3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Good/Bad Luck
- Easy Love
- Wish Come True
- Speak to Hades
- Fertility Spell
- Blueberry Expansion
- Call a Witch's Power
- Real Wish
- Centaur Spell
- Dr. Kees Locator
#1211 - Good/Bad Luck
Draw a large pentagram on the paper and write your/their first and last name in the center. (if possible, put their middle initial). Depending on which spell you wish to cast, sprinkle a little salt or sugar on the name. Then, drip some water on to the condiments.
Tear up the clover and mint (if mint is present), and sprinkle on to the water. Place the special item on to the name. Lean down to the paper and chant the good or bad spell depending on whether you used salt or sugar (the spells are included below)
Fold the paper in half hamburger style, and then hot dog style. Repeat until paper is small enough to fit in your pocket. Tape the paper shut and carry it around in your pocket, purse, etc.
Good Luck Spell:
"Good luck come,
Come to stay.
Chase all of the bad away.
But for this,
I must pay,
With something dear,
At no delay.
This is my will,
So Mote It Be!"
Bad Luck Spell:
"Good luck go,
Go away.
But bring all of the bad to stay.
And for this spell,
I must pay a price.
With something dear,
As well as nice.
This is my will,
So Mote It Be!"
Remember, how long the spell will last depends not only on the strength of the caster, but of the experience of the caster as well.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1212 - Easy Love
If you are using a wand, wave the wand and chant:
"Love be mine with
Energies bright
Send to me with
Love and Light
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1213 - Wish Come True
1. You need to believe in god all the time and he will hear you.
2. When someone hurted your feelings or you want something that you cannot get cry for 15 minutes.
3.Bury for face on a pillow and start saying:
"Oh god pls hear my wishI wish (Your wish) because (your reason why you want it). Oh pls lord pls make my wish come true."
4.Cover your whole body with blanket and take it off you when your done crying.
Note: If you really want something or you want something to happen you have to do this when you're crying
And thx for trying my first spell may the holy light be with you.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1214 - Speak to Hades
Set up your candles in the order of red and black in a circle around you put the mirror in front of you and light each candle on the red ones when you light it say:
and on the black ones say:
"Death while doing so you should be in the middle of the circle of candles."
When they are all lit you should chant while looking into the mirror:
"Hades oh Hades powerful god of the underworld I wish to speak with you Hades oh Hades."
Three times then stare deeply into the mirror and he should appear for a short time but long enough to talk to.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1215 - Fertility Spell
Light 7 white candles while read the 3 creation stories from the bible each day for SEVEN days in a row.
Worked for me.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1216 - Blueberry Expansion
First squirt the juise from the blueberry onto the gum next chant this one time. The more you chant it the bigger you get ok? "Blueberries so round. Goddesses, hear my plea. Please turn me into a living blueberry. I know this is what I want. Hear my pleas, so mote it be".
Now put the gum in your mouth your belly will tingle. Get ready to inflate it will take 30 mins for the juice to get through your system.
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1217 - Call a Witch's Power
Use belief and use your wand and chant:
"Powers of the witches rise,
course unseen across the skies.
Come to us who call you neat,
come to us and settle here."
Mail me if it work or not (or just comments)
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1218 - Real Wish
2. Chant in your mind ''I wish for this to come true. *insert wish here* So mote it be.''
3. Go on, have a nice day! :)
#1219 - Centaur Spell
Magic spirits of nature,
Please grant me this wish,
I wish to be a centaur,
one that looks like this drawing,
With a strong body,
And a strong heart,
I will still be me at heart,
Let this transformation start right now,
So mote it be.
#1220 - Dr. Kees Locator
Gesture your hands to the cat or bird, then call out: "What was lost shall now be found, in the air or on the ground, subito, rapido, rapidily, vite! Fly or swim or crawl on feet!"
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.