3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Green Candle Spell
- Angel Spell
- 5 Ultimate Spells
- Multiple Baby Conceiving Spells
- How to make a Charm Bag
- Gluttony Curse
- See the Truth
- A Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions
- Gold Stone
- Wishing Bundle
#1221 - Green Candle Spell
Take candle rub with oil from mid point to top, then from midpoint to bottom. Roll in cinnamon crarge with yourneed know that your need will be met then light candle. Burn a third of the way down for the first two night on the third night allow to burn completely out.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1222 - Angel Spell
Yor final wish to be an angel comes true...
Ariel begins it.
Baradiel guides it.
The Chalkydri sing it.
Devas manifest it.
Elohim wills it.
The Fravashi better it.
Gabriel brings it.
The Hafaza watch it.
The Ischim balance it.
Jael guards it.
Kadmiel births it.
Lahabiel aids it.
Michael raises it.
Nebo ministers it.
Ofaniel sees it.
Patron angels devote it.
The Queen of angels speaks it.
Raphael inspires it.
Sandalphon prays it.
Thrones sanctify it.
Uriel strengthens it.
Vrevoil reveals it.
Watchers protect it.
Xathanael patrons it.
Yahriel places the glory of the moon on it.
Zodiac angels seal it.
And Spirit brings it through time and space.
So mote it be!
Make a sign in the air of an equal-armed cross using your dominant hand.
#1223 - 5 Ultimate Spells
"Keeper of what disappears,
Hear me now -- open your ears.
Find for me what I now seek,
By Moon, Sun, Earth, Air, Fire and Sea."
Cast a circle like you normally would. Then say:
"By the powers of Moon, Sun, Earth, Air, Fire and Sea
what once was lost return to me."
Visualize your lost item being back in your possession.
Release the magic and wait.
"Earth, air, water, fire, help me find what I desire
Candle, cup, wind, seed, help me find what need."
Remember to think about what you want to find very hard.
Spoken as needed when you have lost something:
"Bound and Binding
Binding, Bound
See the sight
Hear the sound
What was lost
Now is found
Bound and Binding
Binding, Bound."
Then think of what the object looks like and how it sounds.
Say or chant:
"I now invoke the law of three what once was lost returns to me."
Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1224 - Multiple Baby Conceiving Spells
If you are worried that your unborn child may be ill or be born with an inherited problem, cut an apple in half. Take one half and rub the fruit over your belly. Envision any sickness being drawn out of your womb and out of your child, and into the fruit. When you are done, bury that tainted half an apple in the ground, away from your baby's nursery window. Then go wash up, you are probably all sticky.
If a tree grows from the seeds left in the buried apple, this is an indication that your child will be very strongly linked to the element of Earth, and will never know hunger.
Eat the remaining half while envisioning your baby being born happy and healthy. You may wish to light a green, pine-scented candle while doing this. Green candles are great for healing spells, and pine is associated with Earth and fertility. If you are allergic or can't eat apples, throw it out, but take the time to do the visualization.
(The apple doesn't have to be green. I just used a picture of green apples.)
Spell to Conceive a Son
During your most fertile time arrange three candles in a triangle. At the top should be a yellow one (Sun), to the left a green one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Rain). These are the symbols of the Father. Take a dried Oak Leaf and in red ink write the following: ''Sow in my womb a son as tall and healthy as the mighty Oak''. Place the leaf in the center of the triangle. Next, place an acorn on top of the leaf, repeating the following:
''From this seed is born the Sacred Oak
From this union is born my beloved Son''
Visualize a tree growing, from the first shoots pushing through lush soil, the slender sapling, all the way up until the tree stands strong and proud. Its leafy arms spread above you. Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, the sun shining through here and there. Now, picture an infant lying at the base of the tree, gently cradled in the protruding roots. Picture him as you would like your son to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few moments.
When you are ready, take the acorn and place it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down. Each night before attempting to conceive, repeat, using new candles but the same leaf and acorn.
Keep in mind, this spell increases the likelihood of conceiving the gender you seek. This means you may not conceive at all if the potential child was of the opposite gender! So think long and hard about using this spell.
Spell to Conceive a Daughter
During your most fertile time arrange three candles in a triangle. At the top should be a silver one (Moon), to the left a brown one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Water). These are the symbols of the Mother. Take a rose (blossom only) and place it in the center of the triangle. Using a thorn from the rose stem, prick your finger and squeeze three drops of blood on top of the bloom. Repeating the following:
''Sweet as the rose may be, and as strong as the thorn
From this union of flesh and spirit, my daughter is born''
Visualize a rose bush growing and flowering before you. Its blossoms smell sweet and the thorns are proof that woman is both beautiful and powerful. Soft and strong. Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, butterflies drifting around the blooms. Now, picture an infant lying at the base of the bush, gently cradled by the curling stems and buds. Picture her as you would like your daughter to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few moments.
When you are ready, take the rose and place it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down. Each night before attempting to conceive, repeat using new candles and a new rose blossom.
Keep in mind, this spell increases the likelihood of conceiving the gender you seek. This means you may not conceive at all if the potential child was of the opposite gender! So think long and hard about using this spell.
Spell to Improve Chances of Conceiving a Child
Fill a warm (not too hot) bath and add 3 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of orange oil and 3 drops of lime oil. Take turns bathing one another thoroughly (no soap, just a clean cloth and the scented water), until the water cools. About 30 minutes. After you have bathed and before love making, each of you should drink a half a cup (4 oz.) of caffeinated coffee or tea. Caffeine improves sperm motility in males and studies have shown women who drink this amount of caffeinated tea each day improve chances to conceive up to 200%.
After making love, the male should place several pillows under the woman's hips, tipping her pelvis up and back. This makes it easier for the sperm to travel to the ovum. To help alleviate the discomfort this awkward position can cause, he should remain with her and massage her feet and calves. This stimulates blood circulation through out the body including the womb. This position should be held for 30 minutes.
#1225 - How to make a Charm Bag
Select the material that you would like to use for your bag. Velvet, felt, or leather are good choices. You can also use cotton or any other fabric. Because of it's rich texture, velvet is a good choice for charm bags designed to bring money and prosperity to you.
Select the color of fabric for your charm bag. The color you choose depends on the purpose for your bag.
Pink is used for love.
Red is used for passion or sex.
Black is used for banishing and revenge.
Blue is used for spirituality and healing.
Purple is used for protection and also for psychic power.
Gold is used for wealth and prosperity.
Green is used for financial matters.
White is used for purity and cleansing. It can also be used for spirituality.
Other color associations that you may want to consider are:
Silver for the Goddess
Gold for the God
White for the angels or your spirit guide.
Green for fairies.
Cut your material into two square sections. Place the two pieces together with the insides facing each other.
Slowly sew three of the sides of the pouch together. While you sew your charm bag, focus your thoughts on the purpose for the charm. Visualize your goal coming true for you and know that as you sew your energy is being put into your charm bag and being sent out into the Universe and to the Goddess.
Next you can decorate your charm bag in any way that you wish. You may wish to draw meaningful symbols on the bag. You can can write your purpose on the bag. Sewing beads, sequins, ribbons, or other decorations on the bag is a good idea. The more effort and time you put into decorating and working with your charm bag, the more of your personal energy you infuse into it. While you are doing this, imagine that the charm bag is working its magic for you.
Now add the ingredients that you want to have in your charm bag. You can use anything that you feel is symbolic of the goal you wish to reach. Dried herbs, crystals, photos, written words, flower petals, trinkets, a small magnet (for magnetism), you can even spray the inside or outside of the bag with a perfume or dab it with essential oil.
