This tea recipe came from a lady on Undernet #wicca. I myself have not tried it, so I can not verify if it works. she assures me though that this tea will alleviate your cramps and other PMS related symptoms. As with all herbals, make certain you are not allergic and that it is safe for you to consume them. Before taking anything, you should consult your doctor.
Combine equal parts of peppermint, catnip, and juniper berries brewed into a tea. Add honey as desired. Drink and relax.
Meditate during the waning moon. Light a pink candle for self-love. Anoint it with the oil of your choice. Next light a brown candle, engrave the number of pounds you want to loose on it. Then visualize banishing the excess weight. Runes can also be carved on the candle if you wish and incense can be burned. Visualize the smoke taking the excess pounds away!!
Put the cloth or towel over the wound and then chant this: "The power of light will do me good to heal this man/woman's pain. I let light into this wound to give him/her relief". Take off the cloth and say, "so mote it be".
This is the ability to multiply your targets aura to about a 200 mile radius causing him/her to feel all the movement, pain, even emotions!
You may need:
Your mind
One other person to test it on
You may need:
Your mind
One other person to test it on
First you must soul charge. Then take your dominate hand and aim it at your target. Release the charged energy by stretching your arm out, but don't count your shoulder as part of your arm or you'll look like an idiot. You well feel weak after words no matter how good you get at it.
This spell can ruin the lives of anyone you cast it on they will never be the same afterwards.
You may need:
You may need:
You cut the shape of the pentagram onto your hand with the knife then take the knife with you anywhere you go. Everytime someone annoys you and you want to ruin them just take out the knife and slice straight through the center of the pentagram and aim your hands towards. The persons face they will then stare into the pentagram for ages and after they stop they will run screaming trust me I use it alot.
Makes a drinkable substance disgusting or delicious.
You may need:
You may need:
This will make a drink taste awful or fantastic.You don't need to chant but it helps. Focus on how the drink will taste,now focus on the drink.Chant "Oh drink on my command you shall taste like (whatever you want it to taste like)."Say or think that at least 3 times and it'll taste at least a little different.
This spell, if applied correctly, will physically ward off people.(IE: people will walk around you, as opposed to right into you.)
You may need:
Thought (or voice)
You may need:
Thought (or voice)
For this you need build-up, or a charging. Once you have a small overflow of energy, magik, or whatever medium of your choosing, gather a feeling of seclusion. Then, in your mind, or aloud, say:
"Repulse, emphasizing it as repulse, instead of repulse."
The incantation in the opposite emphasis has no effect when I do it. If it works for you, then cast away.
Set the black candels meter's length apart and in the middle of the candles place the bones sprinkle the death dust over the bones then sprinkle the corpse dust over the bones then add a drop of your blood onto the bones and chant:
"Power of death power of life let the devil live and rise once again so mote it be."
This spell will destroy anything trying to harm you, if you use this spell an any way to harm someone that doesn't deserve it than Karma will take care of you.
You may need:
You may need:
Ashes to ashes, fire and thunder rise together and become one. Banish this evil for all the harm it has done. Say this spell as much as you think you should to make it work.