3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Dice Divination Extremely Easy
- Change Eye Color Spell
- Fairy Potion
- Revenge Curse
- Cheetah Cub
- Become a Neko
- Elsa Ice and Snow Powers #2
- Wish Spell
- Needle Wish
- Blood Power
#1671 - Dice Divination Extremely Easy
Take the parchment-thing and the marker. Draw 1 circle about 3 centimeters away from each corner, and take the dice.
I want you to sit silently for a moment, the dice in both of your hands. You must cup the dice in your hand and put another hand over it. Remember, you must be the only one to EVER touch your dice after the meditation.
I want you to keep sitting in whatever comfortable position you may have, and open up your hands to stare at the dice. Breathe on them, while visualizing light coming from a natural power source (An element, a spirit animal, or a planet [I use the moon] are some options), entering your head, and swirling down around your arms and into the dice. Cup your hands once more to seal in the energy. Remain like this for about 10 seconds before saying:
'May the Gods be with me in my will
For the song of the future to trill
And may they whisper to these mere dice
To tell me if or not my future is nice.'
After this is done, you never have to do it again for another question unless you feel the power weakening.
Now, shake the dice within your two hands above the parchment while either asking aloud or thinking strongly about a question, for example, 'Will I get married soon' or even something of gossip, such as 'Will my favorite author publish a new book soon'. Other people can ask you to ask questions as well, they just cannot touch the die.
Whichever die land in the circle are the ones you must take note of. Check to see if it even slightly touched the outline -- If so, do not count it.
Now add the numbers within the circle together. For example, if the two within the circle are 5 and the one outside the cirlce is 6, the answer is 10 because 5+5=10.
The following is what the numbers mean (1 and 2 mean you must try again):
3= Good news, an announcement, or a gift
4= Bad news, trouble, or problems in the path
5= Rejoicing; A desire is realized successfully
6= Sadness, often caused by misfortune or defeat
7= Frustration, often caused by financial difficulty or gossip
8= Miscomunication that could escalate into an argument
9= Harmony among people
10= Oppurtunity presents itself (Possibly a 'Yes', for it is the best
to get when asking a yes or no question)
11= Estrangement, decreasing your liking of someone
12= Revelation, possibly disclosed by the media or friends
13= Melancholy, An ominous feeling you should pay attention to
14= New friends
15= Someone isn't being totally honest...
16= Adventure, possibly a trip abroad
17= Success from altering your tactics and approaches
18= A very positive omen, good fortune and plenty of something
(Possibly money)
I hope this helped you.
#1672 - Change Eye Color Spell
''Become of me'' three times
Repeat this hole process two times. You will see changes throughout the day.
#1673 - Fairy Potion
Get a cup and fill it up half way. Put one spoon full of glitter in the water. Take the scissors and cut a tiny bit of your hair off and put it in the water. Put your necklace in the water. Then pick the type of fairy you want to be: Nature fairy, animal fairy, water fairy,fire fairy,light fairy,wind fairy,love fairy,good luck fairy.
Pick the color and design of your dress and draw it on a piece of paper. On the back of the paper color and design your wings. Fold the piece of paper hamburger style two times and put it in the water. Say this three times:
"Fairy fairy I wish to be a fairy. I want to fly high in the sky I want to be a - fairy. I will promise to keep this a secret. A secret that I can only tell my best of friends. I wish to be a fairy so mote it be"
Take the piece of paper out and put it somewhere safe (this paper will hold your promise)
11.take the necklace out and put it on then drink the potion keep the necklace on for two hours. After two hours take the necklace off and put it with the piece of paper (whenever you put this necklace on you will turn into a fairy).
Wait two weeks and sleep with the paper under your pillow for two weeks. Take the piece of paper and put it in a safe place then put your necklace on and you will turn into a fairy.
Last edited on Aug 04, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1674 - Revenge Curse
Place you fire in front of you.
Goddess Adrestia hear my cry,
For (Enemy Full Name) shall not die
Rather than death I wish upon suffering unto
And leaving his/her heart dark and blue
Taking away everything he/she loves most will certainly do
An eternal life of suffering and depression (Enemy Full Name) will see
This is my will
So mote it be.
Immediately burn the photo in the flame after the chant.
#1675 - Cheetah Cub
Go to quiet, alone place. Sit down cross-legged and close your eyes. Imagine yourself, as you run at a fast pace, what you look like, etc. Once done, open your eyes and say spell.
"Goddess of cats,
Bast, hear me now.
My wish is simple,
I wish to be a cheetah cubs.
As I age as a human,
I shall age as a cheetah.
Human to cheetah,
Cheetah to human at will.
I ask of you for the colour of my fur,
Brown with black spots please.
For my fur to be extra fluffy and cute,
This is also my wish.
My eye colour shall change as I change,
To the colour of yellow.
My speed will be fast,
Reaching up to 100 kilometres per hour.
My special power to be,
Shall be an ability to speak English in cheetah form.
My first changing and powers shall come in 8 days time,
The exact time of now.
Bast, goddess of cats,
Please grant this wish of mine."
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1676 - Become a Neko
''Make me a neko to frolick and play with a (color) tail and (color) ears. I want my tail to be (length) long and want it to be (fluffiness).''
Craving for milk/fish
Subconsiously meowing
Purring and/or hissing
Landing on your feet when falling from high/low altitude
Subconsiously scratching soft and fluffy objects
-Believe this spell will work! It won't work if you don't believe!
-The spell can take as long as a month to work.
-If it doesn't work, then I don't know what to tell you.
#1677 - Elsa Ice and Snow Powers #2
First put candles in front of you but make sure picture is in the middle of both candles but not on the paper. Put blue or light blue candle to your right and white to your left. Now you put your 2 hands on the picture. Say this spell 1 time:
"Boreas and Khiorne please listen to me I want to have the powers of controlling and making ice and snow from either hand.I will be able to adapt to the coldest environment and temperatures, with these powers I can creat anything I want, I will be able to creat snow storms. I can create a snowman and it will come to life and have a joyful life and funny personality, but make it do harm to none, But with new found powers will become my weaknesses , these powers will not be a curse but, they will become dangerous if I I'm not careful about my powers. If I get scared or mad I will freeze everything and snow will fall. So shall it be!"
Last edited on Jun 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1678 - Wish Spell
#1679 - Needle Wish
Burn a candle and make your own from the wax it burns it should be tiny. Place it on a drawing of a pentacle. when it is done stick a needle in the middle of it. Start burning the candle and while you are doing that say your wish out loud and visualize it coming true when the candle gets to the middle and burns the wax around the needle the needle will fall down when that happens say "so mote it be".
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1680 - Blood Power
Set candles in order of power strongest in front of you and order clockwise. Then say " Oh fire water earth air light - candles in order of red blue green sky blue. Woven life mortal flair".
Now place bowl between candles and then say "Now by my blood by my hair" place blood and hair in order of blood hair in bowl "I call you from here to there, fire water earth air". Put candles out in order as above "Woven my life that I share".
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.