2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- The Witches Prayer to Hekate
- Painful Urinary Tract Infection
- Power of Sif and her Immortality
- Cleansing Ritual of thy Night Dragons
- Powerful Hex
- Vampire Transformation Spell
- Remove a Curse
- Healing Spell
- To break The Curse Of Bleeding Bones
- Omnipotence Spell
#251 - The Witches Prayer to Hekate
STEP ONE - Clean space and self - call corners - recommended
STEP TWO - light candle and incense and meditate - focus on her and what you need or the message you wish to give her
Mighty Hekate, Queen of Witches, my journey is a blessed one. Each Key you give me unlocks great power.
Grateful I am for all your keys.
The key of acceptance for that which I cannot change
They key of courage to overcome adversity
The key of compassion for myself and others
The key of pain through which I discovered my own strength
The key of suffering in which I found my healing
The key of peace that brings me contentment
The key of my wisdom that I may live a life of truth
I added this-
Thank you My Queen for guiding me and protecting me and my family.
Please watch over me while I cast my spell
May it harm none - unless you deem it justified, and if so, may it go to them 3 fold or more
I am most Grateful to you
For this tomorrow I will do at least 1 good deed in your honor for a random stranger and for the goodness of the world
(I suggest if you do this - make sure you do the good deed or she will not be pleased)
STEP THREE - Place Roses on alter
Do your spell
STEP FOUR - Place Mints in offering bowl - I sometimes add other things that I feel she may like
As above, so below the circle turns forever
May the spirits within protect me and bless my workings
So mote it be
(then meditate some more, thank her again for all she has given you)
Close your circle
Please note you cannot summon Hekate, but if you are lucky she will come to speak with you as she does me)
Blessed be!
#252 - Painful Urinary Tract Infection
1. Swab the targets urine with a piece of toilet paper or cloth
2. Dip the urine in the hot sauce three times. Do so as you say:
"May your penis.vagina burn hotter than the fires of hell, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
2.Get the mousetrap and slam it shut on the piece of urine. Cuss out their name if you like.
4. Put mousetrap in a dark place.
#253 - Power of Sif and her Immortality
Say this 1x at night. "Spirits, Gods,and Goddesses of Holiness I ask for the power of Sif and her Immortality as soon as the sun rises I shall wake up with Sif's powers and her Immortality so if the spirits and gods and goddesses allow it then let it be for this is my will so mote it be."
By the way Sif is the Norse Goddess of the Earth, grain, and fertility.
#254 - Cleansing Ritual of thy Night Dragons
Step one: Find a silent and peacefull area where no one will disturb you.
Step two: Draw the talisman and set up your altar.
Step three: Light the incense and meditate / concentrate on the energies and influences that hold you in their grasp, then concentate on the source of these energies, and visualize thm crumbling apart while saying the following incantation:
Tenere me ad divinum lumen purgatio dracones fortissimorum ad magica nox et omnia tuum release de tenebris et vincula tua disrumpam conteram!
Good luck and Blessed Be )( )(
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#255 - Powerful Hex
Fore note: I would like to start off by mentioning that this hex is quite complex and dives into multiple different concepts of
Magick. A beginner can use this to great effect, but I advise learning more about basic concepts of magick first.
Step 1: Go to the graveyard with all of the required ingredients and recite the following;
“Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu
Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu
Vaskalla itz rachu kantantu velchatza”
this will give you a strong connect to powerful magickal energies
Step 2: Cut 1/3 of the black ribbon and use it to tie both of the chicken feet to the back of the photograph of your target.
While doing this, imagine the strife being wrought throughout every facet of your target's life and recite the following; "I call
forth, with the power vested in me, all of the dark forces and spirits that hear me. Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu (this initiates
and binds the spirit or force to your will to destroy the target)! I command you to sew chaos, destruction, disease, and ruin
throughout all facets of my enemy's life. Bring upon him/her unimaginable tortures so that his/her will to live may falter and
be brought to the most horrid, painful death imaginable. Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu!"
Step 3: place the bundle into the box and tie it shut with the remaining length of ribbon. As you do this, imagine that you are
placing the mangled, tortured body of the target in the box and recite the following until you find it hard to focus on your
target anylonger (this further fortifies the hex and imbues the spirit with vengeance against your enemy);
“I’chalaz Itz’rechel
Ahn’tal Ah’tan’tel
Me Vaskalla Pert’ent’itzu”
Step 4: Dig a 3 foot deep hole large enough to fit the box and place it in. Remember to imagine the you are burying your target,
as this further strengths it's link to the target and recite the following until all of you can't focus on the target anymore;
"Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu!"
this further strengthens the binding on the spirit to do your biding.
Step 5: Cover the box with the dirt from the hole and walk away from it, making sure that you do not look back on it. This allows
you to trust that the spirit begins and follows through with it's work. Care only about the result and don't focus on the fact
that you did the ritual. Move on with life as your enemy will no longer be able to work against you in any way, shape, or form
anylonger. Enjoy the peace.
#256 - Vampire Transformation Spell
- Gather your ingredients and get to your quiet safe space.
- Make sure all the lights are off and there are no electronics illuminating the room.
- Get down and sit in an open area on the floor, placing the bowl in front of you and one black candle on each side of the bowl, then place the bleeding or red candle directly between you and the bowl.
- Take the single match and strike it. Use the one match to light all three candles. If it burns out before you can successfully light the candles, you must restart the spell and try again another night.
- Once all three candles are lit, prick or cut your left index finger with the needle or knife. Start dripping the blood into the bowl. Allow three drops of blood, no more no less, to fall into the bowl.
- Chant the following twice, confidently and respectfully: "Mater nocte Et invoca me in utero meo. Volo ut cute pallida luna acuta quasi aspectus dentes oculos torret sitis. Ut mihi, mater. Me puer tuus. Benedic viribus infans nocturna."
- While chanting, take the red candle and let it drip wax into the bowl and mix with your blood. Do this until the chant is done.
- At this step, once you are done chanting and dripping the wax, take the burnt out match stick and dip it into the blood and wax mixture. Make sure some sticks to the match.
- Place the match in a safe place and blow out all the candles. Wash the bowl.
The spell must be performed on a new moon and the chant MUST be said in Latin as it is written. Do NOT continue the spell if the match burns out before all of the candles are lit, OR if you drop more or less than three drops of blood into the bowl. The spell takes about 5-7 days to take affect if performed correctly and Selene deems you worthy. You MUST NOT be interrupted in any manner while performing this spell.
side effects of this spell working include:
- severe headaches
- tooth aches
- sensitivity to natural light such as the sun or fire
- tiredness during the day
- uncontrollable hunger pains
#257 - Remove a Curse
How to use the spell:
Get in a bath and and put the sage in the water, then hold the gemstone and imagine the energy of the gem coursing trough your body, while doing this speak the following incantation:
"Et maledixi alieni inveterati sunt, et ejus navitas vt purificentur, transire per virtutem data est mihi a natura quam ego nunc praecipiam ut sit ait ista maledictio meus de via, et nunc, et veterascet et abierunt."
Last edited on Nov 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#258 - Healing Spell
Chant with leaf rubbing against human’s wound:
“Withered like leaf and rough like stone, if anything you can heal this withered bone.”
Repeat until you can sense the energy healing(or if you feel like it is good).
Last edited on Nov 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#259 - To break The Curse Of Bleeding Bones
Spell to break / reverse the (blood) Curse of Bleeding Bones.
Hold your personal item and chant the following 3 or more times:
"Ossibus cruentis convertero meae devotioni frangi volo et non vis huius reddi."
You can also do this while in a bath with cleansing salts / herbs like Sage.
Good luck and blessed be.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#260 - Omnipotence Spell
- Take the cross Necklace and put it around your neck.
- Hold the cross part in your hand and say this: "I call upon the God Jehovah and the rest of the Trinity to make me an Omnipotent being; with every power and ability and to make me a physical God. Please make this me instantly so mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.