Sew the top of your charm bag closed. If you wish, you can sew a ribbon onto the bag to hang it with. You may also carry the charm bag in your pocketbook, bag, or in your pocket.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1226 - Gluttony Curse
2. Find a dark and quiet place/room to do the curse in.
3. Light your surrounding black candle(s).
4. Set down your three trays, one holding the victim's possession, this tray will be in the middle.
5. Place a black candle on the top of the victim's possession.
6. Light the black candle and chant this: ''I light this candle to whom I curse, their name is (name).''
7. After chanting the line a few times, set the food and picture on the tray to the right.
8. After done, chant this: ''I use this food to represent indulgence, let (name) indulge in large amounts of food.''
9. After done chanting, pour the Bergamont or Sandalwood Oil onto the foods. Once done add the Hemlock. This will reverse the effects of the oils.
10. Say: ''I use this oil to represent what shape (name) is in now. I use the herb to reverse their body shape.''
11. Visualize the person gaining weight. This will add to the process.
12. Light the white candle and sets the Agrimony or Bay Leaves on either side.
13. Say: ''I will use this as protection so (name) doesn't get harmed'' Then burn the Agrimony or Bay Leaves directly after. (I recommend this step because they won't die, you can watch 'em squirm!)
14. Blow the white candle out.
15. Go back to the target's photo and place the food on top of the photo.
16. This spell will take a lot of energy so eat directly after unless you like to pass out.
17. Watch as there will be balloons everywhere. This curse will not be permanent but the weight will. This spell can only be used a few times before it becomes ineffective.
Last edited on May 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1227 - See the Truth
First sit criss cross on floor meditate for at least 5 minutes or longer then chant this 5 times at least:
" I seek out the truth in the person I ask I call upon the gods to help me in hand to hear the truth of the question I ask."
and then after five times at the end say strongly.
The is needed so mote it be and then find the person ask your question and if they tell the truth it will say the same thing in your head and if they are losing it will say the actual truth in your head.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1228 - A Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions
''I call upon the Source of All things to send me power.
I call upon the God to send strength to my spell.
I call upon the Goddess to give life to my spell.
I call upon the elemental forces to draw the desire of my spell.
I call upon the astral forces to receive the image of my spell.
So mote it be!''
(Holding the tarot cards in your hands)
''I bring forth these symbols for my spell to be cast. Here shall be woven, chance, fortune, and fate, so that my wish be quickly attained!''
(Lay out the cards in the following order. Meditate and visualize)
Card 2
Card 1
Card 3
card 1 is The Star for inspiration, guidance, and creativity.
card 2 is The High Priestess for focusing of the mind and intuition.
card 3 is The Hermit for interpreting the knowledge you receive.
(Place a candle just above The High Priestess card)
''I am open and receptive to higher levels of consciousness. Spirits of guidance are here for me and I channel the knowledge they offer. I am open and receptive. My psychic centers are quickened. I open my eyes and ears to all impressions that are coming to me. I spread the veil of being that I may look beyond. I open the windows of 'where' and 'when' and I see beyond.''
(Hold your hands over the cards)
''Into these cards I direct the power from within me and the power called upon from the spiritual forces around me. Mark well what I have done here! Bring to me my wish! I place this petition before the God and Goddess. May it be done for the greater good of all! By the power of the God and Goddess and by the forces of the planes...I declare my spell to manifest!''
''I release now the forces of the astral plane. I release all of the elemental forces. I release the God and Goddess. I release the power of the Source of All. Farewell and I bid you thanks!''
#1229 - Gold Stone
Gold metallic paint is super cheap at (rhymes with Balmart) for 50 scents to a dollar in the arts and crafts section. As you paint your stone, pour your intent in to it. Feel free to also paint and symbols you wish; sigil, rune, deity symbol, etc. These stones are great for feeding spells that have already been cast.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1230 - Wishing Bundle
2. When you are ready, light your silver candle.
3. Center your thoughts and focus on your mind completely upon your intent. Concentrate on your wish as clearly as possible.
4. Place your items one at a time within the box repeating the chant:
''This (item) to bring to life my wish for (name what the item represents).''
5. Once all items are in your box close it completely and begin to bind it up with the ribbon. As you do so, recite,
''With this ribbon I do bind, that it may my heart's wish find.''
6. Place your box somewhere safe. Do not touch it or open it until your wish has come true.