#2342 - Cleansing/Healing by your Spirit Guide(s) or Familiar(s) Spell
This spell is the help of your spitit guide(s), familiars or both to take the nagative energies from your body.
Message me if you have any questions
You may need:
Knowing your animal spirit guide(s) or familiars.(knowing their names will work)
Knowing how to clear your mind
A place where is quiet and private
You may need:
Knowing your animal spirit guide(s) or familiars.(knowing their names will work)
Knowing how to clear your mind
A place where is quiet and private
Find a place that is peaceful, quiet, and less likely for you to be disturbed.(I recommend being outside, in your backyard, or in a forest).
Sit down on the ground,log,rock, or whatever.And clear your mind for a minute.Take deep cleansing breaths.
Then chant this:
(Insert the guide's or familiar's name), I ask you to get rid of the negative inside of me
Let them do nothing but leave and let me be in harmony
I welcome the positive, let them stay
But make sure the negative goes away
After chanting you might feel a numbing,cooling, yet relaxing feeling in your back- but do not freak out, this is just the negative energy coming out from you body.
Egyptian goddess Isis, you can ask about improving health in early spring.
You may need:
1 tablecloth
1 white Tulips
1 white candle
1 white feather
1 gardenias
1 silver Star (glitter or confetti)
You may need:
1 tablecloth
1 white Tulips
1 white candle
1 white feather
1 gardenias
1 silver Star (glitter or confetti)
Egyptian goddess Isis: you can ask about improving health in early spring. Cover your altar with a white cloth, decorate it with a vase of white tulips. Light a white candle and incense gardenia. Then they scatter decorative silver stars. Using the pen, send smoke from incense to him and say:
"Isis, the Great Mother,
Hear my words,
Let the season of light
Bring me good health and protection!"
An infusion of lavender, rosemary, thyme and sweet alyssum
Bi-carbonate of soda
Spray bottle (clean)
You may need:
An infusion of lavender, rosemary, thyme and sweet alyssum
Bi-carbonate of soda
Spray bottle (clean)
Put 1 spoon of bi-carbonate of soda into the Spray bottle. Pour the infusion over it and shake it up. Spray on the acne and visualise your spots disappearing one by one. And say:
"Spots begone
Far far away
I wish to see thee no more
So mote It be"
Kima is the Ruler of Valkyru which is a realm of Entities that are nothing like us they are like demons and nagas and stuff like that. Kima will come to you and ask what you want.
You may need:
Pentegram Made From Chalk
5 Candles At Each Point Of The Pentegram.
You may need:
Pentegram Made From Chalk
5 Candles At Each Point Of The Pentegram.
Okay start by drawing a Pentegram large enough for you to stand in on the floor with the Chalk. Then place each candle at each point of the Pentegram, next say these words (they are written in Valkyrian as i am unableto translate them yet)
Be warned this spell can be used for anything and i do mean anything, you can ask Kima to lend you one of his minions for sexual pleasure or you can ask him for power to crush all who have ever annoyed you, he will give you anything. I will reupload this a second time when i am able to translate Valkyrian.
Mix potion in steaming bath.If needed extra salt can be added. Now light your candle and slowly get in bath tub ((it helps if you have calm music playing). Look at picture and say spell 4 times. Get out and dry off. Get back in bath and put out candle. Go under water and sing "Do Ra Me Fa So La Ti Do"
"Oh mighty Poseidon.
God of the sea,
Make me,
What I wish to be,
A mermaid,
With a tail of (color)
And power over (element)
Oh mighty Poseidon
God of the sea,
Make me,
What I wish to be"