3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Work Place Calm Down
- A Wishing Pod
- Caught You In My Web
- Wolf 20
- Dragon Shifting
- Problem Earser
- Winds Of Time
- True Love Spell
- Blessed Bucks
- The Scholar's Boost!
#1411 - Work Place Calm Down
As you add the ingredients into the cup whisper underneath your breath into the cup or over: "Spirits of all, bring unto me my wish but as you do so please the minds of others .I shall please you in return." Now hide this either in the area that you want to concentrate on or other in the center of the store for everyone
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1412 - A Wishing Pod
To make your dreams come true, take your seed pod or eggshell and on you piece of paper write down what your wish or dream is. Decorate it with the pictures of your wish. Make sure to put your intention behind what you want by making it as real as possible. Place the paper in the pod and bury it in a young pot plant or a new tree. Now let the Gods and Goddesses take over.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1413 - Caught You In My Web
Capture an alive spider, the bigger the better (dont get hurt). This may sound tricky but you need to capture an alive fly. Put the spider in one jar and the fly into another
Push aside the flie and the spider onto your altar and trap the fly inside the spider jar, or the other way around. Now arrange the other candles in a triangle formation. Black on top and white on the bottom. Put the jar in the middle.
Light the black candle and say "This candle represent your lies and treachery you beseeched on me and how much harm you caused me"
Light both white candles. After that state "Both of these candles represent the light, uncovering your slander and at the same time overcoming your deceit with the eyes of god standing before you, while recuperating my self image"
Light the frankincense incense and then hold up the jar to the sky and say "Lord I am your child, please help me in this time of need! I offer this smoke so you can bestow me a blessing! Please offer me hope and the satisfaction that my enemy who spoke lies about me, whoever they may be, get their just desserts! Let this lie be no more, my dear father, please allow this person to relinquish the truth or be punish by whatever kind of punishment you think they deserve!"
Place down the jar then say "Let it be known, just as this fly will be trapped in this web, that my foe will trip and fall on their own web of lies. The spider represent justice as it won't cease to stop trying to eat the spider, for the fly has no place to run but towards the shelter for god for forgiveness!"
Blow out the altar candles and then let the spider consume the fly. When that is done, blow out the rest of the candles. Set the spider free where you found it at, or at least in safe spot. Leave the remains of the spell at the cross roads
Last edited on Sep 03, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1414 - Wolf 20
"Goddess of the moon let me have the form of a wolf. I want ( color of eyes) eyes and ( color of fur) fur. Please goddess of the moon grant my wish"
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1415 - Dragon Shifting
Chant this three times:
"O god,
Mother nature,
And dragons
I call to thee,
Bestow on my another form,
This form will be a dragon,
But not any dragon,
My dragon,
May the transformation start immediately,
Or in 3 days,
When I claw the earth three times,
May I revert back to my human self,
This is my will,
So as I say so mote it be!"
Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1416 - Problem Earser
First write down your problems on the paper burn the paper.
Burn it.
Last edited on Aug 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1417 - Winds Of Time
Chant this once, in either language (English and Latin).
"Goddesses of the universe, I call to thee. I humbly ask that you reverse the winds of time and space, so the memory that haunts my mind can be a memory of a happy place. I have made a horrible mistake in my past, one that I now wish to change so my joy will last. So please, I beg you to grant this wish to me. From the will of my heart, so blessed be".
"dea of universum , ego dico ut thee. ego summisse scisco ut vos ostendo sum ventus of vicis quod tractus , sic memoria ut obsideo meus mens can exsisto a memoria of a gauisus locus. ego have no a horrendus erroris in meus preteritus , unus ut ego iam votum muto sic meus tripudium mos permaneo. commodo , ego precor vos cedo is votum volo. ex mos of meus pectus pectoris , sic beatus exsisto."
To return to the present time you came from simply take your hand and put it into a fist and put it in the air. Then point your first two fingers towards the skies with the back of your hand facing outward, then turn your hand sideways with your thumb facing you and say: "Reverto mihi ut tendo. Sic beatus exsisto."
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1418 - True Love Spell
God_____________(insert the god's name) I call to thee bring his love to me.
Step2: Light the 9 red candles and call any Goddess of your choice and then say these words:
Goddess_____________(insert the goddess's name) I call to thee bring his love for me to see.
Step3: Then take the 9 red rose petals and 9 cinnamon sticks and crush them and then say these words:
God and Goddess I offer you these 9 crushed cinnamon sticks, and 9 red rose petals as a token of my appreciation. I thank thee both for your aid in my magical work, and you may return to your homes
Last edited on Jul 26, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1419 - Blessed Bucks
To start with this is a very positive spells that can not go wrong and will not bring bad luck. Take the one dollar bill and take the pencil. Now write down on the buck, "May you be blessed with health, wealth and joy". It is important that you be happy at that time to fill your work with positiveness.
Now take that dollar bill and go outside in the world. You must now hide it in a place where people WILL find it like hiding it inside the newspapers stand or under some product inside a shopping store. Remember you must not just drop it somewhere or people will think this an accident. Also you must not be seen while hiding the note or your energy might be broken.
Now soon someone will come and pick that newspaper or the product up and see the dollar with the blessing written on it. Imagine how happy he'd be knowing that the dollar was meant to be his/her. Note: you must not wait to see who picks up the dollar. Just hide it and leave. Now soon (maybe between a week or after two to three weeks) you will recieve the money multiplied.
Last edited on Dec 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1420 - The Scholar's Boost!
First, using the marker you must draw a pentacle on your dominant hand's palm. Don't forget the circle that surrounds it! (HINT: I would recommend using a color that you like or feel is "lucky" or "scholarly". I use purple usually b/c that's my favorite color, but green is another good color to use as well)
Then, write your lucky number on BOTH HANDS. This one goes on the back of your hand. (EX: I use the number 2 b/c its my favorite number and my lucky number!)
Now, take your charm and you writing utensil (the one you will take the exam with) in your dominant hand (the one with the pentacle, close your eyes, and imagine that scholarly energy sinking from your head into the pencil and charm.
Chant the following:
"The grade that I need
Is just in my sight!
So give me a boost
Of scholarly light!"
(HINT: In my times using it, I usually chant this the number of times I wrote down on my hand, but feel free to repeat it as often as you'd like. Feel free to end it with a "so mote it be!" or any phrase that makes the spell feel more complete, if you will. But remember: Nothing stronger than the spoken word!)
Now give your charm a swift kiss to seal that energy you just gave it. Take that writing utensil and trace the pentacle on your dominant hand to seal it. Don't forget to end it with the circle around the figure, ending exactly where your started.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.