3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Get Long Hair
- Visualization to find Anything
- A Lucky Charm
- Fairy
- Mermaid Spell
- Spring Money Spell
- Run Slower Curse
- A Mermaid Spell
- 3 Wishes
- True Love Spell
#1731 - Get Long Hair
You need your hand and u need to place your hand where your hair to grow then say "This hair of mine is awfully short make it ____inches longer in the time period I ask. So mote it be". You can say that 5 to 10 times
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1732 - Visualization to find Anything
Concentrate on the third eye while concentrating on what you desire to find. Picture it where it could be. Concentrate on the intention and desire together while visualizing looking into yourself.
Find it within yourself by looking into your own soul with your concentration. If you lack the energy but know your element you could probably boost your focus by surrounding yourself with materials relating to your element or you could visualize a beam of energy based on the element coming from the universe to you or try picturing your own system of getting energy.
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1733 - A Lucky Charm
Step 2: Get your priceless object and put it in your left hand.
Step 3: Chant this little spell
With this luck I have today,
This will have the luck and stay,
It will be so very common,
And thankful to man and woman.
#1734 - Fairy
Say once at night
"Fairies fairies
Fairies of the night
Please come out
And show your light
Fairies fairies
This be my plea
That be a fairy maketh of me!"
Last edited on May 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1735 - Mermaid Spell
Mermaids with your lovely tails.
All our other spells have failed.
Combine your powers with the sea.
The water is our only key.
We're getting bored with human lives.
We want to be in with the tides.
Mermaids when wet, humans when dry,
This is what we most desire.
We won't change when we prespire.
With a top to match our tail.
This spell can never fail.
With the combined thoughts of to be mermaids embossed us forever.
Along with a tail we'll get a great power,
I would like the power (insert power),
With the tail color of (insert tail color).
Whenever we touch water, 10 seconds later, the sea and the spell combine with me,
And fishy sales appear to see.
43 hours after saying this spell,
I will get my mermaid tail.
#1736 - Spring Money Spell
Goddess: Gaia - abundance, affection, agriculture, blessings, calm, cycles, dedication/devotion, divination, energy, enlightenment, fertility, grounding, growth, healing, life, love, marriage, nurture (to provide/ to receive), prophecy, rebirth/renewal, weather, well-being, wisdome
God: Cernunnos - abundance, animals, astral realm, balance, beginnings, business, crossroads (to recognise and use), death, deceit (to recognise/ use), desire, knowledge, virility, love, luck, magic, money, underworld, prosperity, rebirth/renewal, sex, strength, transformation, wealth, witchcraft
Colors: Orange - 8 days Green - 7 days Gold - 6 days
Oils : Oak on Orange candle Holly on Green candle Honeysuckle on Gold candle
Time of day: dawn
Time of year: Spring
Will cast May 21 - May 29th of 2014
Be sure to light the Orange candle on the first day of casting by its self. It will be burned for 8 days. On the second day of casting light both the orange and green candles. On the third day of casting light all three candles. The total spell length is 8 days. The number of days the candle is burned corresponds to abundance as well as the oils being used and the Goddess/God being envoked. This whole spell is about acquiring money specifically.
#1737 - Run Slower Curse
Simply say "Slower than me you shall be, you deserve this for (reason), I will put a curse on you for what you did, so mote it be."
Then point at the person you want to curse and imagine black/dark purple energy surrounding the target and flowing into them.
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1738 - A Mermaid Spell
''Magic spirits of the deep,
I would like a tail not two feet,
Beauty upon me,
fish of all kinds let me see,
When I'm finished in the sea,
When I'm dry let my feet return to me.''
You should get your tail the next time you touch water.
-It takes 10 seconds, so be careful.
-It's okay if you tell and/or show people, as long as they have permission.
-Your tail color and powers depend on your personality.
-Your tail and powers won't go away if people see them.
#1739 - 3 Wishes
Write your wishes on a paper and then burn, place in a bowl whilst burning and chant,
"Grant to me these wishes three
Make me who I want to be
Come to me
I call you here
Come to me
And settle here"
With the ashes sprinkle over a plant, your wishes will become bound to the plant, as it continues to grow your wishes will come true.
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1740 - True Love Spell
Light the 9 votive candles and call any God of your choice, and say these words:
"God-----------(insert God's name) I call to thee bring his love to me."
Light the 9 red candles and call the Goddess of love and say these words:
"Goddess---------(insert Goddess name) I call to thee, bring his love for me to see."
Then take the 9 red rose petals and the 9 cinnamon sticks and crus them and then say these words:
''God and Goddess I offer you these 9 crushed red rose petals and cinnamon sticks as a token of my appreciation. I thank thee both for your aid in my magical work and you may return to your homes."
Take the crushed cinnamon sticks and red rose petals and bury them in a sacred place and in the morning your true love will be by your side when you wake up.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.