3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Holy Transformation
- The White Hex
- Bluen's Satanic Death
- 2nd Dragon Transformation
- A Wish
- Look Like Desired Self
- To Find What is Lost
- Bloody Black Rose
- Chant of Death
- Bloody Revenge
#1451 - Holy Transformation
This spell will make you a angle, holy guard, holy spell caster or a heaven defender. This will make you lose your humanality but become a holy type. This may cause some pains and bleeds but when you become one in one month you can heal more run faster feel free and be mostly pain free.
Just say this chant and put all of your energy in this spell "Warriors of the holy, please make me a relative of the spirits and turn me into a holy one, I shall give you my humanality for immortality and be with god" after this you have to rest and wait for a pain month and then you will be one with the holy.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1452 - The White Hex
Set the 3 red candles in a half of a triangle and the same thing with the white. Light them up and take them outside. This spell has to work at afternoon of evening and if evening it needs a full moon and if afternoon the sun has to be out it can not rain of have clouds covering the sun. After that say this fallowing chant:
"All of the light come to me, for I set a hex for this evil person, shadows, darkness fade away. I now hex this person"
This will make your magic tired and you may have to take a rest for another spell.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1453 - Bluen's Satanic Death
In a dark room with yourself and the black outfit clean, make the Satanic altar presentation, light up black candles, you may can even place the Satanic bible near the altar and then follow these instructions:
Use the black poppet (you may can put some personal belongings of your target by making holes in the poppet and then sew up the holes) or else you may can simply write the name of your target by imagining the person in your mind)
Else you can use a paper too, just write the persons name on it (again by imagining the person in mind) and make a ball of it.
Then think about the pains they served you, let your feelings lose and fill yourself with the plan of revenge
Then say this:( based on the Satanic bible) "In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi! In the name of Satan, the Ruler of the earth, the King of the world, I command the forces of Darkness to bestow their Infernal power upon me! Open wide the gates of Hell and let my desire be fulfilled." (image the person again and say) "Pains you have served me so death you deserve, then with great anger make cuts with the sharp objects and cut till the paper or poppet get into 4 pieces or more then say:This is my revenge, name of person_________will die."
Then take the four pieces of the poppet or paper ball. Burn one piece in the flames of the black candle and say: "Let (name of target) be burnt to death, in the name of Satan the Infernal Diatribe let this person die."
Put the other piece in any river, sea..(large water body) and say: "Let (name of target) be drown to death, in the name of Leviathan the Raging sea let this person die."
Make a hole in the soil (quite deep) and say: "Let (name of target) be buried in the ground, let the person face death in the name of Belial the master of the Earth let this person face death "(you even may can make the hole in a cemetery or near it)
Take the left half and again burn it and the left powder ash must be thrown in the air and say this spell: "Let (name of target) be turned to ashes as light as air in the name of Lucifer the Enlightenment let this person face death".
Then if any pieces are left throw them in gutter or toilet. Make the end by thanking all the 4 crowned gods of hell and say out loud the name of person will die.
Last edited on Jul 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1454 - 2nd Dragon Transformation
"Great beast in the sky
Flying through the darkened night.
I wish to fly among you,
A Dragon, through and through.
With great wings that span so wide
and carry me on up so high.
To have great, sharp claws
and a spike-covered tail.
A body that is (insert color here)
To be one with the earth and its creations.
I wish to control (wind, water, fire, earth, lightning)
and be filled by its nature.
So give me great jaws filled with sharp teeth.
Hard, thick scales to protect me.
I want to be able to change at will.
To live forever in any form,
a Dragon to my very core."
Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1455 - A Wish
Take 2-3 minutes to meditate.Visualize your wish which comes true.Now light the candles.Try to cleanse the space where you are. Write on the paper your wish.Now say your wish loud.Then say "I wish to (your wish).This is my wish so mote it be".
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1456 - Look Like Desired Self
First, light a white candle. Please leave candle burning as you proceed with your spell.
Now, place a picture of who or what you wish to resemble in the corner of a mirror (if necessary.It is not mandatory but recommended) Look at the photo you have placed there and then look back at yourself. Now chant as you look at yourself,
" I do not like what I see,
Help me to look like who (or what) I wish to resemble,
And be the person I want to be."
Say this at least four times. After chanting this, take the small cloth and dip it in the bowl of water and dab your face. This is to symbolize you washing away your old self and becoming your new desired self.
Now leave the candle burning to symbolize your old self melting away as you become like your new desired self. Thank whatever god(s)/goddess(es) or whatever kind spirits that are willing to answer you and help you on your journey. If you don't believe in that kind of stuff, it is fine; you can skip this last step.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1457 - To Find What is Lost
Light the candle, and put it in a holder that is easy to carry. Begin to walk from room to room with it, repeating the following:
"I need what I seek
Give me a peek
Draw my eyes
For my prize."
Let your eyes wander around until you feel drawn to the spot where your missing item is hiding.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1458 - Bloody Black Rose
First you wanna go in Your room 7 min till 12 am. Put the picture in the container.Fill container with rose water. After that prick Your middle finger with the needle. Drip 3 drops of blood in the container. Then put 5 rose peddles in the container. At exactly 12 am on a new moon...light the black candle. Chant:
"This will be (name of person) death...
It will be their very last breath...
I want them to die away...
I'd like it done by today...
So mote it be!"
After the chant grab the pic from the mixture and burn it on the candle.If you can, pour the mixture by their house...if not dump it at Your door so their spirt will stay away.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1459 - Chant of Death
Go into your room on a new moon between 10pm-3am. Close the door and turn out the lights. Open your window to let the bad spirits travel to your enemy. Sit on the floor facing the window. Light the Black candle. Grab the needle and drag it along the noticeable markings of your palm. Slap your palm on the picture. Before you burn the pic chant:
"Death, Die, Death,
Have this be his/her last breath
Make her go away
Have her gone by today!!"
Then say a little blessing to Hades.This will make this spell 100% useable. If you can kiss a Black cross and hang it on their door or on their window.
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1460 - Bloody Revenge
You need to meditate 10min. Let it cleanse your soul. Or soak in a bath with rose salt and dark red rose peddles 10min. Between 10pm-3am go in your room where no one will see or bother you. Sit on the floor facing south.Put your Black candle on the floor. Light the candle.
Wait till the flame rises.Then grab the needle and prick Your finger. Drip your blood on the candle.Then rub the rest of the blood on the picture (in a x formation) of Your enemy. Drop the bloody picture in the flame. Then chant the following (×3):
"Bloody, Bloody, Bloody
You are not my buddy
It's time to say goodbye
Now you're gonna die!"
Now the only way to breaks the spell is to touch the persons head with two fingers and say the following (×3):
"Healing, Healing, Healing
No you are not dying
I'm not going to say goodbye
You're not gonna die!"
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.