3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Nose Turning
- Become Popular
- Mermaid Spell
- Wish to Diana
- Neko (Revenge)
- Make a Thousand Bucks
- Get Your Considered Dreams
- Nose Changing
- Be the Smartest!
- Nose, Eyes, and Ears of Bad Luck
#1591 - Nose Turning
Sit relax
Put the picture of enemy in front of you and put the candles circling it
Put the picture of nose above the picture of enemy
Light the candles and visualise your enemy's nose is changing
Say this :
"Goddess of Revenge! I call thee! Let (name) have the nose I want! No nose now he/she has! Let he/she get his/her lessons! Keep like that until I'm avenged! Goddess of Revenge! Let this happen! So mote it be!"
Turn off the candle and hide it
Trash the picture
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1592 - Become Popular
Everyone wants to become popular right? Well, it's easy to with this simple spell!
First you need to open the year book to the page your picture is on.
Then lay 6 of the roses around the year book in a circle.
Now take the seventh rose and pull all the petals off and spread them across the open year book.
Once done, recite this spell 5 times and you should see results within weeks!
"Humor and grace, love and attention, others shall embrace, my true intentions. Satisfy my social needs, and pick me up from the floor. Let others see me more then before."
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1593 - Mermaid Spell
"By the power of three times three make me what I wish to be, a mermaid. With the power of hydrokinesis. Witches one, witches all, witches from North to South, East and West hear my wish/prayer. My tail will have beautiful layers of teal with blue splashes on it. A long with this I shall have a top that matches my tail. Gods and Goddess please hear my prayer/wish. I will turn into a mermaid when I say and only I say "Flicker". Three times and I turn back into a human when I say " water" three times. I will swim three times as fast to get away when I need to and be able to hold my breath for at least a half hour. Please Gods, Goddess,and Witches let this be me . So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1594 - Wish to Diana
While gazing at the moon, repeat the following :
"Moon, Moon, Beautiful Moon
Brighter than any star,
Goddess of light and love,
Diana if it might be,
Pray bring fortune unto me."
A sign that the spell worked would be coins doubling in the purse or pocket , or seeinga hare before dawn.
Note : Spell Won't Work If Done With Evil Intent.
I dunno if it works this my first time posting here . Good Luck
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1595 - Neko (Revenge)
Sit cross-legged. Put the picture on the floor in front of you. Put one red ribbon and one gold ribbon above it and say : "Goddess of Cat and Neko! Let me take control! This way (enemy's name) will become, a neko (enemy's name) will be! This red ribbon of neko (enemy's name) will be. Gold ribbon of cute for (enemy's name)! Neko (enemy's name) will be! So mote it be!"
Now wear the red ribbon on your neck and hair. Put 3 black candles in front of you. Put the milk with fish inside of black candles triangle. Put the fur of a cat and the fur of a cat inside the milk. Visualise your enemy's changing into the neko
Drink the milk but (the hard step is) don't drink the two furs and fish! Wait until the black candles turned off. And then before 3 hours, go to your enemy's bed and put the fur above his/her nose! Make sure its night and the enemy's sleeping
The reverse spell (Not always worked) : "Goddess of Cat and Neko! Let me take control! Neko, oh Neko of you, Oh neko (enemy's name). I will turn you back to be a human (enemy's name)! Neko you will be if you make me mad again! I'm avenged because you're neko for (how many days)! I'm just say, "Neko, neko, change (enemy's name" and you will be a neko again! So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1596 - Make a Thousand Bucks
Three casted circles of protection were casted automatically for this spell. Anytime you need three casted circles of protection for a spell say "So mote it be" before or after a spell. It closes the circle automatically for you after you cast your spell.
"Bring me a thousand dollars in a credit card form, make it legit, and let it be known. You know what I mean Jelly Bean, so don't even trip potato chip, cause it's all good in the hood."
Now say "So Mote It Be." Add Energy depending on how you know how to add energy. The money will appear out of thin air and fall from the sky.
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1597 - Get Your Considered Dreams
Sit down cross-legged alone. Put the candles circling you. Light them up and say : "Goddess of Dreams, let me get dreams I want to have! Let me get the (what dreams) dreams! For an honor for you if you let me get and have it! So please mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1598 - Nose Changing
Light up the black candles
Put the picture below the candles
Make the candles in a triangle, the upper must above your enemy's nose!
"The nose, nose, nose of my enemy! Should be taken by these candles! So mote it be!
Take the picture but don't change the pattern of the candles but you can move them!
Hold and touch your enemy's nose with your two thumbs and say :
"This nose I take from the candles are changed to what I want. It will turned into a (what nose) nose! So mote it be!"
The hardest step! Before the candles light out, go to your enemy's bed and touch his/her nose and say the same sentences!
Go home and back to your same pose and visualise that your enemy's nose is changing!
Wait until the candles turned off!
Hide the picture of your enemy
If you want the revenge spells turned off, just drop it on the floors! It should begin if you take it!
*** Dangerous Effects ***
If you fail just start over! Don't continue the spells, because it will be reversed and your nose will be changed!
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1599 - Be the Smartest!
Be alone and sit cross-legged. Light the candles (put it in front of you). Look at the flame and say : "Goddess, I need you Athena. Athena, I need your knowledge! I need it for (what). It will be an honor if you give me the knowledge! For it's my will! Thank you, Athena! So mote it be!" Breathe the smoke until the candles stopped
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1600 - Nose, Eyes, and Ears of Bad Luck
Take the 3 black candles and light it! Concentrate on the flames and say : "Revenge is what I want, revenge is what I need! My enemy (enemy's name) will get a weird nose, eyes, and ears! So mote it be!"
Put the picture of your enemy in front of the candles. Say this : "This will be happen for a revenge to the (enemy's name)! For its my will! So mote it be!
Draw your enemy as good as you can in the paper and change his nose to the weird nose! Colour it too! Say this : "This will be happen for a revenge to the (enemy's name) as what I draw! For its my will! So mote it be!" Turn off the black candles
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.