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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2963 Health Spells
2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  1. To Find Peace
  2. Werewolf
  3. Vampire
  4. Send Love To Another
  5. Healing Potion
  6. Vampire spell
  7. Weight Loss
  8. Death Wish
  9. Needle Pierced
  10. Create A Healing Mirror

#2221 - To Find Peace

This is a meditation to help you find and hopefully keep peace.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    At night before you go to sleep lay on you back on your bed or where ever you feel comfortable. Lay on your back and have your hands at your sides. Close your eyes and say to yourself in your head till you fall asleep:

    "Stop willing.
    Stop desiring.
    Stop hating".

    By the next day or so you should find peace in the most difficult times or the most happiest times.

    Added to on Oct 05, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2222 - Werewolf

    A spell to turn you into a werewolf.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Blue eyes dark fur
    Moonlight draw me in
    Quinch my thirst
    Coursing veins
    Let my body feel no pain"

    Added to on Oct 03, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2223 - Vampire

    A short chant to make you a vampire.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Shadow black as night
    Skin white as snow
    Bblood lover who can hover
    And can run as fast as a car
    Whose eyes twinkle like a star
    Vampire vampire
    Ishall die and be reborn
    Dark and evil"

    Added to on Oct 03, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2224 - Send Love To Another

    A simple spell to send your love to a loved one
    You may need:

  • 1 candle (Pink)
  • A piece of paper & Pen
  • A handful of rose petals
  • Some Rosemary
  • Cauldron or fire proof dish or bowl
  • Lighter
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    You may need:

  • 1 candle (Pink)
  • A piece of paper & Pen
  • A handful of rose petals
  • Some Rosemary
  • Cauldron or fire proof dish or bowl
  • Lighter
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    This is a pretty simple spell that is pretty helpful. Use this spell to send love to a friend who's feeling down, a sick family member, or a loved one that's far away. (Like a parent you don't live with or a spouse you're apart from)

    After casting the circle and centering your mind and energies, focus on only good emotions and thoughts of love and peace. Focus on the Goddess and the person you want to send your love to.

    Write the name of the person on the paper, you can add drawings, runes, symbols, poetry, reinforcing words (Like strong, happy, carefree), etc. Then hold the paper in your hand and put the rose petals in the center and sprinkle the rosemary on top of it, and say;

    ''A rose is strong, a rose is love
    A symbol of the Goddess above.
    And this herb of comforting feeling
    friendship, love and healing
    Rose petals and Rosemary
    May it all be peaceful and merry.''

    Roll the paper up until it looks similar to a cigarette and the paper is wrapped around the petals and rosemary and keeping it together. Hold it over the cauldron or fire proof dish or bowl and take the lighter.

    Burn one end and let it burn like incense in the cauldron until it burns up. Say:

    ''And as the fire grows and grows
    May my love and will be shown
    By the Goddess, I ask that *Name* gets what they need
    May love come and *name* be freed.''

    When all the rose petals, paper and rosemary is burned up, the message has been sent.

    I use this spell a lot myself, and you can play around with it by adding more herbs or even oils if you'd like. Its simple but effective.

    Added to on Oct 02, 2012
    Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2225 - Healing Potion

    Heal anyone with one sip. I used herbs from Warrior cats.
    You may need:

  • blackberry leaves
  • burdock root
  • burnet
  • catmint
  • chervil (If giving birth)
  • daisy leaf
  • cauldron
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    You may need:

  • blackberry leaves
  • burdock root
  • burnet
  • catmint
  • chervil (If giving birth)
  • daisy leaf
  • cauldron
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    Put the ingredients in the cauldron and stir. Chant, ''Heal! Heal!'' until it is mixed. Best at night.

    Added to on Oct 02, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2226 - Vampire spell

    This spell will turn you into a vampire in a week
    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Drawn pentagram(can be small)
  • Full moon
  • Night
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    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Drawn pentagram(can be small)
  • Full moon
  • Night
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    Wait until its 12 am then light the candle.then chant this 5 times

    I am pale the night is my veil human no more I am a creature of ancient lore

    Then you point at the pentagrams points one at a time and while your finger touches the point say (1 point)vampire eye color.(2 point)skin.(3point)fang length. Now for 4&5 you put what powers or abilities you want.

