"Through great eyes
I must see
The true form
That will be me
Wolf soul
Wolf spirit
Wolf heart
To be free
Is what I want
This is what I craved
From the start
Wolf guide
Hear my plea
This is my will
So mote it be"
"In the forest I will stay
For eternity, every day.
World form, come to my side
True, bold, full of pride.
Wolf form, this will be
This is my will
So mote it be"
Stir the water with the rosemary, chanting:"When this water still be, show me who I want to see." three times, focusing on memories of the person. Wait for the water to still, then look at the water. You should see the person you wish to see.
A simple charm to give power to a bottle or jar for use in magic such as potions, oils, salves, water, etc.
You may need:
Container to be empowered (empty)
Magic or personal symbol on the container (optional)
You may need:
Container to be empowered (empty)
Magic or personal symbol on the container (optional)
Take the empty container at night, close your eyes, and focus on it. Clear your mind of all thoughts except the container until you can visualize it perfectly. Raise the container so it come into the moonlight (either outside or near a window) and with your eyes still closed say the following (reword it to conform to your beliefs if needed):
"Lord and Lady bless this flask,
So it may perform it's chosen task,
Be it salve or oil or potion,
Set its powerful purpose in motion"
This spell is for the beginners. Still, it's very fun and anyone can do it. NOTE: You may use however you like, in my case, it's to freak out someone annoying.
You may need:
Your Thumb
Your Voice
Lots Of Space
You may need:
Your Thumb
Your Voice
Lots Of Space
Take the thumb you draw with, hide it behind your 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers. (pinky, ring, middle)
Make sure your pointer covers your thumb, so it looks like your thumb is pulled off.
As for the finger you don't draw with, hide your thumb in your fist so people can't see it's really there
Say: Thumb is off, don't drop me off 3x
NOTE: Hold it the way you can't see your fingers. (the outside of your fist)
This spell can summon a fairy and help you to get what you want.
You may need:
Pot(to boil water)
Pink/purple flower
Cherry, apple, peach or pear tree leaves
Tree bark
Mint leaves
Feather(preferably from a blue jay)
You may need:
Pot(to boil water)
Pink/purple flower
Cherry, apple, peach or pear tree leaves
Tree bark
Mint leaves
Feather(preferably from a blue jay)
Bring water to a boil in the pot then mix all of the ingredients into the water in order. Leave the feather out so you can stir mix say this "Little fairy shine so bright. Little fairy of the day and night. By the power of Fire,Water,Wind,Earth and Spirit. I wish to summon you to this world this is my will so mote it be" 3-10 times
Find a local rose bush(must be red)and poor your special cooled mix over it then wait about a month or two for a fairy/sprite to show up. Ask what you wish and then offer it something.
Shrinking makes the target reduce size through time or/and space. When done the act, it may be smaller or bigger.
You may need:
A marble which is your favourite colour
Green glitter
Red big(ish) glitter
A leaf
Leaf ball (leaf rolled up into a ball)
A container with a lid
You may need:
A marble which is your favourite colour
Green glitter
Red big(ish) glitter
A leaf
Leaf ball (leaf rolled up into a ball)
A container with a lid
Sprinkle some green glitter on the paper. Put the leaf on top of the glitter. Roll the marble on the leaf and glitter. Put the leaf ball on either sides of the marble. Grab all of them together and roll them all around. Use a little bit of red glitter on the paper. Grab the paper from the sides and (Gently!) put all of the stuff in the container (but not the paper)