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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2963 Health Spells
2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  1. Becca's Stop Ageing Spell
  2. Becca's Mermaid Spell
  3. A Wing Spell: Gives You Wings. BeccaSullen.
  4. A Mermaid Spell:BeccaSullen.
  5. Becca's Vampire Spell
  6. Becca's Werewolf Spell
  7. Becca's Vampire Spell
  8. Strengthen Your Love
  9. Stop Bleeding
  10. Becca's Wizard Wand

#2511 - Becca's Stop Ageing Spell

This spell slow down your ageing that way your be young for how long you want.
You may need:

You may need:


First thing you do is you set in the middle of the floor in the middle of a jump rope made into a circle and you say the chant as many times as you feel needed

"Gods and goddessess I have one simple wish, I wish to slow the ageing I wish to age slower. So mote it be."

Say that as many times you feel needed and it'll slow the ageing down.

Becca Sullen.

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Last edited on Sep 30, 2016
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#2512 - Becca's Mermaid Spell

This spell turns you into a mermaid in 1 hour.
You may need:

You may need:


First off take a cup of water and put a piece of jewelry in the water and say this chant three times:

"Glass of the sea, make me what I wish to be make me a mermaid legs are not needed just a tail and one special power. I would like to have a tail the color of (tail color) and the special power I would like to have is to (power) water. I will get my tail and power in 1 hour. Rain shall not affect me but one drop of any other water will. A mermaid when wet a human when dry. You shall make my desire so please help me become what I wish to be I wish to be a mermaid. So Mote It Be."

That's the spell say it three times it doesn't matter if its day or night and then in 1 hour you'll get your tail and power.

Side effects are:

Legs itching, and sudden thirst.

Leave the piece of jewlery in the water for the following hour.

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Last edited on Sep 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.

#2513 - A Wing Spell: Gives You Wings. BeccaSullen.

this spell gives you your own pair of wings it does really work and you get to pick the color of the wings whatever color you want. Good Luck. & Bless It Be.!.
You may need:

  • nothing.
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    You may need:

  • nothing.
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    First thing you have to do is you have to set in a circle made out of jump rope and then you say this chant three times when its night.

    ''Gods and goddessess I wish to be able to fly through the air with wings the color of (color wings). I want to be able to fly as high as I want. I want to be able to flap the wings for as long as I want so please make my desire true give me wings. I will get my wings in 1 day. So Mote It Be.''

    Say that three times when its night and in 1 day you'll get your wings that you can acturally fly with.

    Good Luck.

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    #2514 - A Mermaid Spell:BeccaSullen.

    this spell turns you into a mermaid. now this spell doesn't work well for some people. but good luck. Bless it be.
    You may need:

  • nothing.
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    You may need:

  • nothing.
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    First thig you do is you say this chant two times when its night and in 1 night you'll be a mermaid.

    ''Mermaids of the deep blue ocean waters fish in the sea make me what I wish to be I wish to be a mermaid with an orange tail and the power to heat water. Rain shall not affect me but one drop of any other water will. I will get ym tail nad power in 1 night. But if I see the full moon, I shall go to the where water is and I shall be a mermaid all night. So Mote It Be.''

    Say that two times when its night and in 1 night you'll be a mermaid.

    Side effects are:

    Belly hurts, thirsty, and that's mainly it.

    Good Luck.

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    #2515 - Becca's Vampire Spell

    This spell makes you a vampire. You get to have a special gift with this one. It works in one hour.
    You may need:

  • Night time
  • Alone time
  • Something like a blood package (Package of juice)
  • Jump rope
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    You may need:

  • Night time
  • Alone time
  • Something like a blood package (Package of juice)
  • Jump rope
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    First thing you do is you set the jump rope in the floor shaped like a circle and you set in the middle of it and lay the blood package with fluids in it, water, blood, juice, etc. in front of you and then you say this chant three times when its night:

    "Gods and Goddessess I wish to be a vampire with the gift to cause pain with a glance. I wish to be a vampire on this night, no longer shall I eat I shall thirst for blood I shall search the world for blood, I live for blood, I shall no longer be able to walk in the sunlight I shall live in darkness I shall not be able to go in the sunlight without my protection ring (say your ring specificaly) on. I shall have pale skin, with blood red eyes when I'm hungry for blood. My eyes are there normal color when I'm not hungry for blood. So Mote It Be."

    That's the spell say it three times when its night and in 1 hour you'll be a vampire.

    Afterwards you'll be able to do the following.

    Compel people, run very fast, crave blood, thirsty for blood, be able to cause people pain with a glance, you can walk in the sunlight but only if you have your ring your sun proection on but without it on you'll burn in the sunlight.

    Without the ring on if you are in sunlight without the sun protection ring on you'llburn and turn to dust after 10 seconds after being in the sunlight without the ring on.

