3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- going to the future
- More Motivation
- Improve your Memory
- Smart Spell
- Strength for your Body and Soul
- Better Music
- Voodoo Doll of Pain
- Evil Eye Enchantment
- Become a Q species tested works
- Forbidden death curse
#201 - going to the future
Now I command go to the future. So let me go to the future.
Last edited on May 07, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#202 - More Motivation
"Hear me spirits.
My work is not done.
For I would like renovation for my soul,
as there should be more motivation to behold.
So mote it be."
Last edited on May 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#203 - Improve your Memory
Bring your healing orb to your mind and chant:
"Enchant this light,
to heal my mind.
My memory improves by every second it stays,
and all bad will fade.
So mote it be."
Then spread your healing orb around your head.
#204 - Smart Spell
"Clear my head,
all thoughts in one.
Organize them like books,
one by one.
Fill my shelf,
with positive thoughts.
Make me smart,
all in one.
So mote it be."
#205 - Strength for your Body and Soul
"Give me strength to my arms!
Give me strength to my legs!
Give me strength to my body!
Give me strength to my soul!
Hear me spirits this is my plea.
This is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on May 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#206 - Better Music
”My music is good,
but it can improve.
I cast this spell,
to make it true.
So mote it be."
Last edited on May 09, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#207 - Voodoo Doll of Pain
Light Three black candles on your altar as you work up a rage , take a poppet that represents your victim and pierce it with a pin or knife as you imagine the pain coursing through the person's body. After piercing the doll as many times as you wish recite the following: "Smitten, beaten, battered and torn, I stab thee with all my scorn Suffer now i cannot wait with this i will seal your fate Pins so sharp and made of steel I strike at thee, this mark you'll feel smitten, beaten, battered, and torn I curse you now your pain is born!" Remove the pins from the doll and extinguish the candles to conclude the ritual. You can keep the doll to reuse, bury in the ground, or stick it in the freezer to keep the target from striking back at you.
#208 - Evil Eye Enchantment
Draw the Isa Rune on your paper with the ash. Place your ring on the paper and light the black candle. Then say the following: "Ate, daughter of Eris, Queen of evil and ruin. Share with me yor gift, so that i may aid in your never-ending quest of destruction!" Hold the ring in the air with your dominate hand and blow out the candle. By simply wearing this ring and looking at a person while focusing your intention you can bring them misery and misfortune. Careful with its usage as you've created a powerful artifact that has been blessed by the goddess Ate with powers of ruins and chaos, only wear this ring when you wish to cast the evil eye to prevent accidental casting of intentions.
#209 - Become a Q species tested works
- Say this 3x at night " I invoke the Goddess Iada to make me a member of the Q species from star trek and have the virtual Omnipotents of the Q species from star trek and I will get all this instantly after I finish this spell so mote it be."
Last edited on May 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#210 - Forbidden death curse
Be aware that this type of ritual is frowned upon by most practitioners as most wish to change their targets ways and not end them as it can have severe ripple effects and unintended consequences. That being said, it's a relatively simple ritual but requires a great deal of experience in the dark arts and a strong connection to the goddess you are working with. Light the candles, cast a dark circle and work yourself into a concentrated rage while focusing on you targets demise.
Say the following: "This man/woman needs to be put to rest. I call upon the Dark Goddess to fulfill this wish! This is the final chapter of (person's name) life, his/her story has come to an end! Hecate! Send your Hounds!" Look into the flame of the center candle and erase the image of the target from your mind. Take a sip of the moon water and offer the rest to the Goddess while giving thanks for her counsel and wisdom.