3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Wishing Spell
- Hoodoo Money Candle Spell
- ESAUE Spell
- Traditional Witches Ladder
- Using The Right Incense For Spells
- Grant Wishes
- Flying
- Money Jar
- Angel
- Karma Spell
#1931 - Wishing Spell
Gods and Goddesses of the ocean flame
Come to me
Grant me one wish by the power in me
So mote it be
(Imagine your wish coming true as you say the spell)
#1932 - Hoodoo Money Candle Spell
#1933 - ESAUE Spell
When used properly, the ESAUE square will bring you whatever you ask of it.
*-Please note you cannot substitute anything for your blood in this spell. By spilling your blood you are not only adding immense power to the working, but you are showing the Gods of old how willing you are to suffer and lose precious drops of bodily fluids to manifest your goal. Hence why this is such a powerful spell.
#1934 - Traditional Witches Ladder
At midnight within the circle, braid together three cords. Every three inches, add into the braid three feathers: one from a rooster, raven, and pheasant. Visualization and concentration are key.
With every trio of feathers, picture adding to your spell. The power will grow. While braiding keep your goal in mind, and incant the following:
"Three by three, times three again,
Cord and pheasant, raven, hen;
Bound in braid, by inches three,
What I conjure, come to me!
Feathers fly, carry the power,
By dark of night, the witching hour!
That this spell will come to pass,
Three Moons shall this ladder last.
To be burnt when its' work is done,
Love, Truth, Joy; three are one!
When completed, keep the ladder hidden safe for three lunar months. Then it is to be burnt for its' power be done.
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1935 - Using The Right Incense For Spells
- Air - Intellect, Communication
- Altar - Altar, Smudging tools
- Amber - Love, Happieness
- Ambergris - Psychic ventures
- Apple Blossom - Peace , Success
- Astral Travel - Aids in sleep or meditation
- Banishing - Repel negative influences
- Bayberry - Protection , Control
- Benzoin - British Coronation, Occult
- Bergamot - Attract money , Uplift spirits
- Black Opium - Opening hidden worlds
- Cedarwood - Healing , Purification , Unhex
- Chocolate - Peace , Soften strangers
- Chocolate Mint - Relaxing , Happieness , Energy
- Cinnamon - Purifying , Stimulating , Money
- Clove - Stimulating , Stress relief
- Coconut - Protection , Chastity
- Copal - Love , Purification , Uplifting
- Cypress - Protection , Uplifting , Peace
Desert Rain - Revitalize , Cleansing
Divination - Smudge tools prior / Divination
Dragon's Blood - Potency , Protection
- Earth - Money, Stability, Peace
- Egypt.Musk - Love , Lust
- Eucalyptus - Healing , Purifying
- Fire - Courage ,Power , Purification
- Frankincense - Astral Strength , Protection
- Frank/Myrrh - Purification, Healing
- French Vanilla - Love , Psychic abilities
- Gardenia - Peace , Love , Healing
- Geranium - Power in rituals / Magick
- Ginger - Success , Empowerment ,Money
- Healing - To speed healing in all areas
- Hi John - Strength , Confidence , Prosperity
- Honeysuckle - Money , Psychic power
- Isis - Goddess of Magick / Mystery
- Jasmine - Love , Money , Dream
- Juniper - Calming , Protection
- Jupiter - Prosperity , Spirituality , Money
- Kyphi - Attract love , Success , Banishing
- Lavender - Cleansing , Healing , Love
- Lemongrass - Psychic / Mental clarity
- Lilac - Warding off , Soothing
- Lily of Valley - Peace / Comfort
- Lotus - Opening , Elevating , Protection
- Love - Personal opening , Love drawing
- Magnolia - Peace , Luck , Stability
- Mars - Sexual / Physical energy
- Mercury - Eloquence , Mind , Study
- Moon - Prophetic dream , Peace , Love
- Mulberry - Peace , Joy
- Musk - Aphrodisiac , Prosperity
- Myrrh - Hex breaking , Meditate , Healing
- Nag Champa - Most popular scent in the world
- Neroli - Chance , Opening , Clarity
- Night Queen - Chance , Success
- Oak Moss - Native American , Breathing
- Orange Blossom - Attract Men , Peace , Luck
- Patchouli - Mystery , Growth , Love
- Peppermint - Cleasning , Protection , Success
- Pine - Grounding , Strength , Cleansing
- Prosperity - Attracts abundance , Riches
- Protection - Deflect negative inflences
- Psychic - Increase psychic awareness
- Purification - Cleansing self of negativity
- Rain - Cleansing & Purification
- Rose - Love , Houseing blessing , Fertility
- Rosemary - Rememberance , Energy
- Rue - Protection from hexes / Cures
- Sabbat - Holiday , Celebration , Feast Day