    Oh and after you the chant three times drink the liquid. Throw the package away. Then clean everything up. You can't enter a house without being invited in.

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    Last edited on Sep 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2516 - Becca's Werewolf Spell

    This spell makes you turn into a werewolf everynight when your in the moonlight. This works.
    You may need:

  • Outside
  • Daylight
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    You may need:

  • Outside
  • Daylight
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    First thing it has to be daylight and you have to be outside when you do this spell and you have to say it three times.

    "Werewolves of the full moon I wish to be a werewolf. I wish to be a werewolf with (fur color) fur. I wish to be able to to turn into a werewolf every night when I'm in the moonlight and shall not turn back to normal until 1 hour after the transformation. So Mote It Be."

    Say that three times and it has to be daylight and you have to be outside. Then that night when your in direct view of the moonlight your turn into a werewolf and this spell has no side effects.

    Good Luck.

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    Last edited on Sep 30, 2016
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    #2517 - Becca's Vampire Spell

    This spell turns you into a vampire instantly. It makes you a vampire like the ones from the tv series the vampire diaries. You can do pretty much what they can do.
    You may need:

  • Night time
  • Alone time
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    You may need:

  • Night time
  • Alone time
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    First thing you do is you say this chant three times when its night:

    "I wish to be a vampire. On this night, I wish to crave blood, to want to have blood,I can no longer walk into the sunlight if I am in the sunlight I burn and I can see smoke rising from my skin cause I'm burning in the sunlight. Whenever I see blood, the veins in my eyes appear and my eyes turn red and long pointy fangs appear. I have pale skin. I can compel people. That I shall be able to run super fast. I shall be able to hear things from far away. So mote it be."

    Say it three times when its night and then you'll be a vampire instantly after you udo this spell.

    There are no side effects on this spell.

    It does work cause I've done it and it worked and so did my friends and it worked perfectly for them.

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    #2518 - Strengthen Your Love

    A spell from my own personal collection. This spell is to strengthen the love you have with someone before a life-changing event (such as a wedding/handfasting). It is best performed on a new moon.
    You may need:

  • something old
  • something new
  • something borrowed
  • something blue
  • a white candle for each year spent together
  • fresh red rose petals
  • fresh white rose petals
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    You may need:

  • something old
  • something new
  • something borrowed
  • something blue
  • a white candle for each year spent together
  • fresh red rose petals
  • fresh white rose petals
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    Step 1: Set up the candles in a semicircle if at all possible (this will be easier the longer you've been with him or her). Sprinkle the rose petals inside the semicircle.

    Step 2: Place your four objects in the semicircle on top of the rose petals. Say the title of each one aloud as you set them down (Something old, something new, etc.).

    Step 3: Choose one candle from the semicircle and hold it in your hand. It does not matter which candle you choose as long as you are comfortable with your choice. Light your chosen candle and say: ''Great Mother, prepare me for the times to come, both the good and the bad. If this union is meant to be, let nothing separate us.''

    Step 4: Using the lit candle in your hand, carefully light the other candles, one by one. As you light each one, visualize a specific trait that you love about your relationship (that you finish each other's sentences, that you know just what the other wants, etc.), and say it out loud. Each candle should represent a different relationship characteristic.

    Step 5: Once all your candles are lit, place the one you chose back in its place in the semicircle. Watch the candles' dancing flames and feel their tender heat. Watch their bouncing light flicker over the room. Remember the happiest memories of your journey together.

    Step 6: When you are finished reliving the happiest moments of your relationship, begin extinguishing the candles one by one, starting with the one you chose. As you do so, say : ''The years we have accumulate as we walk our path together. In this time of love and joy, we become one.'' Keep your four items in a safe place and save one white rose petal and one red one for good luck.

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    #2519 - Stop Bleeding

    Say you are outside riding your bike or hiking and you fall and you cut your knee or hand or arm etc. You can do this spell and it makes the cut stop bleeding.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • 1 nothing.
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • 1 nothing.
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    First thing you do is say this chant three times:

    "Rivers shall flow be pure and cirstline but red rivers shall not the must be trapped inside my being. This river so red must be stopped with a goldin net stop this river stop this bleed."

    Say that three times and where you cut yourself it will stop bleeding.

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    #2520 - Becca's Wizard Wand

    This spell makes a unsharpened pencil or a stick into a magical wand with powers.
    You may need:

  • Stick or unsharpened pencil
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Stick or unsharpened pencil
  • Concentration
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    First you tak a stick or unsharpened pencil and you lay it in a circle made out of rope or whatever you want and then focus on the stick and say this chant three times:

    "Witches one and witches all hear me I wish to make this stick into a magical wand. Right here in this place on this night grant this wand with magical powers, so mote it be!"

    Say this three times and in three days the stick will be granted with magical powers. Same with the unsharpened pencil.

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    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters