3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Luck Gris Gris Bag
- Demon's Wrath
- A Lost Lover's Rage
- Bring Drawings to Life
- Friendship Potion
- Avenge a Broken Heart
- luck spell for a friend
- Hunger for Blood
- To Draw Feminine Energy
- Psi Ball
#1361 - Luck Gris Gris Bag
Put everything in the bag. Say:
"Bring me luck everyday, bring luck my way. I summon to me the power of green, luck come to me, so mote it be."
Now, blow on the bag and carry it when you feel your in need of luck.
Last edited on Aug 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1362 - Demon's Wrath
This spell will enable a demon to haunt the person of your choice.
Take the piece of paper and pencil. Write your victim's/enemy's name on the paper. Fold the paper in half (Hamburger style) and draw a pentagram. Light the candle and place the candle on top of the paper and chant (its in wolven language): "alphan secre tahlbahn! Sy Bahn tahl fhee! Corhabal wohlve hetha (HE-TA)"
(Wolven translation): "I summon thy demon! To haunt ones fateful heart! for they have done wrong to me by choice!"
Slip the paper out from underneath the candle carefully and open the paper for one second the have the paper meet the candle flame. Then put the flame out by blowing on it. Put the candle out with your blood.
Pour candle wax on the piece of paper before burning it
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1363 - A Lost Lover's Rage
Write the name and D.O.B. of your ex on 2 pieces of paper and the name and D.O.B. of your ex's current boyfriend or girlfriend on 1 piece of paper. When you say the name of your ex's current boyfriend or girlfriend in the spell, use one match to burn their name, D.O.B. and picture. Same with when you say the ex's name in the spell.
Light the tall red candle and say: "My rage grows. As my the flame of my love burns low. Let this man or woman (name of the ex's current boyfriend or girlfriend) who dare'ith to keep my love from me feel love no more for the woman or man that was once with me. Let them now be apart and never again as one and when this spell is done, he or she that be'ith with my past love known as (name of the ex) be on his or her way to search for love from someone new. Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of love this is what I call upon thee to do. Break their hearts and let them be eternally apart. So mote it be"
To reunite you with your lost love, wait till the next night. then light the short red candle and say this. (NOTE-make sure to burn with 3 matches the last piece of paper with your ex's D.O.B. and name and second photo of your ex when you say their name in this spell.):
"Now that no one stands in my way. My pain and rage have gone into decay. And my flame of love is ready to burn ever so bright once more. But only if I am reunited with a lost love whom I still adore. Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of love, I cry out to thee. To reunite the hearts of (name of ex) and me. Mend and heal our hearts lovingly and reignite our love eternally. Let this be done for me. I beg'ith thee. So Blessed Be."
Last edited on May 24, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1364 - Bring Drawings to Life
Your drawing can be of anything. A person or a thing. Take your drawing and your pen/pencil and write the (if it is a person) personality and height of the drawing. It doesn't have to be the size of the drawing. It can be the size you desire.
Light the candle and keep it on the left side of the drawing. Chant these lines:
"O, Gods and Goddesses of life
I would sacrifice myself to you
Just grant me one wish
That is
Make this creation of mine
Come alive
Give it eyes to see
And lungs to breathe
It's personality as written
No harm to others
So mote it be"
And blow out the candle.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1365 - Friendship Potion
Pour the oil into the cup of water and mix it with the spoon. Then drop your lock of hair into the water and stir with the spoon while saying, "My friend, my friend. Let them be my friend. We shall laugh and play together, and never ever think rude of each other." Repeat the same chant with the other persons lock of hair. Once done, wash your hands in the cup so that the potion soaks into your hands. The potion will have done its job within a week.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1366 - Avenge a Broken Heart
"The time is right,
Your heart is wrong,
let you soul hear this song.
On this night may you feel pain,
Never to see light again.
Let my sisters dance upon your grave,
My brothers, bind his fate
Let this spell travel upon him
As his did upon my heart.
May hell have mercy on his soul"
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1367 - luck spell for a friend
IMPORTANT: no one can know about the spell. not your favorite stuffed animal. not someone you met on the subway. not me (unless it's finished). and especially not your friend. don't even hint to them that they will have good luck.
