3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Skin Care Spell
- Demonic Revenge
- Spells of Magic Conscious
- Improve Emotions
- Remove Obstacles from a Relationship
- Altar of Wealth
- Contact in dream Spell
- Altar of Weath Spell
- Change Your Eye Color
- Grow 7 inches
#2001 - Skin Care Spell
First go to the quiet bathroom at night in your house, and stand in front of the tub. Pour the water into the bath tub until it fills enough for you to bath.
Place the candels everywhere you think will make the room beautiful and magically. Concentrate and slowly sprinkle the petal on the water, chanting: ''The Fairy of Beauty, please help me. I wish for a white and healthy skin. By using the herbs's glamourness, i pray for my dream to come true. So mote it be.'' Finishing the sprinkle, you apply the yogurt on the face, hands or anywhere you wish. Gracefully step inside the water-filled tub and decorated by rose petals. Bath normally, praying again is OK.
#2002 - Demonic Revenge
Like I said this is an extremely dangerous spell. Anything that involves demonic presence are better to be keep hidden. I recommend you to use trick spells when things haven't go serious. This spell is for the most desperate moment. Reconsider if you don't want to throw yourself at a danger spot. I also need to tell you that even the slightest mistake during the ritual will cause harm to your life. If you are an advanced or expert caster then it is fine. Learn all the basics about summoning ritual before practice this dark magic.
Ok. Now, ready, place the candles in there rightful places, and go to your place. Spend a minute to concentrate, gather all the hateful feeling you save for this moment. Place the object in the middle of the triangle. Don't forget to light up the candels. The object i recommend is something you can hide (a key, a teddybear...) or anything that you think is the best. Get ready and read out loud
" I gather all powerful elements of the universe, gather their power to perform this spell. I now contact the dark side by using my wholesome magic! I here by open a portal to hell, call help from a diabolical and hateful demon, you can now pass the portal!" Don't stop or things will get worse for you. "Listen me clearly, I've sent you here to help me punish a living, that has harmed me. You can unleash your power of evil upon that person with my help. You can never harm me but harm the enemy that i told you to. By possessing that object I chosen, your evil deeds will be accepted as our curse fall upon our enemy. So mote it be!"
Important: Clean the circle right after you finish the ceremony to keep yourself safe. Recommend a protection spell for you before perform summoning spell to avoid any possession from the demon's bad intention. Creative is the key to success in spell casting.
If you can then hide the object inside the enemy's house immediately. Or consider it as a fake 'peace offering'.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2003 - Spells of Magic Conscious
1) Sit and perform one of the spells to help you turn into a fantasy creature.
2) Go out and act as you expect one of these fantasy creatures to live.
3) Proving you survive drowning, flying or fighting a demon, you will be arrested. Use the allotted one phone call to call your parents to bail you out or jail.
4) Post on the boards here you are NOW in need of a court case spell. You will not win because you expect for fate to be kind after your played with fate.
5) Spend the next 10 years of your life recouping from your wounds and at the same time with a mental therapist
6) Lastly, or at the same time as #5, complain to the owners of this site that your life is now a living hell because of what has happen.
Now should your luck have given out prior to instruction #3 read and perform the following the following:
3) Die: Yes, just die. If your were pretending to be a mermaid, just drown yourself. If you were trying to fly like a vampire, just hurl yourself off the roof or tree. Or go out and get shot down by a cop after attacking someone like a were-wolf.
4) Once dead, DO NOT let your soul separate from your spirit. Do not go into the life.
5) Now as a lost soul on mortal earth go out and hunt down the owners of this site for allowing such fantasy spells to exist on a site like this. Make their life a living hell.
#2004 - Improve Emotions
Invoke your deity
Use these stones to amplify the energies, Quartz Crystal, Red Jasper and Hematite.
Dress your candle with the herb: Pepper.
Light the candle and visualize that your goal is achieved within the flame or your head or however you visualize.
''Upon this blessed night
I ask for the God/dess (Name)
might, Great God/dess hear my plea
Courage from you is what I seek.
To expel my feelings of depression and stress
is what I ask of you. Fill my heart
with confidence, pride and happiness.
This is my plea so mote it be''
Thank your deity when the spell has been completed
Notes: This spell does work I have used it on myself a numerous
amount of times and for other people.
Enjoy my friends and Blessed Be. )O(
#2005 - Remove Obstacles from a Relationship
Cast your circle. Light up the pink candle with the wooden match. Use the candle and drop 13 drops of the wax onto your picture and your lovers. (make sure you put a lot of energy while droping wax on both pictures. Make sure while your dropping, you're focusing your energy on removing all the problems in your relationship.)
Stick the two pictures together (face to face to symbolize everything getting better between the two of you.) Blow out the candle and chant: "So transfer my will, my spell has been heard. As I will, so mote it be"
That same day, give the stuck together pictures to nature.(Bury them, or put them in any body of water outside like a river, bayou, or lake.) Light the candle on the following full moon until it's burned itself out.(Do not use the pink candle you used for this spell for anything)
Last edited on May 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2006 - Altar of Wealth
Erect your wealth altar as you wish. Place the altar close to your front door to craw abundance into your home. If you do not have the space for an altar a wall shrine will do just as well. It should reflect all aspects of bringing wealth to the house. Suggestions are gold or silver altar cloth, image of wealth divinities, a bundle of grain, gold and/or silver candles, mice totem. Make sure the altar DOES NOT face out the door. This will cause wealth to fade.
When finished constructing the altar, cast your own personal circle or whatever opening ritual you do and invoke your own personal divinities associated with abundance, fortune and wealth. After your opening prayers speak the following
"Dear sweet God/dess ________,
Lord/Lady of grace and wisdom,
God/dess of fortune and the goodness therein.
