2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- So you Want to be a Vampire
- Become Immortal
- Muscle Growth
- What Will Happen Next
- Hermes Magic Ring Enchantment
- Exorcise Spirits
- Heal A Sunburn
- Basic Healing
- Undead Bug
- As Below Up Above
#2901 - So you Want to be a Vampire
In a large bowl: Mix 1 cup of flour into 2 cups of milk. Add one 1/2 cup of lemon juice to mix and stir until smooth. Using a sea sponge, cover yourself with the milk mixture. Chant: “Let this mixture cleanse my skin. Lighten so I may see the new improve me within”. Let the mixture dry completely and then remove with a towel.
Tie a red ribbon tightly around each of your wrists, without cutting off your circulation. Then tie one around your neck. Sit Indian style with your hands pushed together, like your praying. Close your eyes, picture in your mind all your blood, life, and energy is being pushed out through your third eye. Concentrate on pushing it out, until your head tingles and you feel drained.
While removing the ribbons from both wrists and neck, say, “These are my chains to life. I remove thee”. Dig a hole in a safe place, or in a grave yard, and bury the ribbons. Collect soil from the ground. This is your “grave soil”. Sprinkle this on your bed at night and sleep upon it. By next nightfall you shall be a vampire.
#2902 - Become Immortal
Planto mihi ago insquequo vicis subsisto
Pronouced plant-oh me-high age-oh ins-kwe-kwo vie-sis sub-sis-toe
#2903 - Muscle Growth
Place the red candles on your left and the white candle on your right. Hold the picture tightly to you close your eyes and with total concentration say: "To look like this is my wish- make my body change for I am not happy with who I may be". And now burn the picture. Chant again while the picture is burning.
#2904 - What Will Happen Next
Sit with your legs crossed, back up straight and arms on your legs. This technique involves using your soul or spirit. Now close your eyes and focus on your breathing, now imagine that you are opening your eyes and seeing everything around you (sometimes it will all be in black and white as you start learning this technique it will appear in color), you may look around while you’re imagining.
Next imagine your soul or spirit standing up, then make your soul or spirit walk around rather walk around you first. Then walk somewhere like to your front door and see what you see. If say now you see a car pulling up in the driveway imagine that your soul is running back to you through walls and objects whatever is in its way it can walk through. Then, when your ghost (that’s what I like to call my spirit or soul) gets to you make it sit down the way you are facing, and then close its eyes (if done right you will see darkness or blackness or the surrounding's will fade away). Then open your eyes and quickly go to the drive way and look if a car is pulling in if not you might have to go back later. Then if you've done it right you would have seen into the future.
Now do the same but keep your ghost around you don't wonder too far. When you've gotten the hang of controlling your ghost bring it back to you, now imagine your ghost putting ointment or bandages or something similar on the injuries then when the ghost is done imagine your ghost sitting the same way as you closing its eyes and then open yours. Then go about your day as you would when you wake up the next morning the injuries should not be a problem.
#2905 - Hermes Magic Ring Enchantment
Build a cairn, a small pyramid of stones. This summons hermes/mercury. Write a brief explanation of what functions you want the ring to serve. Place the paper on the top of the stones and the ring on top of the paper. Dedicate a green candle to mercury and request his blessings and assistance. Once the candle has burned down pay attention to the conversations around you when you’ve overheard a stranger or child utter something affirmative like "go ahead" or "the times right" you will know the ring has been activated.
#2906 - Exorcise Spirits
Hold your hands together where your thumbs face each other, so that your index and middle finger touch. With your other fingers, position them in the shape of a gun. Chant three times: "On abira unkyan sharakutan".
#2907 - Heal A Sunburn
Light the red candle and let it sit there burning while you peform the spell.
Rub the Aloe on where the sunburn is while saying:
The sun has hurt me today.
Its powerful light has inflicted pain on me.
Let it be, the sun has hurt me today.
But this pain shall not stay, for my power is stronger.
So let this wound heal today.
Put out the red candle with water and light the candle that is the color of your skin.
#2908 - Basic Healing
Position yourself in the most relaxed state of mind you can achieve - as this will enhance results for beginners and also increase powerfulness. Also, if possible try and find a chant that will increase reliability of the spell, this will show the results to a much higher extent. Put a few candles (preferably red and peach to represent blood and healing - slowly fading out/in if possible) - this will be better for major bleeds - or pain.
Now after all that , chant the following: "Rivers must flow; be pure and crystalline. But red rivers must not, they must be trapped inside my being. A river so red, must be stopped with a golden net. Stop this bleeding now".
#2909 - Undead Bug
First, find a dead bug. Draw a pentagram on the ground. Put the bug in the middle of your drawing, then place your hand over the bug and say: "Death's eyes shine bright, but you will survive this night".
#2910 - As Below Up Above
Before doing this if you don't want to be attacked or harmed by evil use my other spell called 'The Field of Protection'one or two days in advance. This spell is simple but a whole lot of dangerous. This is for advanced witches only. Please dont be bold or stupid to try this because it can backfire terribly on the common practitioner.
Light the candles,crush the dirt and mix it with the personal item. Then chant 4 times: "I need revenge and I need it now, Another way I don't know how. I summon you dark witches guide, My word and rule you will abide. Meririon, Ichthion, Sphandor(sa-fan-der), Atrax destroy him/her you know why. After 120 hours then you die. Let the council of magic justice watch over you: To make sure you do what i summoned you to."
Now sprinkle the dry dirt where the person has to walk everyday. The spell's effect takes longer if the person wheres shoes on the floor you sprinkled the dirt on.