Find out if she'll be faithful. Only works on women. (Lexa Rosean, The Supermarket Sorceress)
You may need:
Plastic wrap
1 string that has been bound around a whole chicken
40 twist ties
1 gold and diamond anklet
You may need:
Plastic wrap
1 string that has been bound around a whole chicken
40 twist ties
1 gold and diamond anklet
Wrap the anklet in plastic wrap. Make two strings of 20 twist ties each. Braid them with the string from the chicken, starting with the string in the middle. Bind your gift with the braid. Watch closely as she opens it.
If she breaks the string, she will not be faithful. If she tears the plastic wrap, she will break your heart. When the anklet is revealed, if she puts it on herself, she is selfish in bed or hard to satisfy. If she asks you to help, you shall both be happy and faithful.
Has he been cheating? Will he stop? Only works on men. (By Lexa Rosean in The Supermarket Sorceress)
You may need:
Corn flakes
Whole milk
7 strawberries
1 banana
You may need:
Corn flakes
Whole milk
7 strawberries
1 banana
First thing in the morning, serve him breakfast. In bed or in the kitchen. Set the box of corn flakes right in front of his face so he can clearly see the logo, the rooster. Pour the cereal in the bowl and ask him if he's still seeing the other woman.
Peel the banana and tell him you wish he'd stop. Slice the banana into the bowl, this is a good time to mention an article you read about John Bobbitt if you wish and both know who he is. Gently kiss him on the forehead and tell him you love him as you drop the strawberries in the bowl. As you pour the milk, tell him to think of the children, if you have them.
Then sit quietly as he eats. If the last piece of fruit he eats is a banana, within one year he will leave you for her. If it's strawberry, he will end the affair. If its both, he will not end the affair but not leave you either.
This spell is mostly to make you look like Rapunzel,and will effect mostly on the hair.
You may need:
1 brush
You may need:
1 brush
Brush hair softly to get hair results Try to stay up until midnight to do this step.If you can't,say this chant at noon:
"I am a princess,one in castles I'd truly be,
My name is Rapunzel,and I am She.
So I wish to reveal my long and blonde hair,
And silky skin with green eyes.
I know not to cut it,and I love music and dancing".
To do this spell light the candles and put as a upside down star.Then light them.Fog up the mirror and write 42,42,542 if you want to knock on deaths door.
Chant: "Gods and Goddess of the air: Listen now and hear my prayer. Let me soar with wings of flight. Speed right through the cold of night. My wings are (color). They can stretch to be (length). Only (persons) can see them. Gods and Goddess of the Sky, Let me now, Fly, Fly, Fly!"
Start out by pulling a stick from a tree and peel the bark off the stick as this will be your wand. Then find a plant, preferably a flower and point your stick at the plant/flower while you say:
"I wish to grow this plant
Just grow it a little
I wish it would grow
Some more of its cycle!"
This is a natural spell which state how to use natural magic to help grant a wish in a time of need.
You may need:
Bare ground to engrave
Natural stick to draw with
You may need:
Bare ground to engrave
Natural stick to draw with
Go outside and raw a runic symbol representing your need or wish in life. Visualize the spell being sent by the earth and manifesting what you need to happen. As you are visualizing this, draw a circle around the runic symbol. Once you feel enough energy has been put into the spell, leave the area and wait for rain to wash it away.