3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Become A Jin
- Beltane
- The Realization Spell
- The Vexation Box Spell
- Start a New
- Secret Wish Spell
- Physically Change Body
- Revenge spell
- Bring lover to you
- Physical Body Change
#2271 - Become A Jin
Relax, try to focus [the Wishing Wizard Talisman will help you!].
Say this 7 times in a row.
''Yo jeni watashiwa mawashi
Watashiwa sorano shimo beni nari tai
Watashino negaina canao!''
Afterwards you need to stay calm, try to meditate saing the same in your mind for 2-3 minutes.
Things will look smaller to you. You will hear what you said in your mind, you will be amazed, but you must stay calm, becouse you will lost your powers when you become nervous.
#2272 - Beltane
Hold the Chalice in both hands at eye level and visualize the young beautiful Goddess and say:
"I hold the Goddess, the fertile Mother I bathe in your wisdom and love for all creatures."
Set the Chalice down and pick up the Athame in both hands with the tip pointing skyward. Visualize the God as a young handsome man as you say:
"I hold the symbol of the father and God, who embodies great strength and energy".
Reserve the position of the Athame to point down to Earth and use you dominant hand and say: "As the Goddess and God unite, new life begins". Bring the Athame to your lips and say:
"Blessed Be, so mote it be!"
Put the Athame down and pick up the Chalice and drink some of the wine as you visualize your own relationship and how you can breathe new life into it as you say:
"I choose (name of lover) as my desire, as the God Bel comes through the flames of fire. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2273 - The Realization Spell
Write the person's name and what they have done to you on a small piece of paper. Light it from an alter candle and drop it to burn in the cauldron. Stand before the alter, the ashes in your right hand, and say:
"Wolf and horse, old signs of might. Lend your strength to me this night. The pain and grief they so easily give, Must be returned so they may live, To know and feel what they have done, And change their ways, with harm to none. Send them back the pain, teach them to do what they know is right."
Go outside, and throw the ashes to the winds, knowing that they will realize what they have done to you.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2274 - The Vexation Box Spell
#2275 - Start a New
Take the piece of paper and write down this:
Hair color:__________
Eye color:______
Species: (optional)_______
Fold the paper 4 times than place it under your pillow before you go to sleep than say:
"Hear me cry on this day I wish to start new from this day and be a new person that no one yet to know."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2276 - Secret Wish Spell
First hold otu your dominant hand in the sunlight then say this while imagining a psi ball:
"Gods and goddesses hear my plea I wish for ______ so mote it be."
Then throw it up in the sky. it now became a wish ball, so your wish shall be heard an granted, if the object is small it will either come the same day or the day after, the bigger it is it may take days, weeks, months.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2277 - Physically Change Body
All you have to do is image what you want to look like in your head and put energy in to the image and will it to happen the more you do this the more powerful the spell is.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2278 - Revenge spell
To lock in hate, to lock out love, rage I must create, revenge I must think of.
Light the candles then hold the item tightly with both your hands and visualize the victims face. Channel all your hate into the object then say the following three times:
''Make (fill in name) see the hurt he/she brings me, make him/her feel the pain I feel.
Remove the hate from my heart, and all the pain he/she has brought me,
Move it towards the more deserving, all he/she has done he/she shall now see,
I will seek my revenge times three.''
Run the object through all 13 candles, then drop it into the cauldron and light it on fire chanting:
As this burns, your pain shall begin, and all you brought me, now shall end.
When the object has burnt out close the circle.
#2279 - Bring lover to you
''It is not salt I turn to fire , but the heart of the man/woman I seek.
Let him have no peace of mind until he comes to me''.
This spell must be cast three times on each occasion. On the third occasion the wording should be altered slightly to:
''It is not the salt I turn to fire, but the heart of the man/woman I seek.
He/she shall have no peace of mind until he/she comes to me''.
#2280 - Physical Body Change
All you have to do is make a psi ball and fill it with energy then if you can split it in two and put one in you head and one in you heart and then think about what you want to look like. Then pop the psi balls and let the energy flow through you and wait tell its all gone then stop thinking about want you what to look like.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.