3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Twig of Truth
- Haunt a Old Friend
- Brush of Protection
- Lucky Horseshoe Unlocking Ritual
- Water's Money Powder
- Companion Wolf
- Have Visions in your Mind
- Find Something
- Have Faith
- Lucky Hand Charm Bag
#2321 - Twig of Truth
Step 1
Fill the pan halfway with water and place it on a flat surface, like a table.
Step 2
Sprinkle the tea leaves over the top of the water.
Step 3
Light all 3 candles.
Step 4
Close your eyes and ask your question in your mind.
Visualize the situation you are asking about clearly...
Step 5
Leave the pan and tea leaves and candles undisturbed for 1 hour. (Keep an eye on the candles and make sure they are ok...)
Step 6
After an hour, take each small piece of paper and write 1 possible "answer" to your question on each.
(I.e. you could just have 2 pieces of paper...and you write "YES" or "NO" on each. Or...you could have multiple "choices" in your life...like multiple job opportunities to pursue...or a few different love interests to choose from.)
Step 7
Arrange the pieces of paper evenly spaced and face down on the table around the pan.
(The paper must be face down, or the spell wont work)
Step 8
Next, take each coin and dip it in the water.
After having dipped each coin, lay it on each of the pieces of paper.
Step 9
Take the fresh twig and break it to a longth short enough so that it fits inside the pan with plenty of room to spare.
(NOTE: Dont get it wet yet!!)
Step 10
With your lighter or a match, scorch one end of the twig...be careful.
The scorched end is the "pointing" end.
Step 11
Hold the twig, scorched end down, above the pan (about 24 inches above the pan), and drop it into the pan.
Step 12
Allow the twig to float freely...when it stops and remains in one position, determine which of the pieces of paper the "scorched" end of the twig is pointing "closest" to.
This is your answer.
I hope the answer is the one you're hoping for.
#2322 - Haunt a Old Friend
NOTE: The spirit you call should be your friend.
Say this chant 3x:
"Spirit spirit come to me.
Come come listen to my plea.
A friend Has turn against me.
Go and haunt (name of person then if you know their address say it).
Make sure that they never sleep and haunt their every dreams.
Now go and fly through the night (say this last line loud and proud)."
If this spell was a success mail me I would love to hear form you.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2323 - Brush of Protection
Step 1
Decide if you're going to do this one in the morning or in the eveniing...or both!
(HINT: Doing this one in the morning will attract prosperity and good luck into your home...doing it in the evening will bring protection and security to all living in your home...)
Step 2
Lay your toothbrush and toothpaste on the countertop next to your sink.
Step 3
Sprinkle cinnamon powder around your sink so it's half circle around your toothbrush, toothpaste...but is
"open" to you.
Step 4
Place your white candle at the top of the half circle of cinnamon, inside the half circle.
Step 5
Light the candle and clsoe your eyes.
Step 6
If you're doing the spell in the morning say:
"With every stroke of this brush, I attarct more prosperity and luck to this home.
This energy will follow me wherever I roam.
Brush be ready, brush be quick...
Attract what i need and make it stick."
*If you're doing this spell in the evening say:
"With every stroke of this brush, I attract security and protective energy to all in this home.
This energy will follow us wherever we roam.
Safe from tragedy, heartache, and ill.
Brush be swift, cleanse all, then be still."
Step 7
If it's in the morning, as you brush your teeth, visualize a very specific increase in prosperity for you as every day goes by.
Imagine how you'll feel when prosperity begins to find you in subtle and possibly dramatic ways. With each brush stroke, the images in your mind should intensify as if they're already occuring. If it's evening, with each brush stroke imagine a white light in the shape of an egg shell grow in intensity around each living thing in your home. Imagine stones coming at you, and watch them bounce off this protective shield that continues to get brighter...stronger...
Step 8
When you're done, snuff the candle out, DO NOT BLOW! Then clean up as usual and go about your day.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2324 - Lucky Horseshoe Unlocking Ritual
Prepare your altar and cast your magick circle as you would normally do. Put the magnets or lodestones, the horseshoe, and the clover in your drawstring bag. Light the incense and allow the aroma to fill the room.
Light the candles, and as you do say: "Luck comes to me by the powers of three...everything good comes my way, just as i say, so mote it be." Pick up the bag and wave it over the incense three times saying:
"This bag is made,
This charm is done,
Let luck come to me,
In a free-flowing run."
Snuff out the candles and give thanks to the spirits for the successful outcome of the spell. Open your magick circle. Place the bag close to where you sleep at night and luck will begin to flow your way. Then see what happens.
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2325 - Water's Money Powder
You can sprinkle some of this powder in places and objects that represent money and/or places you store your money in. For Example (Piggy Bank or Wallet). I highly suggest you make this potion on a Waxing Moon or New Moon you will get a better result.
#2326 - Companion Wolf
When you have printed out/drawn and colored the picture fold it in half hamburger style, on the side of the folded paper, write any characteristics you want your wolf to have, which includes (but is not limited to):
- name
- height
- weight
- what it eats
- temperament
- personality
- eye color
- breed of wolf
- powers
Once you have this written down, fold the paper hamburger style again and write the following on one side (say each word aloud as you write it) : "(breed) wolf of mine, come to me as tiny pup. I summon my newborn companion creature SO MOTE IT BE." (so more it be should be written as big as you can)
When you have written this, fold the paper hamburger style again and draw a pentagram. When the pentagram has been drawn fold the paper one more time. Hold the folded paper to your chest and say: "(breed) wolf of mine, come to me as a tiny pup. I summon my newborn companion creature. With eyes of (eye color) and fur of (fur color) I humbly ask the god/godess to grant me my dream wolf, my companion for life. As I say it do mote it be!"
When you have chanted this kiss the paper and put it under your pillow (it is best to do this spell before you go to sleep). As you fall asleep think about your wolf, think about you and your wolf coming together. You don't necessarily have to dream about you and your wolf, but think about it.
Do steps 6-8 for the following 4 days. When you are not sleeping have the paper on or near you at all times.
Last edited on Feb 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2327 - Have Visions in your Mind
Chant the following three times:
"Hear my spell
Hear my cries
Spirits from the other side,
Let me have visions when iI need
To do a very good deed"
When you are done look into a light close your eyes and breathe, then you should see a vision of anything going wrong.
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2328 - Find Something
"Eye of eagle
Scent of hound
Make what was once lost found
So mote it be"
This object may appear glowing or have a particular energy about it.
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2329 - Have Faith
Get the red pen and paper, but write what you want to be confordent in ( speaking, looks ect...) Now look in the mirror and say "I have to be confident, not sly. I need to have faith and keep hope. Let me be confdent in ( say what you have on the paper), this is my will, blessed be. Then take the papaer and keep it close to you, this is best preformend on a new moon or full.
Last edited on Feb 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2330 - Lucky Hand Charm Bag
Tonka Bean Token
Tonka beans are traditionally used for money-drawing spellwork and don't require much additional magick to turn them into money talismans. All you need is:
One whole tonka bean
Yep, that's it. Though you might have to do a little searching for a tonka bean. Occult shops or herb suppliers should have them.
Hold the bean in your hand and repeat the following:
I have a tonka bean
Because times are lean
May it draw me money
Like bees to honey
Carry the bean around everywhere you go, and like with the last spell, a purse is best. It needs to stay near where you carry your money when you are out.