.Better Senses And Food Taste Different.
4.You Sleep Until Around 6:00pm - 7:30pm. You'll Stay Awake Until 1:20am
5. Head Aches
6. Run Faster.
7. You'll Be Tired At School Or Work.
8. You'll Feel The Sun More A Little Burning
9. Some Teeth Aches.
Better for ages 11-18
#1639 - See Your Future Life
So lets get started with this tested spell ! Firstly you take a "Crystal Ball" in front of you.Now you take your bowl and put Tobacco in it (Best 5-6 grams) and put that in front of you , but on the right side of crystal ball !.Now slowly put Mineral Water over the tobacco in the bowl.
Now turn lights OFF ,(Its the best way , if you are afraid do not do it ! :) . ) Sit in front of bowl and crystal ball , concetrate on them and clear mind totally (Needed opened Third-Eye as I said.)Hold it there for about 2 min.
Now put 2 white candles (One in front of crystal ball , another from back of crystal ball !.) Light it up.Now close eyes, imagine all you put in front of you in your mind.Concetrate on it and medidate for around , about 10 min. (The longer,The better!.) After that open eyes , and that mixture you maked in bowl , throw slowly over the crystal ball (Dont make a mess !
Now chant these powerfull lines:"Oh goddesess , Fire , Water, Air, Earth , help me , me (your name)______,to see my future , I wont bad past , I want new future, those is my wish , so make it be ! "Blow out candles and leave it on some sunny and happy place !
Now look at crystal ball, you will see ALOT of shapes etc. and everything else.So , concetrate on it ,look how the Mineral Water fall,look all shape from Tobacco etc. So ,when you see alot , or a litle , or a nothing ,it does not matter ,take it ALL from the crystal ball , and put it back in the bowl .
Then fire it with some lighter filled with energy or Aura. Or just some lighter that has really big and good fire. When you light it ,look at the smoke ,and when its all burned , look at the shapes left in bowl.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1640 - Proper Healing Technique
Please message me so that I may know how it works for others.