- Sage&Cedar - Healing / Protection
- Sage - Wisdom , Clarity , Purification
- Samhain - Oct. 31 - November 1
- Sandalwood - Spirituality , Protection
- Saturn - Longevity , Vision , Purification
- Smoke Eater - Alleviates smoke pollution
- Spice - Cleansing , Clearing , Grounding
- Spirit - Awareness / Spiritual realm
- Strawberry - Love , Luck
- Sun - Energy , Protection , Illumination
- Temple - Use in your sacred space
- Tropical Rain - Grounding , Beginning
- Vanilla - Lust , Mental power
- Venus - Love , Joy , Happiness , Friendship
- Vetivert - Unhexing , Money , Peace , Love
- Violet - Awareness , Luck , Love
- Water - Love , Dreams , Psychism , Healing
- Wisteria - Spiritual realm , Grounding
- Ylang Ylang - Euphoria , Harmony , Love
- Yule - Winter Solstice
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1936 - Grant Wishes
Fold your paper hotdog. Write down the peoples that are with you names pass it around with every one thinking about their wish they draw stars like five stars four stars and stuff like that depending on how deep they want their wish to be. After a few days (if you are lucky) a day their wish will come true but you have to keep the paper in a safe place
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1937 - Flying
Cut the pear into fourths. Scrub the wood on the pear and say this,
"Fly fly into the sky
Oh please oh please
I can be Peter Pan I can"
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1938 - Money Jar
This spell Is intended to be cast at midnight. Work with the moon cycle. If its waning, its a spell to banish debts, if its a waxing moon, its a spell to bring wealth. New or full moon cast to draw money.
Clean your stones in salt water. Charge them by holding them and meditating on them, imagine you are energizing them with your life force. In your mind imagine them glowing in your hands and feel the sensation of the energy in your hands and arms.
Then smudge your jar and area with the sage. As you do this, focus on cleansing out all negative energy, spirits. Declare the space is free of anything that will interfere with your fortune. Smudge the inside of the jar by letting the smoke wisp up into it.
To the empty jar, now add the cinnamon powder, the ginseng root, all spice, and thyme.Grind some High john the Conquer into the jar as well. Put the stones in the jar. Now on the parchment write the following.
"Money money come my way
fortune and profit be here to stay.
I command you to full fill my need.
Of this I do not out of greed.
For good tidings it is Ill share
The wealth will expand to those whom I care."
Now draw a 6 pointed star, like the Star of David. In the far left top point, draw an A. at the top right point, draw an S.At the bottom right point, draw an M. At the bottom point, draw an O, at the bottom left point, draw an N. finish by drawing an eye inside the small top triangle.( like you see on the dollar bill Pyramid).
Carve dollar signs into the green candle with the sharks tooth, or rose thorn. Anoint it with the patchouli oil.
At just before midnight, light the frankincense incense on your alter. Meditate on the spell working, envision money coming to you, your needs are taken care of, you have more money then you need. Imagine that you are helping your family and friends and they are appreciative. Imagine an unbroken cycle of wealth and sharing coming full circle as these people are helping others and the money coming back to you, threefold.
Hold the jar overhead, and and invoke your spirits or the Gods, or Goddesses you patronize. Command them to carry out your bidding. Read the parchment aloud. Now roll it with the money and tie it with the green string. Place in the jar and put the lid on. Light the green candle.
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1939 - Angel
Say this spell 5x
"Angels flying high above the ground
I want to be one of you
Make me an angel that can soar
With wings of white I can fly
This is my wish so please grant it
Make me an angel who can fly"
Believe in this spell for it to work if you don't believe in won't work.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1940 - Karma Spell
'' I call upon the elements to guide me through this chant send forth the pain in which (Name of person) has inflicted on me and others. Make him/her suffer the wrath of my power. ''
Prick your finger with the Athame or dagger and chant 6 more times while dripping the blood on his/her picture. Set the picture down on the pentagram and leave it there for 6 days.