2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell To Lose 20 Pounds
- Meteor Spell
- Spell to gain weight
- Talking To Cats
- How to Grow Fangs
- Pain Relief
- Cleansing the Spirit
- Shape Shifter
- Ravens Death Curse
- Strength Amulet
#2401 - Spell To Lose 20 Pounds
and say
Upon These Days I'm so fat that
I couldn't rage I wish to be
A Exercising Beast
If I loose the 20 Pounds
I need to see
I'll take care of your wife earth
Uranus, Venus I'll make you popular
Also I call upon the spirits to message your love ones
if you do this
Please For Sake
This Is my will
So Mote it be
#2402 - Meteor Spell
Note: This spell can cause a meteor to crash at your enemy's house and can cause a horrible death!
1. Wait until you see the stars at night
2. Light the candle and take the picture of your enemy's house
3. Visulize space and imagine the planets,meteors,sun and galaxies
4. Take the meteor rock and put the picture of the enemy's house around the meteor rock
5. Say:
"Oh goddess of destruction, make a meteor crash on my crush,
let him suffer the horrible death, so mote it be!"
6. Put the picture of the enemy's house that is been rolled around the meteor rock on fire and quickly throw it up to the sky.
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2403 - Spell to gain weight
''spirits that guide me,
give me a belly,
that is soft and squishy,
make all my friends envy,
what is the new me.
As I speak,
So mote it be.''
Push down on your stomach and say: ''Fat''
Then you will begin to grow.
You will get hungier the bigger you get.
#2404 - Talking To Cats
''Oh Mighty great cat spirit, come fourth with thee, my cat wants a voice so show me the key. Oh great cat up high, I do mean no harm, My cat needs a voice so present it to him/her.''
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2405 - How to Grow Fangs
On the paper draw a pentagram with salt.Next tape it on the wall.Third throw a necklace on the pentagram. Then drink water then spit on the pentagram.Take the doll and place it on the dracula costume and place the meat or blood on the costume.Last smash the hamburger and smash it on your face as you chant "blood red". During the next moon phase, you will grow fangs.
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2406 - Pain Relief
Chant: " Relieve the pain from my left/right leg/arm, so I could be pain free, So mote it be". Chant it as many times you want. To make the spell stronger, while your chanting imagine there is no pain going on in your body.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2407 - Cleansing the Spirit
Once you have found a quiet area, either turn off the lights or leave them on. Put on some soothing music. I recommend the 'Linkin Park: In the End: Soothing, Relaxing Music' that can be found on Youtube.
Put a blanket on the floor, or get a seat, & the sit cross-legged on it. Imagine your mind layed out in front of you, in clear water in a white spotless bowl. That water washes all the bad things wawy from your mind.
Do this about once or twice a day, & do it for about twice the song.
Last edited on Oct 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2408 - Shape Shifter
On Christmas create a pentagram in the snow with crystals or sacred stones at midnight. Chant: "Creatures of day and night, grant me your power and your form. Grant me your senses: lend me your ears. Be kind to me. Release me from my human form".
If you have a sacrifice, make the sacrifice and you should feel a surge of energy flow through your body for a few minutes. Visualize the animal you are wanting to shapeshift into.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2409 - Ravens Death Curse
Take the candles and place them in a circle around you. Sit in the middle of it and say "as I light these candles let this ritual begin"
Place your hands on the ground in front of you and chant: "oh Raven by your feathers black, kill him in one quick attack" x3
Now run the raven feathers in turn around above the candles for each time you chant the words "infused be these feathers o' black, by my desire for this payback."
Now rise from your circle and go to your cauldron "o' raven black as night can be, summon thine essence here to me."
Place the feathers in the boiling water as you say "infuse, unfurl and mix good and well,
create a black power as I cast my spell!"
Now take each candle in turn and pour SEVEN drops of wax from each candle into the boiling water as you say "black on black, my powers to kill the one who dared cross me, this is divine will"
Fnally take his/her picture and drop it into the boiling water.
"Burn the skin scorch the flesh,
wipe away all that's left.
black on black, blood of red,
taunt them from within their head.
until life cannot be alive,
and then death, shall be revived."
Take the mixture you have created and pour it onto a patch of clear moonlight, and then close your circle, and end the ritual.
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2410 - Strength Amulet
During a waxing moon, on a tuesday during the hour of mars place your lock of hair within the metal ratchet. Wrap the metal wratchet up with the paper tape so that the lock of hair wont fall out. Write on the paper tape with the permanent marker the word MARS and the symbol for mars. Then wrap that up with red fabric. Then wrap that up with the clear tape so the fabric wont fall off. Bless and consecrate it too mars using your own consecration ritual
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.