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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. How to make sigils
  2. Powerful Hex
  3. Bring Me Riches
  4. Get skinny fast spell
  5. Fame spell
  6. To start a new
  7. Hollow Transformation Spell
  8. Fox Transformation Spell
  9. Simple Evil Curse Detection
  10. Inner Power Morphing

#251 - How to make sigils

I will teach how to make your own sigils and use them
You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • A pen/pencil/marker
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • A pen/pencil/marker
  • Concentration
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    1. Write on the piece on paper the word/sentence you want to use to make your sigil.

    Example: protection ( your's should be in caps)

    2. Re-write the sentence but eliminate the letters that repeat.

    Example:protecin ( in caps on your paper)

    3.Tramsform the letters into simple lines

    Example : p will be : a vertical line and a a sort of reversed c ( on your paper should be the lines , but as a drawing, not like a sentence. I did it like this because I can draw on this article)

    4. Chose a shape from : triangle/square/circle/etc

    Example : Triangle

    5. Arrange the lines into the geometrical shape and to look like a simetrical figure.

    6. You made your sigil ! Now, put it sonewhere it won't be disturbed. The sigil will act like a spell bssed on the word/sentence written .

    Added to on Jan 03, 2020
    Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #252 - Powerful Hex

    Completely and utterly ruin every aspect of the life of the target.
    You may need:

  • Baneful intent
  • A writing utensil
  • a wooden or cardboard box
  • A photo of the the target with his/her name and birth date written on the back
  • 2 yards of black ribbon
  • 2 Chicken feet
  • A tool to dig with
  • A grave yard to bury to box
  • A knife or pair of scissors
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    You may need:

  • Baneful intent
  • A writing utensil
  • a wooden or cardboard box
  • A photo of the the target with his/her name and birth date written on the back
  • 2 yards of black ribbon
  • 2 Chicken feet
  • A tool to dig with
  • A grave yard to bury to box
  • A knife or pair of scissors
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    Fore note: I would like to start off by mentioning that this hex is quite complex and dives into multiple different concepts of
    Magick. A beginner can use this to great effect, but I advise learning more about basic concepts of magick first.

    Step 1: Go to the graveyard with all of the required ingredients and recite the following;

    “Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu
    Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu
    Vaskalla itz rachu kantantu velchatza”

    this will give you a strong connect to powerful magickal energies

    Step 2: Cut 1/3 of the black ribbon and use it to tie both of the chicken feet to the back of the photograph of your target.
    While doing this, imagine the strife being wrought throughout every facet of your target's life and recite the following; "I call
    forth, with the power vested in me, all of the dark forces and spirits that hear me. Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu (this initiates
    and binds the spirit or force to your will to destroy the target)! I command you to sew chaos, destruction, disease, and ruin
    throughout all facets of my enemy's life. Bring upon him/her unimaginable tortures so that his/her will to live may falter and
    be brought to the most horrid, painful death imaginable. Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu!"

    Step 3: place the bundle into the box and tie it shut with the remaining length of ribbon. As you do this, imagine that you are
    placing the mangled, tortured body of the target in the box and recite the following until you find it hard to focus on your
    target anylonger (this further fortifies the hex and imbues the spirit with vengeance against your enemy);

    “I’chalaz Itz’rechel
    Ahn’tal Ah’tan’tel
    Me Vaskalla Pert’ent’itzu”

    Step 4: Dig a 3 foot deep hole large enough to fit the box and place it in. Remember to imagine the you are burying your target,
    as this further strengths it's link to the target and recite the following until all of you can't focus on the target anymore;
    "Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu!"
    this further strengthens the binding on the spirit to do your biding.

    Step 5: Cover the box with the dirt from the hole and walk away from it, making sure that you do not look back on it. This allows
    you to trust that the spirit begins and follows through with it's work. Care only about the result and don't focus on the fact
    that you did the ritual
    . Move on with life as your enemy will no longer be able to work against you in any way, shape, or form
    anylonger. Enjoy the peace.

    Added to on Dec 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #253 - Bring Me Riches

    A spell to call unseen riches to your side and to give you the wealth you need.
    You may need:

  • Paper with an abundance symbol on it
  • Paper with a moon symbol on it
  • Paper with runes for wealth on it
  • Green Candle (Optional)
  • White Candle (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • Paper with an abundance symbol on it
  • Paper with a moon symbol on it
  • Paper with runes for wealth on it
  • Green Candle (Optional)
  • White Candle (Optional)
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    Say entire spell three times:

    Money, money come to me. Glitz and gold, treasure not seen.

    (Burn abundance on green candle (Without candle just burn))

    Powerful Jewels, riches untold, If I may be so bold. Help me now in my time of need, bring me money, fulfill my greed.

    (Burn wealth runes over green candle (Without candle just burn))

    With no harm or fowl unfold, please bring me my glitz and gold.

    (Burn moon symbol over white candle (Without candle just burn))

    After repeating the words of the spell three times then say:

    As I will it, So mote it be.

    Then blow out the candles.

    End of spell.

    Added to on Dec 15, 2019
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #254 - Get skinny fast spell

    Spell to lose weight very quickly.
    You may need:

  • Photograph of your body
  • Red marker or paint
  • Black marker or paint
  • Ribbon (white or red)
  • Body length mirror in the room where you sleep
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    You may need:

  • Photograph of your body
  • Red marker or paint
  • Black marker or paint
  • Ribbon (white or red)
  • Body length mirror in the room where you sleep
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    1. Make sure you're in a place where you won't be disturbed.
    2. Take the picture of your body and outline the new shape you want over or inside of the outline of your body on the picture. Write how many pounds you want to lose on the back and the date you want the weight gone by. Do all of this in red.
    3. Fill in the rest of the picture outside of the red outline with black.
    4. Tie the ribbon in a bow around the picture.
    5. Place the picture on your mirror and chant the following 3 times: "Volo maxime tenues. ego sum iens ut esse pulchra. invidia decoris deam mihi. Ego spicæ tenues, et Philemon anserem prehendere caeruleum est. caeruleum est dictionem Gallus. ego esse pulchra et invalidi. Sic fiat!"
    6. Every morning when you wake up, kiss the picture and repeat the chant.

    This spell requires absolute solitude when being performed and it is required that you do Not let anyone see the marked picture. If someone sees it or when you reach your goal, immediately burn the picture.

    Added to on Dec 05, 2019
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #255 - Fame spell

    To become Famous for your desired reason such as a Rock star or an Actor I will test myself to make sure that it works because I created this spell
    You may need:

  • Belief in the spell and in the Goddess Pheme who in Greek Mythology was the Personification of Fame
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    You may need:

  • Belief in the spell and in the Goddess Pheme who in Greek Mythology was the Personification of Fame
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    First say this " I call upon wind earth fire and water to make this spell Magic and to make it a real spell so mote it be." Next say this "I call upon and Invoke the goddess Pheme to make me a rich and Famous (insert desired reason here) everywhere I go people will swoon over me and ask for autographs paparazzi will stalk me and I will be recognized by everyone wherever I go my significant other and I will be the next celebrity power couple and I will have paparazzi stalk me in whatever state or country I am in I will have a Mansion in whatever state, city or town I'm in and my Mansion will be humongous with a gigantic yard a Olympic size swimming pool a hundred bed rooms a spacious living room and kitchen with a extremely large flatscreen tv and a bathroom for each bedroom and twenty bathrooms on the first floor and in the basement I will have a state of the art recording studio with top of the line equipment and instruments I will also have a gorgeous garden 15 luxurious cars and a custom everything Bugatti Gangloff a McLaren gt and I will have an Infinite amount of money so I can afford everything I will get all this instantly so mote it be."

    Added to on Dec 01, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #256 - To start a new

    To wipe clean the past and bring back your lover better than before
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Picture of said object
  • Your conviction
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Picture of said object
  • Your conviction
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    To start a new

    Show him what he sent away.

    Show him the mistake he made that day.

    In this let his own heartache grow.

    Remorse is where he’ll have to stay.

    Left longing for me day after day.

    Nights left empty with no one to hold tight.

    No other woman will ever be right.

    With the blinders now lifted, the light easily seen.

    With renewed love & respect for the one, he calls Queen.

    A new purpose to find her. To make things right.

    Long gone is the darkness that was once deep inside him.

    Long gone the resentments of our past. Now Forever are we built to last.

    My lover, My friend, My Future is he.


    The best place to cast this spell is sitting on the very bed you two were intimate. light the candle when your ready to site the spell, hold in your writing hand their picture. With conviction and belief site this spell three times. when done place their picture between mattress and boxspring,

    Added to on Nov 24, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #257 - Hollow Transformation Spell

    Become a Hollow monster.
    You may need:

  • NIghtime,Sunset or close to sunset
  • Any moon phase
  • voice
  • Alone
  • Dark room only light with a small light
  • Desire to become a monster
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    You may need:

  • NIghtime,Sunset or close to sunset
  • Any moon phase
  • voice
  • Alone
  • Dark room only light with a small light
  • Desire to become a monster
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    Say one to three (1-3) times the spell:

    "Hollowgasts, I dedicate myself to you, I ask you to change me, I will give my soul, this is my desire, so mote it be."

    Side Effects:

    • Craving more meat.
    • Darker/lighter eyes.
    • Sharper teeth.
    • Faster.
    • Stronger.
    • Weight loss/more muscle gain.
    • Growling/snarling more.
    • Ability to see other Hollow.
    • Freezing skin but warmer internally.
    • Better senses.
    • Pain in ribs and other body parts.

    Added to on Nov 15, 2019
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #258 - Fox Transformation Spell

    You will be able to transform into a fox on the full moon.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    Say the spell 3 times:

    "Foxes, foxes, of the moon, grant me the ability to become like you. Swishing tail, sharp teeth, long legs, a fox of the night, this is my will, so mote it be."

    Sides Effects:

    • Headaches.
    • Backaches.
    • Stomach Ache.
    • Growling.
    • Yipping.
    • Being more crafty.

    Added to on Nov 10, 2019
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #259 - Simple Evil Curse Detection

    All you need is wax! (Note: It doesn't work well on spells that have been layered over others).
    You may need:

  • Uncolored Wax
  • Time
  • An object you want to test for curses
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    You may need:

  • Uncolored Wax
  • Time
  • An object you want to test for curses
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    1. Take the wax and roll it into 6-10 little balls. They don’t have to be perfect or even good.

    2. Set them in a circle around the object you are testing.

    3. Wait for at least a day.

    4. Check on the object. If the wax pieces have changed color or melted, the object has a curse.

    5. Try to avoid touching the object for a bit because the wax will have agitated the curse and made it dangerous.

    Added to on Nov 01, 2019
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #260 - Inner Power Morphing

    transformation of a small piece of your inner spirit substance to achieve a new state of power a new ability
    You may need:

  • meditation ability
  • the ability to control your self
  • focus on ones on inner self
  • self transformation motivation.
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    You may need:

  • meditation ability
  • the ability to control your self
  • focus on ones on inner self
  • self transformation motivation.
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    Start to meditate, the best you can, and focus on the thought of a bottomless well filled, with primal forces. Picture it gushing out more from the nothingness you're made of. Some of the it from the blanks between the things that make you, you.

    Now, step 2, form the primal forces transform them in to what you want say. This could bea big spirit eye to see in to other planes of existence, for example, and then move it to the appropriate spot, in this case your third eye.

    You can also imagine a staff or wand and place it on your hand as a spirit vision tattoo. In this case it acts as an amplifier for your control; like the key tattoo you get when you go to the angelic plane the tattoo makes you know things about the plane of existence.

    Added to on Oct 26, 2019
    Last edited on Oct 29, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters