2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Hair Growth
- Strength Potion No. 2
- Self Healing
- Undo a Curse
- Depression
- Undo Curse
- Schizophrenia Stop
- 10 Knot Witches Ladder
- Light of God
- Devour a Victim's Soul
#2161 - Hair Growth
Cut your hair on a fullmoon for a full head of hair. Just juice an onion and rub it with care or rub garlic on your hair.
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2162 - Strength Potion No. 2
coffee. Chug and enjoy!
#2163 - Self Healing
Concentrate the prana (chi) near the effected area, if it be joint related send a thought-ray down the body to the muscle, breath letting the energy build until it engulfs the body:
Repeat the following monotonously:
"Like bones break
Like bloods pain
Like joints sprain:
Bone to bone
Blood to blood
Joint to joint.
Be glued".
Let out a psychic current over the body and psychicly 'glue' the joints and ligaments.
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2164 - Undo a Curse
On a full moon, go before the Goddess and say "Goddes of the Moons. Fair and light. Take this curse from me this night". Rub the egg all over your body, then break it to break the spell.
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2165 - Depression
White things are under the influence of the Goddess. They help to balance emotions, sooth the mind. For example, drinking milk can help rid depression. It is the mothers milk, her blessing and love. White clothing can be worn. Taking a bath in clear water can help balance emotions.
Yellow things are under the influence of the God or Lord. Drink chamomile tea to rid depression. Rosemary and fennel tea mixed with honey will do the same. The sun is also a good source to increase positive feelings, warming you up and expelling depression.
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2166 - Undo Curse
Wait till a rainy day or night. Then in the rain turn around three times and say 'by turn of one the curse is done by turn of two the curse is through by turn of three so shall it be "
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2167 - Schizophrenia Stop
Gather a handful of leaves on a windy day and say, "May my thoughts become scattered as leaves in the wind. Euras boreas notus zyphrus". Then toss the leaves into the air and so shall it be.
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2168 - 10 Knot Witches Ladder
To make your first knot is to hold your thread, (this is more of a braid), and chant the following before you recite your wish.
"By knot of one this spells begun
By knot of two my intentions are true
By knot of three bring to me
By knot of four the only chore
By knot of five the man/woman alive
By knot of six he/shes innocent
By knot of seven return them
By knot of eight so be the fate
By knot of nine this thing of mine
By knot of ten my spell has come to its end"
Last edited on Jan 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2169 - Light of God
Light is the power of our Lord, the great Father. The sun radiates his power. Go outside or use a light source. Let the warm light gather and energize you, healing and removing all negativity from you. Ask for protection or other desires while bathed in the light.
Last edited on Jan 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2170 - Devour a Victim's Soul
Carve the name of your victim on one of the black candles. Cast your magic circle. It should contain an inverted pentagram with the spirit point facing south. Light the incense.
Place the black candle without the victim's name on it on the fire point of your altar. Wrap your black cloth around the base of the black candle with the victim's name on it and light it. Use it to light the other candle. Then, place it across from you on the opposite side of the circle, with the name of your victim facing you.
Smooth the black cloth over the center of your pentagram. Pass the personal possession from your victim through the incense smoke, then place it on the black cloth. Envision your victim. Imagine their soul being wrenched from their physical body through their crown and brow chakras. Visualize all the color draining from them and take pleasure in the thought of them being reduced to a soulless husk.
Begin scattering the bones. Scatter one bone at a time in line with the following incantation:
"Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
I scatter these bones
with hate and disgust
From eternal fires
burning out of control
I open my jaws
and swallow your soul
This awful fate
you cannot foresee
As I will it, so mote it be"
Fold the black cloth over the personal possession and scattered bones. Tie three knots in the black string from right to left, then tie it around the black cloth until it is bundled shut. Close your magic circle. Snuff out your candles in a counter-clockwise rotation.
Take the bundle and the remainder of the black candle with the victim's name on it in nature where it won't be discovered by cover of night. Light the remainder of the candle (if possible) and place it somewhere close, being careful to avoid starting a fire.
Destroy the bundle. Crush it under your foot; light it on fire; smash it with a rock; weigh it down with a stone and drop it in a lake. Whatever method of disposal you choose, pour the full force of your wrath into it. Snuff out the candle and bury it.
Last edited on Jan 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.