3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Wish Upon a Sage Leaf
- Truth Serum
- Truth
- Spell to Remove Obstacles
- More Confidence
- Motivation Booster Spell
- Send Back A Jinx/Hex/Curse
- Harming
- Mine All Mine
- Of Me You Will Think
#2401 - Wish Upon a Sage Leaf
Write your wish on the sage leaf then place infront of your candle. Hold the clear quartz and close your eyes then focus on your wish. Open your eyes and chant:
"Lady of silver magick I call to you to hear my wish. May this wish be granted in all purity, and harmony. Grant my plea, this is what I wish, so mote it be."
Blow out the candle and thank the Goddess for your basically calling to her for help. Place the sage leaf under your pillow for THREE nights. If you dream about your wish. That's a sign that your wish will come true. If you don't dream about your wish, that mean it won't so if you don't dream about your wish, burry it in the ground so nothing bad happens to you.
WARNING: Bec areful what you wish for, because if your wishing harm apon someone who you're mad and you dream of it, they will get hurt. So make sure when casting this spell, that what you wish is really what you want.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2402 - Truth Serum
1. Brew an herb tea from the water, nettle, Chamomil, and yarrow, and pour it into a cup. Add a little honey to sweeten it. Sip the tea slowly while you allow your mind to relax and grow receptive.
2. When you have finished the tea, place the candle in it's holder and set it on your altar, a table, or other surface so the candle flame will be at your eye level when you are sitting down.
3. Light the candle and gaze into its flickering flame for a few moments. Set the scrying tool near the candle, so that the light reflects in it.
4. Think about your lover and the issue about which you have concerns. When you feel ready to learn the truth, look into the scrying tool and behold your lovers face before you in the reflective surface. Ask him or her whatever you would like to know. You might see visions, hear a verbal response, feel a reaction in your body, or sense whats true.
5. Continue scrying for as long as you wish, asking more questions if you desire. When you've recieved all the information you need, blow the candle.
#2403 - Truth
Stir their wine with your pinky after whirling your pinky in your ear and say "in vino veritas" they drink it and ask them your question.
Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2404 - Spell to Remove Obstacles
Move in the direction away from your body. Start with the top of your head and move towards the soles of your feet.
Orange: As you work with the orange think of all the people you may have hurt in the past, by being mean, being angry, being rude. Feel the guilt, and allow yourself to cry. When you are ready to move on say the following; I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. This is a powerful affirmation from Joe Vitale.
Lemon: Think of all the people who may have hurt you. They may have hurt you intentionally, they may have hurt you with no bad intentions, but it still hurt you. Allow yourself to feel this hurt. Yes! Its not okay but it happens. When you are ready to really let this go and move forward say the following; You hurt me, but I will not allow this pain to control my life. I forgive you(Allow yourself to feel at peace and feel that you have really forgiven them.)
Lime: Think of yourself. We punish ourselves more than anyone else. We are so mean and judgmental to ourselves but this is our lives, You are pretty enough. You are smart enough. How do you treat yourself? Why dont you love yourself? Why do you hurt yourself? Let it go. Resolve to change your life and be the person you always wanted to be. Have low self esteem because you are overweight? Resolve to do better. Resolve to do better in all that you do. Hug yourself. Be one with yourself and when you are ready say the following; I forgive myself for whatever misgivings or short comings I have had in the past. I resolve to take 100 percent responsibility for my life and I am ready to be happy. I accept happiness.
Clap out the black candle and discard away from your home. When you have finished this you will feel weak and emotionally drained. You may want to go to sleep after this process. If you still are battling with the pain of the past you may repeat this process as often as needed.
**WARNING** You will be leaving a candle unattended to go into the shower.Put the candle in a safe place where it can burn, such as the fireplace, on a candle holder, etc...
#2405 - More Confidence
Once you have your chosen affirmation spend sometime memorizing it. Play the music of your choice to raise your energy. When you are ready and feel your energy is at its peak take your bell and dance with the music. Continue to raise energy with dance and your bell or rattle.
Shout your affirmation and proclaim it to the world. Do this at least three times. You can add candles and incense if you would like too. Spend sometime every morning and every night looking at yourself in the mirror and reaffirming the affirmation to yourself.
