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2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2963 Health Spells
2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2963 Health Spells
  1. Banish Illness
  2. Bad Luck
  3. Death to all Enemies
  4. Health Spell
  5. Disinfection
  6. Hurt
  7. Dragon's Scales
  8. Healing For A Friend
  9. Thought Ache
  10. Acoda's Curse

#2631 - Banish Illness

This spell is to banish an illness from a friend or a loved one.
You may need:

  • Salt
  • Fire
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Fire
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    Cast the salt into the flames of the fire. The flames should turn blue. Gaze into the flames and with as much feeling and imagination as you can muster, visualize the illness leaving the person while incanting: "Sickness burn, great health return".

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    Last edited on Aug 27, 2016
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    #2632 - Bad Luck

    This is a spell to give your enemies bad luck, specifically minor injuries.
    You may need:

  • Enemy
  • Picture of enemy
  • Mental picture of enemy (pretty much just knowing what they look like.
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    You may need:

  • Enemy
  • Picture of enemy
  • Mental picture of enemy (pretty much just knowing what they look like.
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    Concentrate hard on your enemy, or picture of them. You may meditate if you wish. Then repeat the following 13 times:

    "You've done me wrong, now feel my wrath!"

    I wrote it when this girl I know was teasing me. The next day she came in with a broken elbow.

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    Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2633 - Death to all Enemies

    Kill your enemies with this spell.
    You may need:

  • 5 black candles
  • Cup of deer blood
  • Paper and pen
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    You may need:

  • 5 black candles
  • Cup of deer blood
  • Paper and pen
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    Draw the upside-down star\. Make a fire in the middle. Put the candles at the points of the star and say, "Greek God, Hades, let them know what pains they have caused me". Write down all the names of your enemies and throw it into the fire. Say, "Hades, as I send them to you let them know they are done for". When the fire goes out, say, "Hades, they are coming now. Make them scream very loud".

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    #2634 - Health Spell

    This spell will work to help a loved one heal.
    You may need:

  • 1 white taper candle
  • Meditation
  • Able to transfer energy
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    You may need:

  • 1 white taper candle
  • Meditation
  • Able to transfer energy
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    Light a white tapper candle and medatate on all the good times you've had with them and on the times you will have with them in the future. Focus on he/she getting well alow your energy to travel to he/she know that he will get better you can say a spell it is optunal but KNOW that he will get better and focus on his health. When you feel that you have done this secesfully you can stop medatating and let the candle burn intill it goes out on its own and remember that you have to KNOW it will work not think or believe.

    This spell worked for me it helped my friend who overdosed now she is as good as ever.

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    #2635 - Disinfection

    A spell to help destroy bacteria in a wound.
    You may need:

  • One candle,any color(optional)
  • A powerful mind.
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    You may need:

  • One candle,any color(optional)
  • A powerful mind.
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    1.Produce a Gentle Flame

    You can do this either by concentrating hard to produce a blue flame through visualization or by channelling energy into a candle flame.

    2.Put the Flame Onto the Sufferer's Skin

    This will channel the energy from the flame safely into the wound, disinfecting it.

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    #2636 - Hurt

    This will hurt the one you cast it on.
    Just be careful!
    You know it's black magic.
    You may need:

  • A branch from a lemon tree
  • Some gods tears(rosemary,thyme,green pepper mixed together in a mortar)
  • A pentacle
  • Some things that represents the elements.(5 things)
  • A doll made of cloth ( Cloth ONLY!)
  • A picture of the target (you can think of him to)
  • A red,white and blue candle
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    You may need:

  • A branch from a lemon tree
  • Some gods tears(rosemary,thyme,green pepper mixed together in a mortar)
  • A pentacle
  • Some things that represents the elements.(5 things)
  • A doll made of cloth ( Cloth ONLY!)
  • A picture of the target (you can think of him to)
  • A red,white and blue candle
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    Put the the pentacle on the floor / table. Place the things that represents the elements around the pentacles points.
    Pour both the gods tears and the lemon tree branch in a glass of water. Place the glass in front of the pentacle. Now, place the doll in the middle of the the pentacle. If you have a picture put it there then. Light the candles and say:
    Now, this spell will rise in their power and curse my enemy. So mote it be.

    If you don't have a picture you can think of the person instead.

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    #2637 - Dragon's Scales

    After harnessing a dragons power, you need to start with a good defensive technique. (Reference My Dragon Energy Summoning Spells)
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Strong Will
  • Dragon's Energy
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Strong Will
  • Dragon's Energy
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    This spell is similar to aura shield spells but uses less energy and only protects the caster, not an area of effect.

    First- You must hold the dragon's energy. If you do this correctly it will take very little energy. It gets easier the more you do it.

    Next- Then, mold the energy onto your body. (almost as if you were rubbing lotion onto your skin)

    After all of that, you should feel an energy field form just above your skin. If you can see aura, it sometimes even looks like scales.

    Depending on the dragon you use, the scales may feel different. I suggest trying multiple dragons to find the one your best with.

    While this is mainly defensive, if you go into any physical combat it will cause magical fatigue to your opponent as well. Using Dragon's Scales I've actually punched a spirit. It's an effective way to level the playing field on malicious spirits and demons.

    If you can use multiple Dragons, I suggest matching them to what you need in combat.

    Earth is the strongest defense but if you are weaker, it will make you slow.

    Air is the least protective but builds speed.

    Water is moderately protective and sharpens the mind.

    Fire is moderately protective and very strong but can send less experienced/controlled casters into a blind fury.

    For reflectance, see My Dragon Energy Summoning Spells and/or contact me.

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    #2638 - Healing For A Friend

    This spell takes someone else's pain and lets you feel it for them.
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • A picture of your friend
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • A picture of your friend
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    Light the candle, hold the picture and chant, "My good friend (name) is feeling pain. All their pain makes me ashamed. Let me be the one that feels. I'll take their pain, please make it real". Blow out the candle.

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    #2639 - Thought Ache

    to help any throught pain and almost any other minor pains might need a couple of diffrent ingrediants for anyother pains
    You may need:

  • Hot water
  • Bay leaves
  • Ginger or any citrus fruit(ginger works better)
  • Basil
  • Another ingredient
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    You may need:

  • Hot water
  • Bay leaves
  • Ginger or any citrus fruit(ginger works better)
  • Basil
  • Another ingredient
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    Take the ginger and bay leaves and finely chope them up. Calmly say a nice prayer to your god for a blessing. Once done, pour water and crush up the basil. Add the bay leaves slowly while saying,

    "With power of my faith and trust in myself, I gave as much as I can from my hearth. With the blessing from the soul to make my health whole. Make it just what I need".

    When done, add other ingredients and let it wait next to a window for an hour or more if possible. Drink slowly afterwards.

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    #2640 - Acoda's Curse

    A temporary curse that lasts for a week and must be used on a sunday night.
    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • A Lighter or a Match
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    You may need:

  • Black candle
  • A Lighter or a Match
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    Gaze into the flame. Picture them inside the flame screaming then say: "On this (autumn's, summers,winters,or springs) night by the moons light I use this black flame to show (there name) my might. Let him/her burn, let him/her scar, let him/her be week starting tomorow but only for one week!"

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    2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters