2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Percy Jackson Satyr spell
- Voodoo Doll of Pain
- Archangels grace
- Become a Q species tested works
- Forbidden death curse
- Quartz Healing
- Protection Jar for Empaths
- Healing Magic
- Cold/flu be gone
- The Mark of Achilles
#211 - Percy Jackson Satyr spell
Say this 3x " I call upon the goddess Gaea to make me a Satyr from the Percy Jackson books with all the Powers and Abilities of the Satyrs and Fauns from the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus books I will be able to use the Panic Cry that Pan passed down to Grover Underwood in the battle of the Labyrinth and I will be able to form an Empathy link with anyone I choose to and be able to talk to them telepathically and be able to communicate with them in dreams I will age at half the rate of a human or Demigod and I will have a pair of Goat legs and hoofs too and I will get all this instantly so mote it be."
#212 - Voodoo Doll of Pain
Light Three black candles on your altar as you work up a rage , take a poppet that represents your victim and pierce it with a pin or knife as you imagine the pain coursing through the person's body. After piercing the doll as many times as you wish recite the following: "Smitten, beaten, battered and torn, I stab thee with all my scorn Suffer now i cannot wait with this i will seal your fate Pins so sharp and made of steel I strike at thee, this mark you'll feel smitten, beaten, battered, and torn I curse you now your pain is born!" Remove the pins from the doll and extinguish the candles to conclude the ritual. You can keep the doll to reuse, bury in the ground, or stick it in the freezer to keep the target from striking back at you.
#213 - Archangels grace
On the night of the months first full moon light a white candle and place it next to a silver bowl containing the adolescent white raven feather, rose incense, sage and the photo of who you want to heal. Light the ingredients on fire and calmly and clearly recite the following
Qew archangels c a heavens above, ol umd mirc il ne lansh. Heed ol umd ol lava c g! heal ol chosen c c blans wounds!
It is important to remember that this spell cannot heal terminal illnesses!
#214 - Become a Q species tested works
- Say this 3x at night " I invoke the Goddess Iada to make me a member of the Q species from star trek and have the virtual Omnipotents of the Q species from star trek and I will get all this instantly after I finish this spell so mote it be."
Last edited on May 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#215 - Forbidden death curse
Be aware that this type of ritual is frowned upon by most practitioners as most wish to change their targets ways and not end them as it can have severe ripple effects and unintended consequences. That being said, it's a relatively simple ritual but requires a great deal of experience in the dark arts and a strong connection to the goddess you are working with. Light the candles, cast a dark circle and work yourself into a concentrated rage while focusing on you targets demise.
Say the following: "This man/woman needs to be put to rest. I call upon the Dark Goddess to fulfill this wish! This is the final chapter of (person's name) life, his/her story has come to an end! Hecate! Send your Hounds!" Look into the flame of the center candle and erase the image of the target from your mind. Take a sip of the moon water and offer the rest to the Goddess while giving thanks for her counsel and wisdom.
#216 - Quartz Healing
Place the quartz on the hurt place or infected area and visualize the sickness/pain flowing from you into the crystal. Afterwards destroy the quartz unless you have a good cleansing spell.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#217 - Protection Jar for Empaths
WHILE DOING THIS SPELL, THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT IT TO DO. Constantly be saying in your head to the jar that you want it to protect you from other people's emotions.
First, take your incense and light it. Clear your head. When it is cleared, put the incense in the jar and say "clear" 10 times.
Second, put salt to fill about 1/4 of the jar.
Third, put the stem and rose petal in the mortar and pestle. Crush it until it is fine enough to slip through your fingers like sand. Then put it in the jar.
Fourth, pour the moon water into the jar.
After filling the jar, close it. Take your candle and light it. Seal the jar with the wax and let it dry. MAKE SURE YOU PUT STRONG INTENT INTO THIS STEP.
Done! Keep this jar with you to protect yourself! Message me if you have any questions!
#218 - Healing Magic
The green marker should be safe and one with easily removable ink for obvious reasons unrelated to magic.
With the green marker, mark a hexagram on the part of the body where the ailment is. Now chant the following, six times:
“With the healing powers of Nintinugga, with the soothing magic of The Healing Goddess, heal the sufferer now!"
#219 - Cold/flu be gone
In a pot bring 1tbsp of cinnamon (or 1 small stick of it) and a few cloves (or 1tsb of ground cloves) and slow boil in 2 cups of water for 3 minutes. '
After 3 minutes take the mixture off the element and add, 2tsb of lemon juice 1-1/2 tbsp of honey or molasses and 2tbsp of whiskey or Apple cider vinegar.
Leave this to steep for 20 minutes and drink 1/2 a cup as needed but its recommended to wait 1-2 hour intervals between drinking it if it's too bitter or sour add sugar to your tastes.
-this comes from the book called "Heinerman's Encyclopedia Of Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs" by John Heinerman it is a book about folk medicines/natural medicines you can make at home. It is advised that you see a doctor and follow their instructions on what to do regarding the cold/flu.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#220 - The Mark of Achilles
Incantation say 3x at night" I invoke the Greek goddess Styx to bless this water with the Mark of Achilles which is his Invulnerability and fighting prowess my weak spot shall be the ( spot on body you want to be your weakness) my emotional anchor will be ( insert the person place or thing you want to be your emotional anchor) anywhere else on my body I will not feel pain or be wounded I will radiate a more powerful aura and I will be faster and stronger than any human but it will tire me out faster to make me a great warrior and a hero I will use these powers for good intentions so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."