2965 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Summon The Great Demons
- Earthquake Spell
- Fish Revival
- Draconic Curse
- Guide to Meditation
- Peaceful Dreams
- New Moon Psychic Bath
- Basic Energy Focusing
- Heal a broken relationship
- Soft Skin
#2431 - Summon The Great Demons
First off, you should be in a silent dark room alone. (This ritual should only be performed by only one person) You must be facing towards and looking into a mirror. Light the candles (The candles MUST be the specific colors). The candle light should be the only source lighting the room. As you look into the mirror, begin to fall into a meditated mind state and focus all your energy onto your communication with the demons. Begin to come intuned with your mind's energy, and use your mental stimulation to begin the communication. Being in a emotional or intense state of mind, is vital for this ritual to work. You must be determined, willing, and you must believe deep within your soul, that you are communicating with demons. The demons will not appear if they sense you are weak or unsure of yourself. So like said before, be confident.
Begin to chant the following :
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- Silence make the demons come alive -
- I call upon the power of the Dark Lordis and I invite the great demons, you may enter - (Repeat this five times)
- Satanatus -
- Satanatus -
- Satanatus -
- Satanatus -
- Satanatus -
- Life of the great demons, come to us - (Repeat this five times)
Say these chants until you feel the demon's energy. Once you feel the demons have arrived, you can make a pact with them or ask them for a favor. Beware though, don't make a pact or ask a the demons for a favor, unless you are willing to become part of their plan. Cause once you summon The Great Demons, they become attached to you, and even others around you. Just make sure any promises you make with them, you can keep. Giving false promises to these demons, is a very bad idea. Your pact, your oath, or your want, must be loyal and with meaning. If you make a pact with The Great Demons, and break or don't live up to your word, the demons will become angry with you, and life may become stressful & eratic to the one who summons them. Only summon these demons if you have a clear idea and purpose for what you want them to do. These demons have the ability to incite positivity and negativity. When summoning these demons, prepare for noises and voices to appear, apparitions, shadow figures, moving objects, atmosphere change, personallity / emotional changes, and a increase in demonic energy.
Warning : This ritual can be risky, these demons work in devious ways.
#2432 - Earthquake Spell
Place the Candle On your Altar Clench the stone Gently in your Hand (Give it Space so you can Shake it), Light the Black Candle and Say while Shaking the Stone:
Earthquako, Earthquako, Rampago, Shako, Destructo
Then Blow out the Candle and Throw the Stone outside (Make sure it makes a noise)
#2433 - Fish Revival
Say, "Dwells in the river, lives in the sea. Come fish now, come fish to me".
Last edited on May 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2434 - Draconic Curse
Take the bone, think of that "special" person, and say, "demonus, courtim, enflaem, devilos!" Then, write the initials of the person on the bone. Then, toss the bone in the fire. Once it's charred, take it out. Then, you must get the person to WILLINGLY accept the bone. Once they have it, the curse will effect them unless they get you to take the bone.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2435 - Guide to Meditation
There is no right or wrong way. Choose whatever you believe to be best for you.
To start meditation, you can either sit down in a comfortable position or lay down. Whatever is comfortable for you. It is advisable that before starting, you should be well rested and wearing comfortable clothes. Although not entirely necessary, it ensures a good meditation experience.
After you sit or lay down, take a deep and relaxing breath, holding it and releasing it at what rate you feel comfortable.
Close your eyes and let go of all your worries and any distracting thoughts. Focus on how relaxed you are becoming. As you take each breath in, you become more relaxed and at peace. As you exhale, you let go of all your worries and other unnecessary thoughts. While concentrating at how relaxing your breathing is becoming, you should also focus on the parts of your body. Concentrate on each part-you can either start from your toes or your head- and imagine that the tension is getting loose, allowing each part of your body to relax.
When you have relaxed all parts of your body, imagine that you are at peace. Imagine the tranquility of your body. Don't forget to focus on your breathing.
After meditating, you should get up slowly.
-If you need further help, you should search for guided meditation audio tracks. You can search in YouTube.-
Enjoy and blessed be!
#2436 - Peaceful Dreams
Before bed fill the bowl with water then add the salt and herbs. Stir it around gently, and repeat the following:
"Bring me quiet
Bring me peace
Ease my dreams
Nightmares cease"
Drop the 3 moonstones into the bowl, and place it near your bed. Go to sleep and let the bowl absorb any negative dreams.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2437 - New Moon Psychic Bath
Get in the tub, and just soak. Careful getting in though, the sea salt will be a bit rough under foot. Let your thoughts float and open up your mind to new ideas and experiences. Stay in the bath until the water gets cold.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2438 - Basic Energy Focusing
Works even better if you are meditating.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2439 - Heal a broken relationship
''I (your name) ask for (loved one's name) to forgive me for the things I've done. Allow your heart to open up and set aside the things I've done to you and what you have done to me. Let the next time we speak or meet be more pleasant.'' And from there add in whatever your asking forgiveness for and anything else.
As you think or say the words of forgiven visualize a loving and healing aura surround that person.
For here light your blue first and with it light your pink candle, then your red candle. After you light them meditate and ask that this spell will reach this person and mend any hurt feelings and you broken relationship. From there open your eyes (if closed) and blow out the candles in the order you light them. Think of the good times you've had and visualize an aura/mist of the candle's color swirl around that person then seep into them putting forgiven into there heart.
The time it takes for it to work may vary
#2440 - Soft Skin
Start your bath just like you normally would. But make sure it's not hot or cold. Just in between. When it's full enough for you, and the water is settled, get your Lemon juice. This is important, because if it's to hot or cold, it will dry out your skin and you'll get opposite results.
Pour the half cup of lemon juice all around in the bath water. Wait for it to settle. The lemon juice is good for your skin and moisturizes it and gets rid of any bad odor.
Take the witch hazel and mash it up or grind it. Then, put in your bath. It's fine to do this before you start because depending on how you do it, it could take a while and your bath could get to cold. Witch hazel makes your skin look and feel better. It's often used as a toner, but doesn't dry out your skin.
Before you can get in your bath, get something that makes you relax. Like music, candles or anything. This helps your body release tension and it calms your muscles down.
Now your ready to take your bath. You should stay in for at least 15 minutes for a good effect. Enjoy!
Last edited on Oct 24, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.