1.choose a charm, based on the type of luck you want your friend to have. for example, if they are going to prom and you want them to have luck with their crush, you might choose a heart shaped charm. if you want to give your friend general luck, a charm that does not suggest any particular type of luck would work well. the charm should be man-made, and not made or used by you or anyone who has a connection to your friend.
2. clean it thoroughly. inspect it for stains, chips and broken pieces. if it has any imperfections that aren't part of the design, find a different charm. when you are finished cleaning it, set it aside. use the piece of cloth or plastic and do not let it touch your skin. also clean the container.
3. fill the container halfway with the snow or ice. keeping the charm in the piece of cloth, hold it up to the window (you must do this part of the spell indoors, during the day) so that it catches the light. hold it in the sunlight and say:
Charm of prosperity,
existing in artificiality
I release thee
to the mysteries untold
4. drop the charm into the container and fill it the rest of the way with snow or ice. put the lid on. leave the container outside, completely buried in snow, as far way from any plants, dirt or animal homes as possible. another option if you don't have snow is to bury it in ice in a clean, empty cooler. if you have to, you can put it in the freezer and make sure it doesn't touch any food.
part two:
1. bring the container inside. hold it by the lid and bring it to a dark place. there should be no light, natural or artificial. using the tongs, dig around until you've found the charm.
2. dry the charm. say:
Charm of prosperity,
existing in death
Take up the spirit of
[friend's full name]
and aid her/him in [whatever you want your friend to have - love, wealth etc]
3. put a very small amount of the bodily fluids on the back of the charm. if you can't get a fluid specific to the luck, just use whatever you have.
bile, vomit, pus - health
sweat - achievement and desired outcome of something your friend has worked hard on
tears - resolution of something that has caused your friend grief or suffering
menstrual blood, placenta, breast milk - fertility
sexual fluids - romantic or sexual love
spit - fame, honor, superiority, wealth
blood - general luck, multiple, other
you can touch the fluids but remember not to touch the actual charm. leave it, wet side up, until the fluids have dried or congealed.
4. find a folded and sewn over part in the clothing, such as a cuff or hem. pull out the stitching in the smallest, least damaging way that you can, so that there's a spot the charm can fit into. slip the charm in and sew it up neatly.
#1368 - Hunger for Blood
First fill the bowl or glass with water thenlight one of each candle and place them in a triangle on the floor with the white on facing forward and red on the right and black on the left. Now put the bowl or glass in the middle
Now say "I create this brew in the hope that it will turn (enemy's name) into a more aggresive form" The light the other 2 candles and let the wax drip into the glass or bowl then add the salt and stir now finaly rip up the picture and put it in the glass or bowl. Finish by saying "As I return these ingredients to the earth I here by curse (enemy's name)."
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1369 - To Draw Feminine Energy
Set up your three candles with the moon in view. Place them on top of the tablecloth. Light them one by one, saying each time,
"Feminine grace I desire
Bring it hence through the fire."
Feel the majestic energy all around you. Imagine it surrounding your body and going into your heart, mind, and soul. The light of the candles illuminate the marvellous woman inside of you.
Pick up the rose and put it into the vase. Look at it's regal petals, and the beauty it adds to the scene around you. Give it up as an offering to your deity. Repeat this phrase three times,
"Rose of glory, beauty, and love,
Give me the body of a dove."
Let the rose go back inside with you when you finish your spell, and let it die on its own.
Look to the moon and hold your crystal up. Think of feminine energy filling it to the brim, making it shine. Feel it start to pour over your fingers and seep into your skin. Leave it in sight of the moon as you finish the spell, blowing out the candles and cleaning up. Take it with you and put it in your pocket anytime you feel you need a boost.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1370 - Psi Ball
First, you have to sit cross legged in the middle of the room. Hold out your hands like you're holding a ball in between your hands. Close your eyes, and visualize a ball of any dark colored energy in your hands. Now you have a Psi-Ball! It's mainly used for practice, but you can program it. Make a forum if you have any questions.
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Last edited on Aug 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.