This remedy will stop your itching bug bite or itchy spot.
You may need:
Paper Towel or Toilet Paper (Optional)
You may need:
Paper Towel or Toilet Paper (Optional)
If you're using a paper towel or toilet paper, add some Vaseline onto that. If not, then just add it to your bug bite or itchy spot. It doesn't have to be much, just the size of a pea.
Next, add some salt onto the Vaseline. Again, it doesn't have to be a lot. Although a good bit of it helps the most, it might make more of a mess as you go with your day.
After you do that, rub the salt into the Vaseline. After a few minutes, your itching should stop.
This is good for healing muscle pains, cramps, scratches, and miscellaneous bruises.
You may need:
A quiet place
You may need:
A quiet place
Make a psi ball of positive energy, and hold above the wound(weaker hand on-top of stronger) and wait. When ready place both hands onto the wounded area and hold for a couple of minutes. When done, the pain should be gone (if not, mostly)
This ritual will break or reverse any Blood-curse.
(Warning: Do not use it for any other kind of curses hexes because this only works for a Blood-curse)
You may need:
Salt / sand / gravel / wooden sticks and twigs or herbs, to create a circle.
Stones (any kind)
Any kind of incense or smudge stick.
Candles (at least three candles)
You may need:
Salt / sand / gravel / wooden sticks and twigs or herbs, to create a circle.
Stones (any kind)
Any kind of incense or smudge stick.
Candles (at least three candles)
Gather the materials and make a circle big enough to stand in, then light the incense and candles.
While standing in the circle of salt, stones, incense and candles, chant:
"sub peccato cuius sanguis effusus est et seditionem missus fuerat ad me: avertet illud autem iam non ego conteram: maledicite sanguinis usque in aeternum super vos discedite!"
Hold the incense firmly in your hands. Focus all of your energy to your hands, and let it flow through the incense.
"I let my power flow freely. Let this smoke cleanse this room and ward off all negativity. Let the smoke bathe the room in prosperity and light. Ward off all negative energy. So mote it be."
This ritual and incantation, will enable you to call forth and empower your magic with pure dark energy, for three days exactly.
You may need:
Experience with dark magic and dark energy.
A Pentagram drawn on the floor, one big enough for the caster to stand and meditate in the middle.
The elements:
-Air: any kind of incense.
-Earth: soil, rocks and stones (gemstones are also recommended)
-Fire: candles, charcoal, ashes and charred stones, rocks, wood and soil.
-Spirit: anything you hold dear to (example: a photo, a ring ,necklace, bracelet e.t.c.
-Water: a chalice or bowl of moonwater.
A powerfull protection spell (if you don't have one then just look in history on my profile)
A cleansing spell (if you don't know a good cleansing spell, then look in history on my profile ;)
You may need:
Experience with dark magic and dark energy.
A Pentagram drawn on the floor, one big enough for the caster to stand and meditate in the middle.
The elements:
-Air: any kind of incense.
-Earth: soil, rocks and stones (gemstones are also recommended)
-Fire: candles, charcoal, ashes and charred stones, rocks, wood and soil.
-Spirit: anything you hold dear to (example: a photo, a ring ,necklace, bracelet e.t.c.
-Water: a chalice or bowl of moonwater.
A powerfull protection spell (if you don't have one then just look in history on my profile)
A cleansing spell (if you don't know a good cleansing spell, then look in history on my profile ;)
Step one: Cleanse the area you're going to use, and use a protection spell on yourself.
Step two: Create a pentagram on the ground, and put the elemental objects on the right points.
Step three: Meditate in the middle of the pentagram, and take at least ten to fifteen minutes to think about the things that you are going to do with the dark energy.
Step four: speak the following incantation three times, with a clear voice: Tenebris navitas in potentiam tuam, et potest etiam sine fine inanis mortis praebueris corpus meum, et in tribus diebus tunc magica ut reverterentur. (Note: the c is pronounced as k)
Final step: remove the pentagram and throw the non usable resources in a lake or other nearby water source.
This spell will only work to eliminate small curses. If you have been cursed with death or blood, this will not be effective. As seen on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
You may need:
- A shower
You may need:
- A shower
Stand in the shower, letting the water wash over you. Feel the water’s cleansing properties rinse away the curse and purify you. Scrub yourself clean with the water as you chant ten times:
“If truly I am cursed today, Let water wash the hex away.”