3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- The Jealousy Curse
- Wish
- Money Potion
- Rabbit Transformation Spell
- Hair Growth Potion
- Manifestation Potion
- Faster Running
- Lucifer's Touch
- Get What You Want
- Charm Bag for Employment
#1291 - The Jealousy Curse
like if someone likes your new ride its will have some damage in few seconds.so i came up here for a solution for this.
your car or for bikes infront of your bike is perfect.
for houses:place a desinged pot infront of your house or
for stuffed toy hang it on the
top floors roof
#1292 - Wish
Light the blue candle and hold it then say: "I wish, I wish, to make a wish. So bright and tall. Grant my wish"
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1293 - Money Potion
Take the potion bottle and fill it up with water then put the green food coloring in it then say: "Money, money, save a day and help me through my way".
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1294 - Rabbit Transformation Spell
Last edited on Apr 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1295 - Hair Growth Potion
Use as little shampoo as possible just to get your hair clean in the shower then take about 2 oz of your potion that you have mixed all together and rub it into your hair. Make sure to really get it all through out your hair. After you wash most of it out braid your hair after the shower into twin braids and tie with a gentle elastic. This will ensure longer healthier hair.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1296 - Manifestation Potion
In a half cup of warm water, add a little bit of your blood (preferably from an existing wound or open up a scab, works best for less than good intentions if there is a slight infection) until the water has a yellowish tint.
Pour the blood water into a microwave safe cup and add water until the cup has enough to make one serving of tea.
Microwave the water until it boils. Take it out and put in the tea bag.
Let the tea steep for at least six minutes.
Stir the tea (use an athame if you wish).
By the power of the gods/goddess
All bend their will to me
At first taste of this tea
Truth be clear, loyalty bound
Sanity will not be found
Their souls belong to me
So mote it be
Optionally you may use candles and crystals to achieve a specific effect.
Let it ferment for a stronger effect. Don't worry if the potion has anything floating in it (loose leaves, fermentation), this is ok and will not detract from the potion's strength.
If you wish, pour the potion into a bottle so you can transport or store it for later use.
As is, this potion will work on anyone. Add a few drops to their drink, even sprinkle a little on their salad. Just have what you want from the person in mind when you spike their drink/food. Be very specific. You may want the truth about something, unwavering loyalty, a favor, maybe even get the annoying parent/spouse to get off your back. You could even bring them misfortune or sickness. I must stress be SPECIFIC! Even invoke your deity whilst planting the potion. The possibilities of what this potion can do are endless.
This is not ''white'' or ''black'' magick. Your intention is what makes it good or evil.
Be careful of what you wish for.
Remember wishes may be taken very literally.
#1297 - Faster Running
Think,"Little wind, I led of you, run lils, so mote it be." Think of the distance you gotta run. Practice.
Last edited on Sep 19, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1298 - Lucifer's Touch
Light 3 black candles at midnight and repeat the following 3 times: if you have a bell you should ring it 3 times at the beginning of this ritual.
"I call the mighty bringer of light, Lucifer. Spirits of the abyss, hear my call. All most powerful one and all Lucifer my thoughts do sing throught the universe. They now ring. Take thine enemy, take him smite, break him, scorn him in the night of the mighty depths of hell. Cast you darkness on his shell. Oh Lucifer, oh shinning star touch him, burn him from afar. Revenge now will have it's days for thine enemy starts to fry!"
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1299 - Get What You Want
If you want someone to do/say something:
Focus on them, and imagine them saying or doing what ever it is you want them to do/say. Really imagine there voice in your head saying what ever it is you want them to say, and their mouth movements as they talk. Also think of the movements they will make while saying or doing what ever you want them to do. It takes a few minutes and a lot of concentration, but it does work.
If you want something to happen in a certain spot:
Lets say you want a teacher to be absent. Focus on the area from which they would come into your line of sight, and imagine a substitute teacher there instead. This will require more time and concentration then just getting some one to say something, and requires a lot of practice. After you get the hang of it, its pretty easy.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1300 - Charm Bag for Employment
Add all the ingredients and then close the sachet (or sew it closed).
Carry the charm bag with you on all interviews.