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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. Blessing My Unborn Baby
  2. To Spread Cancer
  3. Get Good Grades
  4. Leaf Wish
  5. Winds of Fate
  6. Some Hope
  7. Magickal Names
  8. Cold
  9. To Become a Girl or a Boy
  10. Spell to Obtain Money

#2211 - Blessing My Unborn Baby

To bless your unborn future baby whether you're currently pregnant or not pregnant yet. This will bring your future baby blessings before it is born and keep your baby protected.
You may need:

  • a pink or blue cloth (for the gender even if unknown)
  • something to represent your baby (I used Jericho flowers because I know that in my future I am going to have a son and I want to name him Jericho)
  • 1 white candle for spirit
  • 1 blue candle for water
  • 1 red candle for fire
  • 1 green or brown candle for earth
  • 1 light blue or yellow candle for air
  • Baby oil
  • Baby toy (optional)
  • incense (optional but I would recommend love, protection, etc.)
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    You may need:

  • a pink or blue cloth (for the gender even if unknown)
  • something to represent your baby (I used Jericho flowers because I know that in my future I am going to have a son and I want to name him Jericho)
  • 1 white candle for spirit
  • 1 blue candle for water
  • 1 red candle for fire
  • 1 green or brown candle for earth
  • 1 light blue or yellow candle for air
  • Baby oil
  • Baby toy (optional)
  • incense (optional but I would recommend love, protection, etc.)
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    On a flat surface lay down the pink or blue cloth. In the middle of the cloth place an item to represent your baby (such as a toy, item, or herb. *I used Jericho flowers for mine*)Around the item set up the candles for the elements creating the five pointed star for a pentagram. You may anoint the candles with the baby oil (while I was performing this spell the baby oil spilled and knocked over. When I picked it up I realized the image of a baby on the bottle had changed and it was now the image of my future baby that I was doing this blessing for.) Play with a baby toy if you are using one or don't have baby oil. If you would like now is the time to burn your incense. Chant:
    ''I bless this baby of mine my unborn child divine. Provide love, care, protection, and good health. Keep my baby safe from harm. With the elements I welcome you into this world. Hear my voice I am your mother (or father if you are a guy), feel the love between me and your father (or in which case if you are a guy then say mother). My baby you are blessed in this life with arms to always hold you. Your magic will be awakened and true love will surround you. Blessed be.''
    Then, when you are done blow out the candles. If the incense are still burning allow them to burn.
    *~::my future son Jericho::~*

    Added to on May 18, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2212 - To Spread Cancer

    This spell actually does work so be careful when you are performing it. ALWAYS make sure that this is a spell you want to do and the person really does deserve it. Be aware of the rule of three. This is a curse.
    You may need:

  • concentration
  • focus
  • clear mind
  • anger
  • power
  • black candles (optional)
  • yellow candle (optional)
  • picture of the person you want to curse (optional)
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    You may need:

  • concentration
  • focus
  • clear mind
  • anger
  • power
  • black candles (optional)
  • yellow candle (optional)
  • picture of the person you want to curse (optional)
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    Concentrate on the words of this spell and clear your mind. It would be beneficial to meditate before performing this spell. If you are using candles and a picture then light the yellow candle first for illness and then black for cursing and disease. Set the candles on each sides of the picture (your intended). If not using a picture or candles just continue with a clear focused mind. Imagine and visualize the illness taking over this persons body, spreading, causing them to become ill, entering their body, and spreading throughout their body. Focus on the person becoming sick and the color red. Feel the anger, power, and energy in your spell this person has caused you. Release all of that hatred and anger in your powers for this spell while you are focusing on making this person ill. Next, have a clear focal image of the persons face and eyes. Hover your left hand over the chant releasing power. Chant:
    ''Cancer rise, cancer spread, through the body of (intended persons full name). Cancer intoxicate with poison through his/her veins, to seek revenge for the backstabbing, pain, lies, betrayal, and deceit. Cancer cells reproduct faster and faster spread. Kill (intended persons full name) him/her slowly taking over (intended persons full name)'s body for the wrong he/she has done. As I will it, so mote it be!''
    When you are finished snuff out the candles. DO NOT blow them out.
    ***WARNING***Be absolutely certain that you want to perform this spell and it is for the right reasons only. After I performed this spell the person I cast it upon DID get cancer as did someone close to her also. This is a very powerful spell and it does work. Keep in mind the rule of three!

    Added to on May 18, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2213 - Get Good Grades

    Few spells to get good grades.
    You may need:

  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Pen
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    Say it once while studying and once while taking a test.

    "On the count of one, the spell will start. On the count of two, I'll know it all by heart. On the count of three, an A for me. 1, 2, and 3".


    "On this test I take today
    I will receive no less than A.
    Earth, wind, fire and sea,
    As I say, So mote it be".

    Added to on May 18, 2013
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2214 - Leaf Wish

    I found this spell from the past, this is a spell that was used by wiccans before. Make a wish on a leaf.
    You may need:

  • A leaf
  • A pen
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    You may need:

  • A leaf
  • A pen
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    Find a leaf outside, write down a wish that you want to happen, then let the leaf fly away in the wind. When you let the wind carry the leaf away the spirits that see the leaf will grant your wish. You should also tell the spirits in your mind " spirits if you find this leaf grant my wish" this will make the spell become stronger.

