2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Blood Star
- Mortal Vampire Spell
- New Home Blessing
- Feed Me
- The Spell of Death
- Worry Jam Jar Spell
- Remove Negative Energy
- Shut Up
- Bind Bullies
#2621 - Blood Star
In a quiet place sit in front of the person who is also making the promise. When your ready say "Zotz king and god of sacrifice, a promise under your name be made!" Using the blade cut half a star onto the other persons left arm, lick their blood off, then have the other person do the same to you, when that is done say "Great god Zotz we can not lie under your name this promise we abide!"
#2622 - Mortal Vampire Spell
Sit on ground in comfortable position in front of the bowl and candle, put 1 drop of your blood into the bowl followed by the other persons blood then the vervain. Light the candle and recite spell.
"God of death, God of life I call upon to make a deal,
make me neither dead or alive make me burn in the sun and burn at the touch of vervain, to survive make me feed on human blood, make me feel no pain, let me run at the speed of light and compel others make me heal like instantly and never be ill, and let beauty become me, be only killed by a stake to the heart, I ask of you in need make me not dead but mortal, forever damned to hell eternally yours the mortal vampire.
This is my will so mote it be."
#2623 - New Home Blessing
"Dwelling of Stone, Metal, Wood and Earth
Silent One, Protective One, you of the four winds
Dwelling of Health, Wealth Joy and Peace:
Guardian Sustained you of the Earth
Dwelling of Stone Metal Wood and Earth
Secure One Peaceful One
You of the Guarded and protected you be
Cleansed and pure you be
Peaceful and loving you be
It is finished in Beauty
It is finished in Beauty
It is finished in Beauty"
#2624 - Feed Me
Put a leaf on the ground. Then, while putting grass in a circle around you and the leaf, say: "Food, food, I conjure thee". Light the candle and repeat the chant. Count to three and you should have food appear in front of you on the leaf you sat out.
#2625 - The Spell of Death
Draw a pentagram. Place the five black candles on the edges of the pentagram and light them. Chant the spell below as you burn the picture of the victim.
"I summon Death to bestow its powers on (name). Let (name) come in to your hands. Let Death bind him/her. Let him/her suffer from all the pain they have caused"
#2626 - Worry Jam Jar Spell
Take and cleanse a jam jar or box with a tight fitting lid.
Write the problem on a slip of paper Pass it through the 4 Elements, and pop it in the jar,
reciting the following spell. Leave the jar in the moonlight, but visible to yourself.
Each time the problem sneaks into your mind, think of the jar.
You are only permitted to worry if you go and remove the lid and the slip of paper.
You'll find that soon, you can't be bothered to even give it thought.
When the problem is resolved, remove the slip and bury or burn it, giving thanks to the Lady.
Into this vessel secured up tight
I place my anxieties that they might
Find their right level within my life
Be only acknowledged when I say it's right.
I swear that I will not give thought to my woe
Until such time to this vessel I go
And take off the lid and grieve, for I know
That unless the lid's missing, trapped is my foe.
It may not escape into my daily way
And trouble my thinking during the day.
Some time in the future when I feel I may
Dispose of this vessel with no debt to pay.
#2627 - ISTTD
At midnight, draw a pentagram on the ground. Light two black candles and place them at either side of the pentagram and chant the following three times: "Take me to the land of the land. Let me see what is there. Let me communicate for these spirits are eerywhere. May these spirits come and join me, walk this black dim path"
#2628 - Remove Negative Energy
Light the candle and meditate for a few minutes.
Visualize a small hole in the small of your back.
Move the negative energy down towards the hole
and let it drain out into the earth.
Continue to do this until you feel it all drain out
close the hole.
Visualize a white light all through your body and embrace yourself
then snuff out the candle when you are ready.
#2629 - Shut Up
Say, "It's getting really annoying and I want to hear no more. Make (name) shut up, so mote it be".
#2630 - Bind Bullies
Do this spell on a Saturday of a waning moon. Set the candles in a triangle so that you may sit in the middle. Light them, and write the bully's name on a piece of paper. Draw an X over thier name, then fold the paper three times while you say:
"I bind you, bully, so you cannot hurt me anymore. Both physically and emotionally. Get out of my life and leave me alone. I bind you, (name), I bind you".
Tie the thread around the paper and pop it in the jar, then screw on the lid. Snuff out the candles, leave the triangle and go indoors. The next day, bury the jar or hide it where it will not be found.