To you I pray:
See here in the sacred place,
an altar to thee if have designed.
A place of sanctuary and hope.
In this sacred space may you and I convene,
That we may share words and wisdom,
where your gifts to me you may share.
In this sacred place I have made,
May your joys and gifts be placed,
by your generous hands."
At this point you may wish to hold a rite of offerings, giving incense, libation, food and/or gifts. If you offer incense, it should be a blend that is associated with wealth and abundance.
After offerings are given, speak the following:
"Sweet and generous ________, God/dess of fortune,
To you I beseech and pray,
Low on funds am I and I am in dire need,
As you may well see.
Please _______, My God/dess,
I ask of thee,
make this altar of wealth a fountain,
A vessel which can collect that which I so need.
This I ask of thee.
Bring your divine blessings to my home,
and have them delivered here.
Heal that which is a current wound in my life;
That of the lack of funds to eat and survive."
Take a moment and relax. Now take up the bowl and place the coins inside. With the bowl in hand reach up high with you over the altar. Chant the following:
"Sacred and immortal God/dess _______ to you I pray,
May the sky open up and may your gifts be delivered here.
May this vessel of abundance overflow with your generosity."
Visualize a opening in the space over your altar open up, like a tunnel between you and the divine realm. then from this tunnel visualize coins of gold and silver starting to shower down into the bowl. Here then clinking in the bowl and starting to fill it. Slowly place the bowl back down on the altar.
Now sit there and continue to visualize the bowl filling up. Take you time with this. See some of the coins fall out and land on the altar. That's more than okay.
When done, speak your final prayers of thanks and finish up. From this point on, for the days ahead continue to visualize the coins falling into the bowl, overflowing the bowl and even burying your altar in gold and silver coins. Each day make sure you stand in front of the altar and increase this visualization and thank the goddess.
As stated above this is not an INSTANT fix to money problems and may take a couple of weeks to manifest. Just continue the visualizations. See the altar space daily and at every moment increasing with coins till you feel the need to "walk around" the altar so not to step and trip on the coins.
This spell has been performed and several occasions by myself and others in my group and has worked each time. But remember that it needs patients.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2007 - Contact in dream Spell
Reveal the truth that was never told
for a lie I cannot believe.
Reveal the truth for me to see.
So mote it be.
Think about the person and what you want them to tell you.
#2008 - Altar of Weath Spell
When finished constructing the altar, cast your own personal circle or whatever opening ritual you do and invoke your own personal divinities associated with abundance, fortune and wealth. DO NOT INVOKE GODS THAT YOU CAN NOT ASSOCUIATE WITH.
After your opening prayers speak the following
''Dear sweet god/dess ________,
Lord/Lady of grace and wisdom,
God/dess of fortune and the goodness therein.
To you I pray:
See here in the sacred place,
an altar to thee if have designed.
A place of sanctuary and hope.
In this sacred space may you and I convene,
That we may share words and wisdom,
where your gifts to me you may share.
In this sacred place I have made,
May your joys and gifts be placed,
by your generous hands.''
At this point you may wish to hold a rite of offerings, giving incense, libation, food and/or gifts. If you offer incense, it should be a blend that is associated with wealth and abundance.
After offerings are given, speak the following:
''Sweet and generous ________, God/dess of fortune,
To you I beseech and pray,
Low on funds am I and I am in dire need,
As you may well see.
Please _______, My God/dess,
I ask of thee,
make this altar of wealth a fountain,
A vessel which can collect that which I so need.
This I ask of thee.
Bring your divine blessings to my home,
and have them delivered here.
Heal that which is a current wound in my life;
That of the lack of funds to eat and survive.''
Take a moment and relax. Now take up the bowl and place the coins inside. With the bowl in hand reach up high with you over the altar. Chant the following:
''Sacred and immortal God/dess _______ to you I pray,
May the sky open up and may your gifts be delivered here.
May this vessel of abundance overflow with your generosity.''
Visualize a opening in the space over your altar open up, like a tunnel between you and the divine realm. then from this tunnel visualize coins of gold and silver starting to shower down into the bowl. Here then clinking in the bowl and starting to fill it. Slowly place the bowl back down on the altar.
Now sit there and continue to visualize the bowl filling up. Take you time with this. See some of the coins fall out and land on the altar. That's more than okay.
When done, speak your final prayers of thanks and finish up.
From this point on, for the days ahead continue to visualize the coins falling into the bowl, overflowing the bowl and even burying your altar in gold and silver coins. Each day make sure you stand in front of the altar and increase this visualization and thank the goddess.
As stated above this is not an INSTANT fix to money problems and may take a couple of weeks to manifest. Just continue the visualizations. See the altar space daily and at every moment increasing with coins till you feel the need to ''walk around'' the altar so not to step and trip on the coins.
This spell has been performed and several occasions by myself and others in my group and has worked each time. But remember that it needs patients. Remember to than you divinities daily and when you achieve the wealth you desire, you should close the tunnel and with respect the altar, to show you are not taking advantage of the gods or being greedy.
#2009 - Change Your Eye Color
Imagine your eye color changing from ___ to ___ (insert color into blanks)
"My eyes don't describe who I am.
But if my eye color is ___
Then it will describe me.
So please, Goddess of the Rainbow,
Change my eye color from ___ to ___.
Please, Iris,
Change my eye color from ___ to ___!
Mote it be! "
Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2010 - Grow 7 inches
Stand in front of the mirror with a lit candle and chant:
"Gods and Goddesses,
Hear my prayer!
I am too small!
I wish to be 7 inches taller.
I wish to be 7 inches taller.
I wish to be 7 inches taller!
Mote it be!"
Now put out the candle with your fingers. You should feel some pain.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.