    Added to on May 17, 2013
    Last edited on Nov 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2215 - Winds of Fate

    gain confidence and protection by calling the winds of fate
    You may need:

  • concentration
  • meditation
  • faith
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    You may need:

  • concentration
  • meditation
  • faith
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    Go outside in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset
    meditate for about 1 minute,concentrate on your surroundings.
    then chant:
    ''Oh nature please don't hate, send me a wind of fate
    give me confidence for my self,one must remember them self''
    After that you will feel the wind blowing on you.

    this works best at a waxing crescent moon.

    this really work

    Added to on May 13, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2216 - Some Hope

    When your parents or any other people treat you badly because of what you study, and you want to be the better person.
    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Incense
  • Necklace
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    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Incense
  • Necklace
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    Cast a circle, then sit in it and meditate for five to ten minutes. Burn your candles and place the necklace in front of you. Direct energy into it and think about the people who have been negative towards you. Chant:

    "I am who I am
    You are who you are"

    Now when you wear the necklace it will protect you from their negativity.

    Added to on May 13, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2217 - Magickal Names

    These are magickal names, some are just regular names that seem to have a effect on how someone acts like during their lives, also the magickal names seem to have power.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Here are some great magical names and I will list the powers they have

    Based upon the shape shifting demon, woman, or in some cases men that are able to have the ability to shape shift ( most likely just spiritually on the astral plane) this name gives you power if you are close to the Kitsune demon or Kitsune magic, also kitsunes had tails and the more tails they had the more power they would have. kitsunes were also known for being like faeries they were known to be mischievous and or good, they were considered either mischievous or good depending on their personalities. This name if you choose it may mean that you are a powerful person close to the kitsune magic.

    Drake is a name it's a powerful name even the name seems to be a strong name even when spoken it can make someone feel intimidated or respect you, it may cause a feeling to the person to be tough or powerful, now here's the magickical meaning, drake means dragon, which may mean you are close to dragon spirits or dragon magick, or you specialize in it.

    This name seems to make you feel a mystery about a person, they will seem to be mysterious, magickal, and even the word and just thinking about a wolf makes you feel like they are loyal to you and strong, wolves have been known for being loyal, being strong in packs and always helping each other.

    This name is usually not a good name to give a baby they will later in life having a personality like a mischievous one, being a bully or having feelings of being mean towards other people,but note this down people through nature and nurture can also make people feel different than how their names make them feel, but a little more than half of the time names can have a effect on peoples personality, it's something psychological.

    This name can go either way, but usually has a negative effect on someone it can make them bullies, mean, or smart alicky. But sometimes it can make a calming and soothing effect as well.

    Now someone with this name can make someone a bully or have a negative effect on the persons personality, but the soothing sound of steve can calm a person down with this name.

    This name can make someone a bully as well, but they might become a smart person in life. but if you call the person jimmy this will have a calmer effect on their personality

    This name brings a calm and soothing feeling in someone when someone calls their name, it's a beautiful name to name your child.

    Gabriel is also a good name it brings a soothing sound when it's called.

    Luna is a great name, a name of beauty and it has a soothing effect on their peronalities. Luna can also be a magick name.

    Added to on May 09, 2013
    Last edited on Nov 27, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2218 - Cold

    If you are feeling warm this is a simple spell to cool the room down.
    You may need:

  • Cold water
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    You may need:

  • Cold water
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    First go to your bathroom and run cold water over your hands. Then dry them but dont stay too long becuase you still want your hands to be cold. Then go into the room you want to make colder

    Stand in the middle of the room and spin in a cyrcal with your arms out and then chant: "As cold as ice as cold as snow make this rooms tempature drop down low"

    Added to on May 06, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2219 - To Become a Girl or a Boy

    This is were you become a girl or a boy.
    You may need:

  • Blender
  • Feminine or masculine items
  • Liquid
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    You may need:

  • Blender
  • Feminine or masculine items
  • Liquid
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    Gather some items that are representative of the sex you wish to turn into. If you wish to turn into a girl, for example, get some pink ribbon and something sweet as an idea. Pour liquid into a blender, and add the items. Blend it together while you say: "I want to be a girl/boy for a day, but when I say (word you chose) then the spell will stop".

    Added to on May 05, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 18, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2220 - Spell to Obtain Money

    This spell brings you the amount of money that you desire for a specific purpose – no more, no less. From Dorothy Morrison's "Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living"
    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
  • basil (powdered [cinnamon powder is a great substitute])
  • vegetable oil
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
  • basil (powdered [cinnamon powder is a great substitute])
  • vegetable oil
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    Inscribe a green candle with your name and the exact amount of money you need – no more, no less. Anoint the candle with vegetable oil and roll it in powdered basil (or cinnamon powder if powdered basil is unobtainable.) Light it and say:

    Money come and money grow.

    Money's mine; to me it flows!

    Added to on May 04, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters