3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Bowynn Anxiety
- Wish Spell
- Adoration Spell
- Mermaid Spell That Maybe Works
- Wishes Granted by Archangels
- Wishes Granted by Archangels
- Neko
- Spell for Achievment
- Mermaid Potion
- Genie in a Bottle
#1851 - Bowynn Anxiety
Set up your altar as you see fit. After invoke the Queen of the water Kalma, whose very name in English means calm. (substitute this with a god of your own pantheon. Never invoke a divinity of a path that's not your own)
To Kalma offer first prayers and offer a cup/bowl of salt water, either right from the sea or homemade. Now take up one of the vanilla scented candles in both hands and instill it with a cream color energy. Continue this until it becomes warm to the touch. Chant three times over it:
"Vanilla candle ward anxiety away.
Keep it far from me all my days."
Repeat this with each candle till are are pulsing with energy that is warm and inviting. Now light the candles and let them burn, pulsating clam energy through you and all over your home. See whatever it is that is giving you anxiety banish/dispurse. Chant the following bowynn prayer
"Kalm em Aea. Vo om em graer.
Tsag em del ad mend
Deon, pya kae tya.
Teel Brea, Teel Unth, Teel Phoenix
Teel Summon, Teel Bia
Let the candles burn until the anxiety disappears or the candles burn down. Repeat three times a day if need be.
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1852 - Wish Spell
''Please goddess please make this work I beg of you blessed be''
Hold the lucky thing (Or pendant) to your chest and chant this once.
''Gaia Gaia Gaia, please grant my most wanted wish in (how many days you want), so mote it be'' kiss the pendant/lucky thing and wait if it comes true.
(That's all really, it's pretty easy but limit how much you wish for....it can be used many times as you like but don't wish for anything stupid....it could turn out bad)
(Really bad o_o)
#1853 - Adoration Spell
Give first prayers and offerings. The best offering for such a spell would be Frankincense and Myrrh.
Take the three candles in hand and speak the following, while sending white and burgundy light into the of adoration energy:
''Within my eyes spark these emotions
admiration and pure devotion
let all those who seen me before
think well of me and feel well adored.''
Repeat this for each candle. When done take up the white rose and say the following:
''Flower of elegance, Rose some white
power of adoration I seek this night.
White for clarify, White so clear
Make me respected by everyone that comes near.''
Place the white flower down in the middle of the candles.
Now take up the ring or pendant and hold it in your hand. Speak now a second set of prayers to the gods you invoked earlier and ask them with all grace and humility to bless you with adoration. When done place the ring/pendant on the rose.
Now light the candles and sit back. Feel the power of the candles and the power of adoration pulse out from the candles and flower fill you with their energy. Speak the following chant again:
''Within my eyes spark these emotions
admiration and pure devotion
let all those who seen me before
think well of me and feel well adored.''
repeat this spell for 3 nights, preferably held about the same time.
Last edited on May 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1854 - Mermaid Spell That Maybe Works
2. Put your hand over the bowl and chant:
'Carus Deus Omnipotens, si ego sum vere vilis futurus a mermaid tunc tribuo mihi donum verto unus ut ego tactus unda.'
3. Then, put your symbol into the water and chant three times:
'Carus Deus, sic mote is exsisto'
4. Leave bowl with the symbol and water outside under the moonlight for a night.
5. On the next day, wear your symbol but KEEP the water until you don't want to be a mermaid anymore.
PS: Whatever happens to you happened because it is God's will. Only in His power we will be as we are, so with all the magic in the world, don't forget to believe on God Almighty too. You will never know what gifts He will give us. Anyways, add me!
#1855 - Wishes Granted by Archangels
Put three candles in the highest place you have at home,
inside a plate with sugar all around the candles. Light
the candles. Ask for three wishes to your guardian angels
Ask one wish for business, one wish for love, and one
impossible wish.
Publish this spell on the third day after you requested
the wishes [by mailing it to another person, posting it
to a usenet newsgroup, or announcing your thanks to the
saints in a newspaper classified ad] and see what happens
on the fourth day...
#1856 - Wishes Granted by Archangels
inside a plate with sugar all around the candles. Light
the candles. Ask for three wishes to your guardian angels
Ask one wish for business, one wish for love, and one
impossible wish.
Publish this spell on the third day after you requested
the wishes [by mailing it to another person, posting it
to a usenet newsgroup, or announcing your thanks to the
saints in a newspaper classified ad] and see what happens
on the fourth day...
#1857 - Neko
What you say: "I call upon you god to grant me the power to become a neko with(color ears) cat ears and (color tail) cat tail.Please just please by the power of 3,mote it be."
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1858 - Spell for Achievment
Light the white candle and place your hands on each side and recite the following 3 times:
__________, Lady of wisdom, lady of goals, my goddess.
To you I pray and ask for your help
So many goals I wish to accomplish and I feel overwhelmed.
Please this I ask of thee mystical goddess of beauty,
Clear my head of scattered thought and narrow my vision
So that I can focus on that which I wish to be done is done.''
Now on a plain piece of paper in yellow ink, list all the things you are proud of. Try to uncover as many past accomplishments as you can. Get into the happy feeling of success that these things gave you. No accomplishment is too small.
Now on the other side of the paper list the goals which you wish to accomplish in the near future.
When finished, fold the page and place inside the sachet. Every time you sit to start working on the goals you listed, wear or keep the sachet nearby. It will help keep you determined, focus and going.
#1859 - Mermaid Potion
Take the cup and fill it with water, add a tablespoon of salt, mix and add your symbol into the water. Chant the following spell 2 times:
Mermaids near and far, make my wish, my dream come true, the tail color of ( say the color you want) will make me happy, a scaly top too, I will get a power along with my tail, but that's for you to choose. Mermaid when wet human when dry, I will get my tail and power in an hour,. I will fret, if this is what I get, mermaid when wet human when dry, so mote it be so mote it be!
Say that twice and stir again, take your symbol out of the water and drink it, in an hour put your symbol on and touch water.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1860 - Genie in a Bottle
2) Wrap it in tissue or wrapping paper. (I used a piece of purple plastic that is used for wrapping flowers) Then, tie it with a ribbon (optional) of your choice.
3) While holding it above your head, chant:
''King/queen of the genies, here my plea,
Grant me wishes, a little more than three.''
4) Stare into the container of genie sugar you've made. Then, say this in your head (or out loud):
''King/queen of the genies, here my request,
Please grant me (amount of wishes), if that's best.''
5) Hide the Genie bottle you made in a safe, private place. Pray for your wishes every morning, noon, and night. On the third day, your genie sugar will turn into your genie
If it works, let me know.
Blessed be!