    Added to on Oct 01, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2227 - Weight Loss

    This spell will help you to lose your excess weight.
    You may need:

  • White candle (optional)
  • Picture of the castee (optional)
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    You may need:

  • White candle (optional)
  • Picture of the castee (optional)
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    Begin by meditating for 10-15 minutes prior to casting. If you don't have the candle no fears skip to 3. If you do have a candle light the candle and concentrate on the flame. Imagine your subject (or yourself) as light as the flame, weightless even. Do this for 5 minutes.

    Now the picture is to be used if you can't accurately visualize the person, but if you are able to you have no need for it. Visualize the subject and keep them as the focal point as your thoughts imagine them on a scale and the scales number is slowly dropping. How long you do this is all up to you.

    Say this chant according to the amount of weight you wish to be lost. For instance, 30 pounds you say it 3 times so on so forth. This is the chant. "I ask of thee to help a friend (or yourself) to lose unwanted weight. What they may lose in body weight may they gain in happiness. I ask of thee to assist"

    After your last chant end with so mote it be.

    Added to on Sep 29, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2228 - Death Wish

    This will make your enemey suffer all that the people in the past suffered.
    You may need:

  • 1 marker
  • 1 needle
  • 1 knife
  • Some blood
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    You may need:

  • 1 marker
  • 1 needle
  • 1 knife
  • Some blood
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    Grab the marker and draw a pentagon then grab the needle and poke yourself. As you spell the name of the person you hate with your blood on the knife chant: "Devil of the night make______ have a death wish and make him suffer with all might".

    Added to on Sep 28, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2229 - Needle Pierced

    A curse for your enemies.
    You may need:

  • 1 picture of that person
  • 5 black candle
  • 1 needle
  • Hot water
  • Wood
  • 1 marker
  • 1 paper
  • Hair of that person
  • Tape
  • Voodo doll
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    You may need:

  • 1 picture of that person
  • 5 black candle
  • 1 needle
  • Hot water
  • Wood
  • 1 marker
  • 1 paper
  • Hair of that person
  • Tape
  • Voodo doll
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    Draw a pentagram on some wood. Write the name of the person you intend to curse on the paper and put it in the middle of the pentagram. Tape the hair onto the voodoo doll, then place it within the hot water. Light candles on all points of the pentegram.

    Pierce the doll with the needle as you say: "potestas tenebrarum da mihi mortiferum ultionem". The enemy will have a needle pierced on where you pierced the needle on persons body.

    Added to on Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2230 - Create A Healing Mirror

    A simple craft. Make a magickal, healing mirror to target aches, pains and injuries
    You may need:

  • A blessed Sharpie, pen or marker.
  • Something permanent and black.
  • A mirror. Any size will work, a pocket mirror, wall mirror, big mirror, small mirror, even a makeup mirror.
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    You may need:

  • A blessed Sharpie, pen or marker.
  • Something permanent and black.
  • A mirror. Any size will work, a pocket mirror, wall mirror, big mirror, small mirror, even a makeup mirror.
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    First thing you should do is cleanse the mirror, wash it with pure water mixed with salt and nothing else. Purify it with your mind by meditating and using a object cleansing spell.

    Once you've cleansed the mirror and blessed the pen, draw a Pentagram on the mirror, make it as perfect as you can.

    Then hold the mirror in your hands, closing your eyes and forcing the power of healing and positive energies. Chant three times: "Healing at its strongest lasting for its longest aches and pains that fall between the pentagram written on this mirror shall disappear by the Deities' will."

    Use the mirror for pain whenever you need to by lining the pained area up to the mirror so it shows within the reflection, inside the pentagram drawn on it.

    As you hold the mirror to the inflicted area, imagine a silver light reaching from the mirror and into the pained skin, healing it completely.

    Added to on Sep 26, 2012
    Last edited on Jun 08, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters