2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Skinny
- Inner Fire
- Moloko
- Azrael's Touch
- Soul Trap
- Soul Consumption
- Energy Spell
- Healing spell
- Maledictus Charm
- Find your Soul, Inner Travel
#1991 - Skinny
Go to a mirror. Touch it and say, "I wish to be weightless, my thighs will be slim, I want to be __ pounds, thin body, thin limbs. My stomach will be flat, no matter what I eat, My hip bones will show, they're easy to see, this is my will, so mote it be." Say this 5 times. Then kiss the mirror.
Last edited on Mar 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1992 - Inner Fire
Let me use my fire, the fire is my desire,
Bring me my buring light. Don't hurt my friends,
don't hurt me. Start a flame within me.
This is my will, so mote it be!
#1993 - Moloko
Think of the person or thing you want to curse. Visualize evil power flowing from the earth through your body and out your hands, in essence forming a psi ball of negative energy. As you shape the energies, compacting them in a ball, recite the following incantation three times: "Bhravo shella makasa, moshoko dom matata".
When you feel satisfied, feel a shockwave of immense supernatural power drive through your body and channel the negative energies and absorb and draw towards you with your attraction force. Visualize the shockwave blast violently out your hands, releasing foul evil energy which is absorbed into the ball. finally, guide the ball into a jar and close the lid tight. Break the jar on your opponents doorstep so that negative curses shall haunt your opponent.
First put something cool in the jar and give it to your victim as a gift. When they open the jar they will breathe in negative air. This will get absorbed through the lungs and into the bloodstream which will build up in the body as they absorb negative energy. In effect this will turn them into a living filter that absorbs negative energy and will increase over the course of many years
Last edited on Mar 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1994 - Azrael's Touch
Be careful who you touch with your left hand, doesnt really kill so much as reaps their soul leaving them empty.
Not for the irresponsible or weak Willed.
To reverse wash with holy water and recite '' Azrael, thank you for loaning me your gift, I return it to you in peace. So Mote it Be!''
#1995 - Soul Trap
2. Underneath a bridge, or walkway, out of conventional sight, draw a large circle with the black paint, in the center draw a small ''X'', with a inward spiral starting at the bottom of the ''X'' and ending at the top of the circle. (this spiral should be the only line connecting the circle and the ''X'')
3. While holding the recepticle or with it placed upon an altar, connect the sigil to the recepticle with your Will by saying, ''Who ever shall cross this sigil shall be reaped of their Immortal Soul, and shall be bound to this vessle.(bread, crystal, jar.) By the Pw'r of Azrael so Mote it Be!''
You may choose to pull in the Souls by either absorbing them from the crystal, breathing in from the jar, or eating the bread.
Please use responsibly. Thank you.
#1996 - Soul Consumption
Another method is to set a Soul Trap, and once enough Souls have been collected you may consume the vessle that the souls were trapped in.
The more experience may use ''Azrael's Touch'' and simply reap the soul.
Contact if u want to know more, i am hesitant of putting too much info.
(caution dark magicks with high karmic retributions)
#1997 - Energy Spell
Think of a green light coming from the earth and though you.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1998 - Healing spell
#1999 - Maledictus Charm
''Ego noceant hiis qui noceret mihi
Nolo bonum maledic
Maledictiones tibi eveniat, et nihil minus
Eritis pati, donec obitum tuum
Et fiat semper
Et fiat semper''
Havent tried the spell yet, so if you happen to try it, let me know what happens -Yuki
#2000 - Find your Soul, Inner Travel
It may sound hard but it is actually simple, some just need to stare at a candle flame to clear the mind while others require complete silence...I found music and incense help most find a way to calmly exert their energy.
To gain focus by candle, this works best whose element is fire since it will create a stronger connection to the person. Stare at the flame, it dosn't matter how long for it takes because focus is not so quickly gained, watch the flame flicker then it begins. Don't pay attention to anything else but the flame then once that is achieved close your eyes. Once closed think of the following of your choice, a library with telaportic books, portal, waterfall, painless lava or fire anything that you can go through or can transport you automatically without your guidance. Mine is a neon waterfall surrounded by crystals while some have books that take them or portals. Imagine your teleporter and tell it to take you to where you need to go and if your just interested in seeing your soul tell it you need to see your soul. Now your journey begins in your experience I can not tell you what to expect but always know nothing is impossible once in your spiritual self and I suggest putting locks in important places to keep things safe and good luck for what you want to know is just hidden in yourself. If your going by element on the beginning of the topic, those of water may want a bowl of water to dip there hands in frequently until they are ready then close your eyes. I hope you are able to succeed since the others I brought there were in my personal life so I could find ways to help them focus better but if you need any help message me on here or my email. AsariGoddess is my username but when messaging just call me by Vayessa. Good luck to all of you.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.