Do this every week as you deem necessary. You can change the affirmations as your grow and move from seeking confidence to maybe another quality you would like to posses.
Affirmations work on many different levels. This spell/ritual is very customizable and earthy, not requiring a lot of tools or correspondences.
Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2406 - Motivation Booster Spell
What to:
First light your incense and candle.
Now write on a full size sheet of paper what you need accomplished.
Place your cauldron or pot in front of you. Hold the paper in one hand and the incense in your power hand. Focus on what you wrote on the paper and swirl the incense around the paper in a clockwise motion. When you are ready to begin place your incense in its holder. Fold the paper 3 or 4 times toward you and light one corner on fire. You can immediately drop the paper into the cauldron or you can hold it until it burns halfway and then drop it in. Once the fire is in the cauldron say:
Remove this feeling of tired and drained
I desire to feel refreshed as a summers rain
My request is to move quickly and with purpose
From here on out laziness will suppress
My fingers become nimble and quick
As the fire burns from this candlestick
This spell harms none
And motivates one
As I will it So shall it be!
Look into your cauldron and make sure all pieces of paper are burned.
There can be NO pieces of paper left only ashes. So thoroughly burn any pieces that remain intact. Repeat this spell while burning any extra pieces of paper.
Repeat this spell for a week.
Then collect the ashes in your hand and either step outside or blow the pieces into the wind through a window.
#2407 - Send Back A Jinx/Hex/Curse
Cast your circle as you normally would for a spell. Light the white candle (And black candle for health issues.) Say: "I have been jinxed, it's plain to see, And so-and-so has sent it to me. By nature's law I shall return it three-by-three-by-three." Repeat this three times.
The third time, hold the picture/sample and crush it or tear it in your magick hand. If a picture, signature, strand of hair, etc. Burn it. If a bodily fluid, mix with witch hazel to purify, and pour it down a magick waste hole.
End spell if you have an ending ritual. If not, simply clean up and close the the circle.
-NOTE- The words in brackets are supposed to be changed. Jinxes, hexes, and curses are different, so make sure you choose the right one! Replace so-and-so with the name to the fullest extent of your knowledge.( If they use an alias, say "the one known as _____")
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2408 - Harming
Simply say: "This person has harmed me, do the same here. Curse them with pain, to increase their fear. On this day, I hereby say, make their body suffer, make their body bleed. I accept all the karma, your warnings I heed. By the power of me, so mote it be."
Give it time, it can take up to a month for it to work.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2409 - Mine All Mine
Take the pin, and carve your love's full name into all three candles. Set the candles in a triangle around your altar pentacle. white at the top, pink on the right, and red on the left.
Take the chalice and set it between you and the altar pentacle, and fill it with water. Next light the candles, white, then pink, then red. and focus all your energy on the triangle.
Dearest Aine, goddess of love and beauty, hear my plea.
I've found the one, the love of my life, and all I want is their love.
Let me know their love and touch, let me feel the warmth of love.
Make them mine, all mine, I beg, this is my wish. please hear me.
Take a sip of water.
Then pour the melted wax into the bowl keeping the candles lit.
then say it again.
drink another sip of water.
Pour the wax
Continue alternating between saying the spell and taking a sip of water then pour the wax. Say the chant, take a sip,pour the wax; say it again take another sip pour the wax. Continue doing this until the chalice is empty. Even after the chalice is empty continue saying the chant and pouring the wax until the bowl of wax is full.
When the bowl is full, carve a heart into the bowl of wax, and your and your lover's initials.
Put it in a safe place and wait
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2410 - Of Me You Will Think
Make or buy a red poppet, sew it up leav ing the head unsewed. turn it inside out so the stiching is on the inside. Fill the doll with stuffing. Add the herbs in with the stuffing. Then put the picture inside the doll's head and sew the head closed.
Take the ribbon and tie it in a bow. If you are casting on a boy, sew the bow like a bowtie on the front of the doll. If you are casting on a girl, sew the ribbon on like a hair bow.
Now that you have your Poppet, tell it, it's name (the name of your love),and tell it that you wish to contact the one you care for. Hold it close to your heart and tell it how much you love them.
Carry the poppet with you until your love returns your affection.
Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.