2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Vampire
- Curage Chant
- Conjuring Raw Energy
- Curse Spell
- Protecion
- Sweet Disengagement
- To Banish A Fear
- Strength of the Coconut
- Energy Blade
- Spirit Dish
#2551 - Vampire
This is best done outside on the night of a full moon around 9pm. Stare at the moon, then pull the salt out and pour it into a circle. Stand in the middle of the circle and hold the necklace you brought. Stare again at the moon and say:
"God and Goddess, hear me now. I call you forth to take my soul and bind it, shape it, change it into a vampire. Make me no longer breathe, or need to eat or drink. I thirst for blood. I live for blood and nothing else. Give me the power of eternal life, and I shall never die".
Drink blood from yourself (you might prick a finger). By the next full moon you should be a vampire.
#2552 - Curage Chant
When you feel intimidated or threatened, trace the rune Tyr (t) upon your chest with your right index finger to invoke the god Tyr. Close your right hand into a fist and strike yourself sharply in the center of the chest to kill your fear, then cast your hand in front of you and stiffly open your fingers to throw the fear away from you. As you trace the rune and strike yourself with your fist, murmur under your breath this invocation to Tyr, the northern god of courage:
"Tyr came, (Pit of throat to navel)
Chained the wolf, (Pit of throat to right nipple)
Kept the oath, (Pit of throat to left nipple)
Killed the fear. (Strike chest and cast right hand away)."
#2553 - Conjuring Raw Energy
Sit down with your legs crossed. You clear your mind and become one with yourself. Your mind truly needs to be clear in order for this to work. Then hold out both of your arms, and have your recessive hand and your projective hand in a fist, both arms parallel to one another. Feel the energies of the universe entering your recessive hand and flowing through your body towards your projective hand. Let the energies build up in your projective hand until you feel you have an immense amount of energy. Then fling your arms to the right, open your projective and while doing this, and envision the energies flying towards your goal. Then recite
a quick chant that will best suite your goal.
This, if practiced, will become a very powerful and useful talent.
#2554 - Curse Spell
I summon the elements
I invoke them
I conjure them to do my bidding
The four watchtowers shall lay their eyes and minds
there shall be fear and guilt and bad blood
there shall be submission and no pity
I point the threefold law against thee
against thee it shall be pointed
threefold, a hundred fold is the cost for my anger and pain
Thee shall be blinded by the fear
blinded by the pain
blinded by me
binded by me
Cursed by me
So mote it be!
This curse shall be laid upon the victim while burning am image of the
victim in the flame of a
consecrated black candle.
#2555 - Protecion
1. It is best to go outside for this spell, as the air
movement will help disperse the glitter, and the magick.
2. Cast a circle, or create a sacred space.
3. Go to each quarter in turn (start with the West, then
North, East and south), and pound or tap the ground with
your staff/wand chanting:
"I call thee, you who guard the watchtowers of the
(direction) to guide me through the darkness, and ensure
my safety. "
Do this for all 4 quarters.
4. Stand in the center and say:
"In the shadows, evils hide,
Ready to draw me from loves side,
But with your help I shall be strong
And banish all that do me wrong
Send them away, send them astray
Never again to pass my way,
So mote it be."
As you say the last 3 lines, scatter the glitter in a circle
around you.
5. Close the circle, and have something to eat to restore
your energies!
#2556 - Sweet Disengagement
1.) When you are sensing somebody else's pain empathically, chant:
"Empathic pain at once disperse! Free me of this feeling now. Give me strength to overcome, That which wasn't well-endowed."
2.) To finish this enchantment, take a deep breath in, and exhale visualizing all of the negative emotions you picked up as little dark specks now leaving your body through this exhalation.
#2557 - To Banish A Fear
1.) Write "I am fearless" on the very top of the paper (as close to the edge as you can get it) until you cannot write it anymore.
2.) Then write this affirmation the same way on all the other sides of the paper until you create sort of a "box" around the area of the page.
3.) Next, write your fear in the middle of the page.
4.) As you look over your fear on the page surrounded by the fearless affirmation to snuff it out, chant this over the finished page:
"In this box I place my fear,
To send it far away from here.
Do not let me deviate,
From my mission, nor my fate.
Banish that which holds me back,
So I can get things back on track."
5.) Take the paper and fold it "hamburger-style" (short end to short end), and as it's newly folded fold it again in its folded form "hotdog-style" (long end to long end).
6.) Take your twice-folded paper and place it under an occupied plant pot as you visualize the plant absorbing and grounding your fear, leaving you completely free of this particular fear.
7.) After about 30-35 minutes, take the paper out from under the plant pot and throw the paper away. Thank the plant for all its graceful and healing aid in your Magick.
8.) Now feel, sense the new control and power you have over what you had particularly feared before.
**NO guarantees this spell will work for everyone: If your fear is initially too strong to overcome using Magick then you will need to take a mundane, normal approach to it and deal with it. Afterward, this spell can be used to erase any last remnants of the fear, and/or just to make sure the fear stays away for good.
#2558 - Strength of the Coconut
Eat the coconuts and take the shell. Put it together and hit it with your pole so hard that it breaks the shell. As you do so, say "I claim you durability for my own".
#2559 - Energy Blade
Focus your energy and make it into the shape of a blade. It sharpens depending on your focus and intensity during fights. The more invigorated you become, the stronger and sharper the blade will get.
#2560 - Spirit Dish
Chop up the mushrooms and put them in a pan. Add the glass of orange juice. Turn the stove to high or medium for 4-5 minutes. Stir it and add salt and black pepper, then simmer for 8 minutes. This dish is meant for spirits but it can also energize you.